Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

I did the same thing by duplicating the images to a seprate in order to see the weight gain in process.

As people seems to start tinkering with their own versions of finishing Forks I’m wondering are they going to post their projects here in this thread or is there going to a new one for these fan projects?

A different thread for sure. It will need to say TeamSpoon fanproject. And also this thread is controlled by Tron. So having better acces to all forms of moderating will be better in a different thread.


Sad to see it go happy it happened.
It’s this game that made me create an account so thanks.

which projects are inspired by this one?

Off the top of my head one that comes to mind is @smugdotexe ’s Feeling the Weight of It All - Weight gain VN. Great game and concept with a talented artist.


i can think of a few though a good chunk of them are not WG related for i’ll make two lists just for this case

WG VN list:
Untitled Renpy Feedee Game - only one demo so far and follows a similar style to Weighted game with one character gaining weight while another is losing weight in the process
Weighted Game - Can be tedious to get further with the story over time but is a fun story to read through.
Worshipers of the gain- love the interactive experience of the game and the story of town & its inhabitants
Growth Academy - Alice’s story is good once you get use to her personality quirks and the other expansion stories are great too though i like Aida’s the most…
Chunky cheerleader - certainly a proof of concept at the moment but a good one at that
Feeling the weight of it all - it comes of silly if not cartoonish but enjoyable

Non WG related VN:
Re;dreamer - M2F VN about a guy who installs a secret app sex game and uses its geneticaly altering character creator to accidently change themselves into a girl… while this sounds like a fap game on a glance their is quite alot of writting content in it and its not everyone cup of tea.
Student Tranfer - student comes accross either a sci fi romote or magic book to turn his normal dull life upside down. story may vary depending on the route you read and i already mentioned the scenario community already
Bloom Wars - expansion game of thrones or thriller if i ever seen it, moving on

Honorable mention:
Resize me - this is basically a gts shrink first person interactive novel i guess but the story and the first person experience really brings this niche to life


The question was which games were inspired by forks. I know of a few that the dev have stated as such but I think I can only confirm one in recent knowledge I know the dev has stated on this site. Now life is all about inspiration and history, myths, legends, stories, games, media we recycle ideas and stories constantly. So there are lots of things that forks can have inspired, characters in games, concepts, settings but I would make claims as such on the devs behalf.

Some of the games you listed might be similar to forks but forks did not inspire them to be created to my knowledge (although I was going to list untitled renpy feedee game as one that I thought the dev had indicated they were but I couldn’t find it.)

For example tiggertoos weighting game was not to my knowledge as I think tiggertoos themselves had not ever had the chance to play forks as they were too busy with their own project from what I remember. Not trying to nitpick just I didn’t want to mislead or misrepresent a devs intentions. Because yes there are a ton of games VN or not similar to forks.


The talks of rewrites and adding new kinks is worrying.

At what point does it stop being Forks and just becomes a new game just wearing the harvested skin from Forks’ grave?

Maybe some things should just stay burried?


Yeah I’d love to follow a new thread, when possible. stop clogging this one. Leave this one as a perfect little museum for the future. I would still recommend new readers to download and play the demo from the OP, it’s a great game, just so long as you’re willing to play it half finished with no ending and no plot resolution.


Forks didn’t just inspire games though, it inspired account sign ups, IIRC forks is why I discovered this site and all the other games here.


Yes I agree. Forks and the weighting game were the reason I made an account back in December of 2019 and were the projects I checked out and what I was most excited for. That changed with forks for me personally around the time it went on a back burner to Aria but it is no doubt a very influential project that has affected many in the community in different ways.

That was part of the reason I personally felt it should just be allowed to die but I can’t blame others for wanting to continue something they were passionate about.

I also would understand that if I was making a game it would probably be largely for me and no doubt would have my preferences and wants within its design. I don’t know that I would say that is the right call to do with an already established project to be taken over but I get it. Like @BuiltToBlast has stated doing something like that you lose well what makes forks, forks in my opinion.


it had a good run I guess
I have a question Tron
since you and your team can not complete these projects as you thought you could… have you ever thought of passing it on to a succesor team of sorts? Inheritors if you will
it is not my place but it would be a tragedy to see a good story like this be forgotten

read the previous messages. People are already taking up the mantel.


This maybe be the end of this game but I can not wait to see what other people can do with this idea.


Hi Tron, it’s really devastating news that you’re retiring. It’s totally understandable, you have more than enough on your plate with real life. :pensive: Forks for me was just such a key project and inspiration as it really showed where the bar can be set for quality in an indie-fetish game. Thank you so much for what you’ve already contributed to the community - seriously, your Forks VN was already a game and a half’s worth!!! :heart:


Sad you had to cancel the game but it was extremely kind of you to share your assisted. Wishing you the best!

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? I have trouble following this train of logic. If you are simply opposed to the idea of another person taking up the mantel of Forks… then don’t play the game.

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Not to be sidetracked, but if your going to continue writing this game. You should make a seprate thread. It will be easier for you.


Well, it is bound to happen, whether it be copies or ransacking whatever one can from what remains to make something any game with Forks assets won’t be exactly Forks.

But that doesn’t mean it’ll never surpass it, it just needs love and care to continue molding and building it until it reaches completion. All I have to hope for it any project started is able to reach that finish line.