Food Frontline: Gather cute girls and throw them at an endless legion of food! [v0.4.1]

In this way, you can cover more per turn.

The last level requires 2 squads and needs all the nodes to be turned into ally spaces. Speaking of the last level, the gingerbread castle is really buggy. Sometimes it’ll phase out of existence when you try to target it. It’ll reappear after a short while and then if you try to target it again, it again phases out of existence. This cycle prevents the level from being cleared every time you do the instance.

you just need to kill all enemies, dont worry about the red tiles

It seems to depend on the scenario, sometimes you need to make all the tiles green. Often you don’t…

please let me know if you encountered a mission that requires all tiles to be green

Surrounded does. Although that might be plot related. Also any mission I failed to successfully complete (of course since I didn’t complete it, I may have done something else wrong. An example of this would be my attempt at first expedition where I killed all the visible enemies, then just gave up and left.)

I’ll go through the levels again, but I believe there’s 3 levels that require tiles to be green.

It was Rush the Hill and Destroy the Fortress. Can’t seem to replicate it though on Rush the Hill.

Here’s the bug for Destroy the Fortress.

thank you! I’ll fix it when I get off work

Btw, is backline units not being able to obtain exp an actual feature?

you should swap units from the back with the front during battle (use the scroll lock button if you have trouble swapping) if you want the backline units to get exp too. Otherwise you can use the Upgrades facility to feed them

ooooh! my b. Bellyful life is one of my favorites (not just of your projects, i mean out of everything on the site.)
sorry i derailed the thread slightly.

Before the battle

Screenshot (1282)
After the battle

Everyone is in the frontline. They are the only ones currently fighting.

Ria doesn’t seem to have this issue, so I assume she actually does melee damage as well as damage from her cars.

Middle one appears to gain exp if 2 conditions are met:

  1. Is in backline
  2. Has person spam her planes.

She is the only one who obtains exp in this squad. She does not gain exp while in the frontline for whatever reason.

Other than these 3, there’s 1 more gun user, but they appear to gain exp just fine albeit very little (30exp).

they all are fire support, they cannot do direct damage and hence they cannot gain exp in combat. The only way to level them is to use the Upgrade facility. This is intentional design because otherwise they will be way way too powerful, able to fight enemies by melee and with large area attacks. No one will even use the other girls if thats the case

That’s why I asked if that was intentional. They’re basically the only backline units in the game.

you can put attackers in the backline too, for long battles you can swap the back up attackers to the front and let your frontliners rest and digest the food

Is there currently a save/load function available?

Game’s too easy to ever use that function atm.

Did you play the World Wide Missions? those are meant the be very challenging