Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

I haven’t played all the routes through yet but so far the demo seems excellent. I really like the amount of story and character interaction it has but as some people here have already mentioned the pacing might use some fine tuning. In the end this is a VN so I think hefty amount of story is what it should be.

I have to say so far my favorite “NPC” character has been Morgan and Rea comes in second. I really hope we get to see more Morgan later. What comes for Ryan, I can understand what people are saying. Ryan and that professor feels like characters that feels kinda loose as they don’t seem to give much to the plot lines.

@Tron There is one thing I have to ask. You mentioned about this another project Aria which sounds more like full fledged commercial project. This is kinda first time for me to hear about that since I have mostly come here to check Forks. And for some reason this gave me bad vibe about this project being buried under that upcoming project. Also I’m kinda curious to know if Aria is going to be a sort of thing you originally wanted Forks to be what made you change plans with Forks.

I don’t know, it kind of worries me that Forks is getting put on the backburner in favor of Aria especially when Forks is frustratingly close to being done, and since Aria isn’t even weight gain focused. Don’t get me wrong, you guys are free to do whatever you want, it’s just that Forks is at an unprecedented level of quality and production value for weight gain VNs, and its disheartening to hear that its getting put aside for something more like Pirate’s Fate, which is something that we already have. From what it sounds like, all Forks really needs left is the CGs, some side character art, and the rest of the writing from you, I might be biased but it makes more sense to focus on that and pushing that out first rather than distracting yourself from ANOTHER big ass project, that way you have one game out and another on the way rather than no games out and stuck developing two at the same time.


I actually love the writing in this game. It’s a great breath of fresh air when compared to the ubiquity of the “uwu i’m so moe fufufufu~” type VNs that dominate the scene.

I kind of agree with Buttered here, while i understand you want to concentrate on other projects it would be great if Forks wasn’t on some sort of backburner, it would be really upsetting to see it fall on the last hurdle of being done. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I understand the concern, it seems like Forks only just released and already I’m talking about a new project. I hope I can help shed some light on what’s happening:

  • Toro has indeed drawn most of Forks’s assets, and right now can’t work on the biggest remaining pile (CGs) because we aren’t exactly sure what they’re going to look like. We have rough ideas, but we’ve learned that it’s best to have the CG’s scene written in advance. For example, in this Forks demo, the volleyball CG had to be redrawn because a few things changed in the narrative leading up to it.

  • Once he comes back from break, he’ll finish the last two secondary characters. That shouldn’t take long, and then he’ll effectively have nothing to do. Switching to Aria concepts helps fill his schedule and keep us all as a team busy and engaged. We can all be quiet people, but we know we’ll talk regularly when it’s about business :upside_down_face:

  • He’s drawn ~150 portraits for Forks, and is looking forward to trying his hand at something new. His skills have continued to improve, and he’s actually encountering the same problem he did with our first demo, where his skills outgrew our art direction and he’d struggle to keep everything consistent.

  • Our programmer, @e123b, has had to work with my janky template project code since the beginning. He’s a professional with a degree, and he’s looking forward to spreading his wings with a foundation he’s 100% coded himself. He’s working on it right now while I’m patching Forks! While he is looking into additional parallax effects in Forks, the bulk of his work is done. He needs something to do too!

  • I brought up Aria because I want to be honest and transparent on what we’re all doing. We are working on a second project and will not keep it hidden from anyone. I am not stopping development on Forks, and now that this demo’s out, I’m hopeful that I can release updates at a quicker pace. The hardest and longest part of the journey was finally getting to this point, and from here I can hopefully coast to completion.

  • I’ve developed Forks through my own college graduation, relationship, job hunt, and the hunt to keep it all together. Like Morgan, I’m in a different place in my life versus when I began Forks, but in all of that time I’ve never left. Actions matter more than words, so I hope future updates can help prove that I’m as serious about Forks as I’ve ever been.

  • If Forks were to ever cease development for any reason, I would tell you immediately. You and many others have looked forward to this project and are now even directly supporting its development, you deserve to and will know these things. I promise. I hate being left in the dark, and refuse to do it to anyone else. As of this post, Forks is full-steam ahead.

Whew, I hope this helps! Please let me know if there’s anything else I can say or that you’d like answered.

@maldy Sorry, I missed your post the first time! Believe me, I want to finish Forks as much as everyone here wants to play it. I’d never have made it here if I didn’t want to make a high-end weight gain VN, and I plan to make that happen.

@PaPaNa I’m sorry if I gave you any bad vibes, when we first started discussing the possibility of a new project ~2 months ago, we were worried it could cause friction once we opened the Patreon. However, I want to stay honest and have our work and record speak for themselves.

Honestly, there’s a better chance of Forks burying Aria :stuck_out_tongue:. Forks has piles of content and just needs me to tie it together, whereas Aria is still highly conceptual. It did spark from the cuts we decided to make from Forks early on, mostly because I didn’t know how to code them back then :expressionless: Aria has more exploration, a world map, basic crafting and tons of secrets to discover. Rather than a mostly linear story, it’s open-ended and has players working to unravel a greater mystery, or choosing to ignore it for something else. I wasn’t ready to make a game like this when I started Forks.


When talking about Rea being a liar are you referring to her wanting to gain? or the “tried to get hannah fatter” thing

Also speaking of the vollyball scene that reminded me of something. I really do love the art style and CGs so far. My only concern is once again consistency. I tried going generally for the biggest possible Alex route, and I find that Alex in the coffee shop scene (unbuttoned jeans) looks way bigger than Alex playing volleyball, Alex beside the showering Grace and ESPECIALLY the end CG with the fireworks

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That’s getting deeper into spoilers than I want to reveal, but I’ll go as far as Rea lies a lot about many things, but sometimes she’ll let the truth slip out. She just won’t tell you, but hopefully I’ve given some hints.

Yep, size consistency in CGs was always going to be a hurdle for us, and we’re going to do the best we can going forward. Toro spent a lot of time making templates for everyone so that each portrait would stay consistent, but it’s difficult to keep that in something as freeform as a CG. That said, Alex had just eaten before the coffee shop. While not perfect, the other CGs better reflect her true size at this point.

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Hey so I finally got around to playing the Demo and only one thing comes to mind.


Definitely a straight up improvement, it feels a lot tighter then before and the characters feel much more defined. I’m struggling to choose a favorite character so far, which is a good sign!

Also this conversation is long past but I actually like the more linear style of this VN. It feels more natural and I like the aspect of playing the same story again to explore a different side of it.

Either way I am floored by how good this turned out, and I’m excited to see where this goes. :slight_smile:

Weird question but, dream crusher route?

That’s definitely a relief, I want you to know that even though I might have sounded harsh, I have a ton of respect for what all of you have done and if I sound rude its just that I’m super excited to see this thing completed, that’s why I’m just anxious over whether or not it’ll be done after spending all this time waiting.

that’s good and i do hope that new project goes well…

I have been also thinking about how Graces route will continue onward after the demo due to the shower scene
(I mean i swear when i keep reading Graces lines i can mentally picture her speaking English with a french accent)

Grace is going to rub on alex in her normal way that her weight really takes off easily becoming the heaviest girl in the group as Rea and Hannah try to lose their weight which in turn slowly becomes a feeder and feedee relationship.
Or more likely early On their going to Gain Mutually as per Graces agreement with Alex and both their weights climb much quicker that their relation is of a mutual gain while Hannah tries to lose weight but perhaps ditching her diet due to a big argument with Alex and Grace

super well done, it really feels like an ensemble group! I saw the favorite character poll above but found that I wanted to just choose all of them.

I also really like Ryan here, my feeling playing through the conversations was exactly how you described, he is supportive but ultimately part of Alex’s old life and they are drifting apart a bit, and that’s ok.

I especially liked how all of the characters are clearly friends but also don’t get along perfectly all the time. The little disagreements and recoveries made all the conversations feel very real to me; nobody every said anything that made me think “Ah, the writer needed to add drama, so this character did something dumb”. Characters feel like themselves and just we the reader (and Alex) don’t know these characters super well yet, so sometimes they surprise us.

Main things I would fix are both minor. First, some indication when and how much time passes between scenes. Many scenes flow nicely into each other, but scenes where it is several days or weeks later left me a little confused for the first couple lines until I checked the phone to see the date.

Second thing is really minor, but I’m not a fan that going on a phone call gives you a phone notification. I like checking the phone for new notes and progress updates, but if I was just on a call with someone I don’t need a notification telling me that I was on a call with them.

10/10 though, only criticisms were minor, am hyped for the future of this game.

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Not 100% through the demo, but is the character gallery bugged? I can only change Alex’s weight, but obviously, the other characters gain some.

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Now that I’m a couple of days out from playing this, figured I’d throw in my two cents on the currently released demo. It’s possible that some of what I’m about to say has been addressed by Tron already, or has been said by someone else, but I haven’t had the time to read through everyone’s posts, so yeah. I’m also a bit tired btw, so if I get some stuff wrong, my bad.

To talk about the story aspect of the game first, I think everything is overall pretty solid. Characters seem to act fairly consistent with what is established with them, and the events make sense from a broad perspective.

That being said, I saw that Tron was trying to streamline the beginning, and I feel like that idea may have gone a bit too far. It starts off well enough, but I feel like the game starts leaping forward in time before I’m really given much of a chance to get to know any of them all that well. I found both Hanna and Rea hard to gage from their initial introductions, so much so that I ended up following Grace’s path at first, since her introduction made it very clear who she is and what her story would be about. Hanna and Rea do have the weight loss thing set up, but that didn’t give me much to go on overall. Instead, all of the more interesting and telling aspects of their characters are in their route sections. I’m not saying that all the information in their routes should be mandatory, but I felt like I’d finally been properly introduced to them once I went back and played their routes. I think more time spend learning about these characters before being thrust into having to choose between them would have been better.

The same goes for Alex’s gaining. I’m not necessarily talking about needing specific stuffing scenes. I just think it all feels too sudden. The character’s supposedly been struggling with this for years, yet now is suddenly the time she makes it happen. I get that this is the inciting incident of the story, so there’s some leeway there, but I just don’t think the game gives a good enough reasoning for why it’s happening right now. Why did she get more confident? Is it her new friends? If so, what is it specifically? I didn’t feel like I was watching her break out, I felt like she just woke up one day and just started succeeding.

One final thing in the same vein, I think a lot of the transitions can come really suddenly. Instead of some of the scenes transitioning naturally into each other, I found myself often having to suddenly get my barings again because I had no idea why the previous scene ended or what the next scene was going to be. The first time skip is the first major time felt this. All of a sudden the game jumped 2 weeks ahead despite the fact that I’d barely met 2 of the major characters, and now Alex has known them for much longer than I have. After which, I started feeling like I should already know them pretty well despite not really knowing much about them at all.

In conclusion with the story, I think the scenes in the game as it is are, for the most part, just fine. I think you need more to connect them together and make them feel like they flow naturally from point A to point B. I know this can be pretty difficult, especially with the choices, but making sure aspects of the story are firmly established at the beginning of the story are essential to it’s success. As much as it might be annoying to look at this part of the game even more, I think it would really benefit you to go back and do some more passes on how the game is structured and paced.

As for gameplay, I have far less to say; though, it’s important none the less.

First, the game probably needs more save slots, but I think people have already mentioned that, so I won’t belabor that point.

What I will talk about, however, is what can be improved with how players interact with the story. At the moment, the basic choices and phone to view stats and check certain things is good and perfectly serviceable. I don’t think there’s anything really wrong with it. That being said, I wanted to give a couple of suggestions to create more interesting systems. These would be harder to implement, but I think people would see a much more engaging and interesting experience as a result.

To start, I think the phone is under-utilized. Other VNs in the past have shown that a phone can be a great asset for allowing the player to interact with the game and story. Giving players the ability to do things like, ignore calls, save and delete pictures, and write their own notes can add a lot. I can give more detail on this another time, but again, this is a really useful tool that I think is being underutilized.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that I feel like food and eating should play a much larger role in how players interact with the story, given what the story is about. For example, if players were able to choose when they ate certain foods, even if they don’t have as much choice in what they could get, could add a lot to the story. For example, the scene where she’s mocked during practice would be much more interesting if the player had decided to eat during it. It could lead to a trade off of having more time to eat if you eat in public, but there’s more chance for someone to comment on it, which could be good or bad depending on the situation. I can talk about this later as well, but that’s the basics of what I was thinking.

Overall, I think this is a nice showcase of the projects potential. Given that this game is 100% in my wheelhouse, I’d like to see it become the best game it can possibly be. I’m always happy to give more feedback on anything, and have some more detailed discussion on what I’ve described here (especially since I wrote this pretty late at night).

Take care, and good luck with the game.


This is an exceptional review with good criticisms, thank you so much!

I really did try to cut the introduction down, though in doing so it seems I’ve forgotten what the frame of reference would be for new players. Same for Alex’s reasoning and success with gaining, I’d tried a few things previously:

  • A prologue at Alex’s high school graduation, where she’s excited to try gaining in peace once she goes off to college. I’d need to do this without physically including Ryan, as we don’t plan to give him a portrait.
  • A chat with Alex’s mom in the car at the start of the game about her recent minor weight gain, before Alex walks back into her dorm.
  • A flashback to Alex’s fall semester at Red Glen, covering why she didn’t make friends or gain much.

I didn’t like where the attempts went at the time, so I scrapped them. As loathe as I am to go back over the introduction again, you’re right that more can be done to make it better. I think it’s the worst section in the game, and it’s clearly the first one I wrote. I’m going to do something about it in a later release, something that doesn’t alter later scenes.

Again, thank you, and I’ll probably have more to say once I’m rested too :sleeping:

Otherwise, I’ve been working on the patch (014a), and have fixed the following:

  • Disabled the scrolling background for now, we’ll see if it makes a QOL difference.
  • Fixed Alex’s portrait showing up while she’s changing in her house bathroom. It was indeed a strange bug that doesn’t occur anywhere else.
  • Replaced sketch achievement icons with proper colored ones.
  • Might have fixed the missing font issue when viewing the progress graph, I need to check with the programmer.
  • Added 11 additional save slots to each save page, and made the page navigation tools easier to find. Sorry about that!
  • Added a scene transition effect to when time passes between Alex chatting with Ryan and her mom. That was always supposed to be there :sweat:
  • Weight diary graph should show metric units in the legend now, if using metric units.
  • Phone notes should show metric units now.
  • Fixed every incident of non-metric units in dialogue, as reported by @Kitsune. Thanks again!
  • Fixed reported instances of repeating dialogue text.
  • Fixed Alex’s random outfit change on Hannah’s route.

I haven’t pushed this version out yet, I want to confirm some changes first. I have NOT fixed metric units showing up in the phone’s history (“A Buck Fifty: Alex’s weight exceeded 150 pounds”). This will require a deeper change to our unit conversion code that I shouldn’t try by myself :woozy_face:

I will update the first post and this thread once it’s out. Might be tomorrow or Thursday, whenever I can have a chat with the team.


Don’t suppose you can try to squeeze in some “previews” for Rea’s, Hannah’s, Grace’s, maybe Morgan’s 2nd and 3rd weight progressions in the character viewer, pretty please? Maybe under a “view spoiler” tag or something that can be edited out in the final builds.

Haha, not yet! Toroboro tediously slaved over the progressions, and they’ll be shown when the time comes :stuck_out_tongue:.

However, more will be included with the next content addition; I’ll say what they are in a spoiler once it’s out.


I think the balance you got in the story is perfect. Your actually a pretty awesome writer, I think you shouldn’t second guess yourself too much and change up what you already have down because your doing a fantastic job.



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