as someone who’s never even seen a horror game, I have discovered I have a surprisingly high fear tolerance. Found the game fun to pull numbers from, and toying with the A.I. was fun too. I’m just dumbfounded about Sandy(Rat Girl)'s A.I… I understand the rushes and stalling, but she seems to flat out seize to exist sometimes. I scanned the map for her a few times when she charged forth, both before and after hits, and saw literally nothing. Time for data mining, folks?
From what I have learned after finally beating night 4 is that when she gets into her “staring directly into the camera” phase, right before she runs. You have to just watch her like a hawk for the next 45 seconds before she will bumrush the left door. The moment she leaves, or you reckon its been about 30 seconds, you can drop the left door and you will hear pounding and the lights will flicker, and then you will know it is safe.
There arent really any clues as to how the different monsters act, you just have to learn from failure. She is particularly nasty because you seem to have a 2 or 3 second window to act after she starts running for you. You can only really stop her if you were looking right at her when she ran for it. Or you recognize the audio cue, if you’re quick enough.
After you stop her run she will roam around the map and eventually show up in one of the hallways looking directly at the camera like before her run, but this time she will just peek in your side door like any other monster.
Now Ive finished Night 5 as well I felt it necessary to harp on listening for the sound of Sandy running and shutting that left door as fast as you can. You can’t afford to just stare at Sandy all day in the alley waiting for her to leave. Just check every once in a while and when you see her get in front of the camera, just be on your toes, and carry on with keeping the other 4 from getting you.
Well, heck. Guess I’m screwed then. I don’t play games with audio. Ever.
at least I can say My strategy of doing literally nothing for 9 seconds, lights, box, alley (but only after the first hour), lights, repeat, could work in theory.
I know I’ve seen other people do lights every few seconds, but I think there is really no reason to subject yourself to that kind of vigilance lol. Just checking A and B hallways plus room 10 will warn you of any approaching enemies if you want to be efficient as possible with your time, and power for that matter.
You can definitely play without audio it will just be a harder because you have to watch her like a hawk once she is in that stare phase for more than 20 seconds or so.
This was pretty good and the last night was a fun challenge. Thank you to all the people that put this together and for making it free to play. Does anyone know if the last night is as hard as the banquet mode custom night, or if there is a reason to complete it?
Man, who did the animation for mika? The fact that her belly actually has some physics to it is just…nice
I see a LOT of people are having a bit of an issue understanding Sandy, so I’ll make it as brief as I can, Sandy works almost like foxy from original fnaf, runs a straight bullet torwards the left door after disappearing from her camera, if she fails to reach you she will go to other cameras blocking your view until she attacks from the right door.
EDIT: the best way to counter sandy (and a majority of the girls) is paying attention to sounds instead of cameras, using lights periodically when you hear movement takes up much less power than cameras, with sandy you will hear a running grow louder until she reaches the left door.
Sounds are key, for sandy especially, but quickly flipping just around the rooms surrounding you plus paranoia is smart and if done properly will not drain all of your power either. It gives a huge peace of mind to actually know if the monsters are about to walk in, instead of frantically checking with flashlights whenever you hear movement. Not saying you can’t do that successfully, but I think it’s easier and a bit less stress inducing.
On a different note has anyone beaten the Banquet mode, even using cams just for paranoia I STILL ran out of power by 5 am
I dont know what Else I could do other than be slightly more efficient with doors and flashlights
LuckyJack’s vid they posted which if you scroll up a bit you can see has them finishing banquet mode so could look at that for tips.
Gonna need a looooooong Vermintide session after seeing the rat girl’s death animation. I puked.
using up more than 1 power source at a time is REALLY draining, if youre using doors, resist against using the cams or lights at the same time, and vice versa
were is the save file located so i can save night 5 done and rest
It automatically saves as long as you dont delete the game files its saved for good
so if i start a new game do I keep the glary unlocked because sandy and crys made that nightmarish and srew you paranoia
I dont know if you start a new game I think it should keep your gallery but I would NOT bet on that. Just ask the devs or someone whos already done that. That banquet night is no joke man
Yea I don’t know if I got lucky or passed on skill or both my money on luck but heck I did it and I’m happy
my problem is, i want to see the artwork, but i’m already shaking when i just start the game
I did find it scary except sandy
here’s a part 2 of the game