FOOD (a WG Doomclone) v0.21

found a bug, you cant swap weapons when out of ammo for current weapon

Update is awesome, really like the end level elevator cutscene that shows off how big the MC is getting.
Can’t wait for more levels and enemies.
If I were to add anything it would be more WG details. I really like the way the screen and the belly waddle left to right at higher weight levels, dunno if you can add this easily, but louder more audible footsteps as the MC gets heavier would be a neat touch and a louder “THUMP” when you land after falling. Maybe a button pop/cloths tearing sound when you reach max fatness. But yeah, making the MC feel even heavier at higher weight levels would be cool.

Yep, that’s a bug! You’re doing the lord’s work, have another update.

These are excellent ideas! I’ll add them to the to-do list. Also maybe an optional head-bob effect that gets more pronounced at higher weights.


I can’t continue to the next level no matter what I press. Escape doesn’t work either, the only button that works in fact is restarting the level.
If you enter the carbopedia, you can’t leave since the close button doesn’t work

That sucks! I’m not able to reproduce these bugs on my end. On the end of level screen, the restart button is the only one that’s looking for a specific key press instead of using Unity’s input system. According to the Unity forums some gamepads can override keyboard input, so that’s a possible culprit if you have any other kind of input device connected.

I have less of an idea about the carbopedia button thing. It does call a function to save the entries you viewed to your progress file, something might be breaking there. In that case clearing your data using the button on the bottom right of the title screen might help.

I have the same problem as the guy above and tried resetting my data no luck though. Now I just can’t play the other levels. =(

This is almost certainly a problem with Unity’s legacy input manager, which this game is still using. Gonna try porting over to the new input system and see if that helps.

Really enjoyed playing the game. It’s certainly one of the more unique games on the site.
I do have a possible suggestion; which is that as the player gets fatter, you could have a tradeoff for abosrbing hits better by having the players movement speed and sprint stamina decrease as they gain weight. And I guess to counter this there could be a way to lose weight?

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I kind of rejected the idea of decreasing movement speed out of hand because it sounds like it would be un-fun in this kind of game, the movement is already slower than in DOOM. I also prefer to keep gaining weight as an absolute positive without any downsides in my games, I just find it more fun.

With that being said, I’m probably going to add some kind of hyper-fat weight level which makes you nigh-invulnerable and slows you down for a limited time. Maybe in the form of a powerup, or just as an ability you can trigger when your meters are full.


So you would make something like a juggernaut? Oh how about you make it so you attack with your belly (melee) while in the mode? Since you tend to gain food (health) when you kill the enemies it could be some form of demolishing giant crowds and making the players experience a pretty sweet dopamine rush.

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What about changing the momentum mechanics rather than slowing down? Like the power up could turn you into a boulder to run over things but you can’t turn as easy?

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I noticed a bug with the boss room at the end, the twins will sometimes when butt slamming, land on top of where their starting pillars are, or will butt slam onto them, but be clipped under the main floor and fall through the rest of the way if they move again… only seems to happen if they land in the area of the walls surrounding them when you enter the room

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Thanks for reporting this, I’ll look into it.

Was thinking about adding this! I don’t know if it’ll be damaging by itself but I like it as a more subtle effect.

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Yeah I just came out of a Warhammer 40k Boltgun playthrough, one thing that game does incredibly well is sell you on the fact that you are a huge space marine the size of a silverback gorilla charging around the map. The sound of the footsteps, the fact that you damage enemies when you fall on them from high enough, letting you charge into enemies to kill them, etc.
Might be worth a look if you haven’t already for some inspiration.


I also have a bug which is whether I can’t continue after completing the left doesn’t go the ESC buttons which is a jump into the menu doesn’t go spacebar which is continue to the next level the only thing that goes is R which is a restart of the level and alt+F4 it turns off the program almost 2 months ago there was this bug from people who wrote it but I still don’t see a patch update or something similar type of advice how to fix it I don’t have any other driver plugged in just the keyboard and mouse reset also doesn’t help does anyone know what to do???

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Just updated with a new release that should hopefully fix this issue.


on episodic 2 works spacebar but on episodic 1 works nothing but R

Do the buttons not work either? In previous releases the cursor stayed locked on the intermission screen, they should be clickable now if the UI input system is working.

the cursor there is going with it to move but you click only on the reboot of the other button not doing anything in episode 1 in the second episode it all goes normal but the first not

Has anyone managed to find all the secret rooms?