Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

You can emulate windows on android and run it there. That’s what I did although it was a pain in the ass to get running

All righty, a little time’s passed and I’d like to cover some of the larger concerns.

Bugs: Thanks to several users for submitting their issues (especially to @Kitsune for all of the specific examples, I hope that didn’t take too long :fearful:), I’m going to go through the code and see if I can get everything fixed up and submit new builds. So long as nothing else pops up, this should be within the next few days. I’ll post another message then with more info.

Lack of Choice: This goes deeper into Forks’s development. Originally, I did want players to have more direct say in what/when/how much Alex ate, and how quickly or slowly she gained. Unfortunately, that open-ended approach clashed with the tighter narrative I wanted to tell. Having to match each moment of the narrative to every possible weight proved too stressful for a first project, and so I reined it in to a “gating” system, where characters must be a certain weight to access certain content. This means Toro only needs to draw a CG at one weight.

Furthermore, this demo only serves as the introduction to Fork’s story, and it is meant to build a foundation that future content works from. To keep things simple, I wanted all of the main characters to know each other, I wanted Rea (and specifically Rea) to quickly blimp up before her route formally starts, and I wanted Alex to have made some progress that she can either continue or walk away from.

Stuffing and Core Feedist Content: Many of you have noted that there isn’t much emphasis on actual eating in this demo, or what specifically Alex is doing to gain weight. This was done intentionally. I wrote a self-stuffing Alex scene in the earlier demo that I ended up cutting from this one. Simply put, I didn’t think it was very good, and only ended up making the story even longer. Alex wants to gain weight and is taking steps to do that, and when she’s by herself, what she does to gain will largely stay in the background.

However, I DO want to cover the intimacy of mutual gaining/stuffing, and so detailed scenes covering Alex and somebody else will be included when they get to that point in their relationship.

-Alex/Hannah and Alex/Grace stuffing will be in. Alex/Rea stuffing already has a CG planned:

Alex lays in bed as Rea sits atop her feeding her melted ice cream, Alex’s belly touching Rea’s as she gets fuller.

That’s just not the kind of thing you do on a first date :stuck_out_tongue:

Save Slots: The current layout definitely needs updating, I’ll add a second column of slots to each page and make the page numbers more visible.

So to sum up:

  • Rea’s weight skyrocketing is intentional and plays into later scenes, I wanted it to be as surprising to players as it is to everyone else. She can indeed lose weight from here and keep it off.
  • I wanted everyone to meet and know each other so everyone could be involved in some way across every route. It also cut down on characters, as Toro’s already drawn so many.
  • Alex will make some progress in the introduction no matter what, but now that she’s past it, her weight can go in several different directions and magnitudes.
  • As far as what Alex is personally doing to gain, I want to mostly keep the day-to-day things in the background, unless it’s something new to her or with her partner. Otherwise it was fairly boring to write. She is indeed getting new clothes soonish.
  • Players won’t have fine control over Alex’s weight, it’ll instead be decided by the path Alex takes with her partner. Players will be able to steer the relationship, and from there the weight.
  • Alex and Hannah, Grace, and Rea all have planned stuffing scenes. Morgan’s won’t be explicitly sexual.

Hope that clears some things up! I know I can be forgetful :sweat_smile:.

@PlusParsnips Hmm, I’ll try a few other things and test it again, this shouldn’t be too hard.
@Urudif Ha! I encountered that same bug in testing and thought I’d fixed it! It’s a strange bug that doesn’t occur as expected, there may be multiple triggers for it. Somehow.
@bronco61503 Thanks for telling me, I’m wondering if the scrolling image ate up your RAM. Between this and @Skinny_Guy’s nausea, I will try disabling the scrolling background in the next build.


I don’t really think it was too much fluff? Rather I’d say some scenes went by to fast.


I had a separate issue with the scrolling background that may be a general Ren’py issue. While windowed and focused, the scrolling was choppy, but if I clicked out of the game, it would be smooth. In fullscreen mode, it was smooth either way.

Really? The largest reported issue of the old demo, by far, was scenes being either too long or having too much filler. It’s a problem I took to heart and have been trying to crack down on without going too far all at once, I wonder if I did :persevere:

Good to know if you think so, I’ve got a lot to learn as a writer and knowing how to strike a balance is important!

@HellaGunz I imagine a lot of people are playing this in a window, which would make the scroll choppy. If that’s true, it may be better for presentation if I disabled it.


Truth be told with a game like this, especially as you yourself said, you have a narrative you would like to tell and I think the dialogue should be dealt with at your own discretion when it comes to length and descriptive quality. I understand that many people are just here for belly content, but speaking personally, any game that has characters with unique and specific personalities, I would much prefer those personalities and the nuances they bring, be explored at the desired length of the writer. It’s a Visual NOVEL, it’s a story to be read, and to be enjoyed for the story it brings. I don’t know about anyone else, but I didn’t sprint through Harry Potter saying, “Yeah but when does Harry fight Voldemort?” Obviously the belly will come, that’s the kind of game it is, but sometimes the story should take a front seat to the belly content, and I think that should be up to your discretion.


I 100% think the shortened writing style was a big bonus to the game.


My review:

Artwork: AMAZING, but I knew it would be toroboros is the best there is at drawing 2d cartoon fat women. I feel bad leaving this section so short, but really it’s just flawless, what is there to say?

Writing: Masterful, the heavy focus on dialogue and conversations makes the game feel dynamic and snappy. When I play VN’s I will often skim or outright skip vast sections of text, why? Because they’re just pointless exposition. In this game I skimmed what the professor said and that was it, I loved the rest of it. It felt like all the parts I’d get bored by or skip or skim were simply removed from the game, and imo it made the game WAY better. Yes it might technically make the game shorter, but who cares? All the parts left in the game are riveting.

UI/Coding: The custom UI work is quite pretty, BUT the default ren’py save menu shows 6 saves per page and a-9 pages whereas this game shows 4 saves per page and a-3 pages. Additionally if I want to see why I just earned an achievement I have to save the game, go to the title screen go to extras then go to achievements then load my save to keep playing. That is a bunch of extra clicks it would be cool if those clicks didn’t have to exist, but maybe that’s a ren’py engine limitation and cannot be fixed.

Bugs: I found 1-2 pages of text that were automatically skipped preventing me from reading them (I play with text on max speed because I can read fast, but even still no page of text should vanish if I don’t press spacebar). There were also roughly 5 typos I noticed but they were all a single letter out of place and didn’t bother me enough that I was drawn out of the game to take note of them. (sorry!)

tl;dr Great game, highly recommend, can’t wait to see the future acts.

That said, I think the patreon itself is a bit bare bones, if I were to back it, I’d want some sort of rewards, my favorite reward is taking polls of patreon users to help decide minor things about the game. I know other people prefer other patreon rewards.


The old demo had a significant amount of fluff compared to this one, so I’d say you did do a good job with reducing it. It’s certainly hard to accurately judge anyhow. Still I’d say some scenes in this version could be longer. I think the main issue in the old demo was how much internal monologue Alex had at all times. Reading two characters or more having a conversation, or one character react, observe or plan is a lot easier to read than just one character internally thinking about something unrelated to the specific scene, like during the lecture scene in the last demo if I remember right. This demo doesn’t have that issue at all.

Though I have some issue with the double dialogue boxes and the stream chat. For the double boxes, which one are you supposed to read first? I don’t think that was consistent. It’s not an issue when the second box just has an alternate conversation happening to the side, but with both being relevant to the current conversation it’s hard to guess which one would be the place to start. Maybe have the text for the second one appear only after a click?

For the stream chat the issue is that it sometimes goes to fast to read all messages before they disappear, so could it be possible to have that window be scroll-able?

Regarding speed, would it be possible for interrupting text to either wait a second or two or to wait until click before appearing? I think it scales with text speed, but at a speed value that makes everything easy to read the to interrupt text vanishes before you have a chance to read it all. Especially with the rapid override. Though that may be intentional.

On another note: Would it be possible to have a visible transition like screen fade between different scenes? Sometimes it’s rather abrupt how at one moment all visible characters and the background change with no warning.

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One of the entire purposes of the second dialogue box was to reduce the amount of clicking people had to do. I actually liked it, it made the conversations feel more lively. VN text by default… is honestly kind of bad, and this was a cool upgrade.

Although I agree, it should definitely either always be first or always be second. Or indicated somehow what the difference is visually (perhaps if it’s behind/infront).

Weird this doesn’t show as a direct reply to kitsune, even though I intended for it to be?


This^ Also maybe stating that time has passed after the transition, if it has. Normally the only identifier is by the characters mentioning it, or checking with phone after EVERY scene change.


Hmm, yes, I love the timeskips and scene changes, because it advances the plot a lot faster! But I agree, a transition screen, or even just a text box saying “Three weeks later…” would probably be an upgrade. Although there might be an even better way to showcase it than a simple text box…


So, wait, Morgan won’t have a mutual stuffing scene with Alex in her path? Aww…

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Yeah, just a little something to be like “hey some time passed!” Would be nice, while it’s not to hard to pick up on through the dialouge it can definitely feel quite abrupt.

I think you guys are asking for waaay too many story details. I want to go in as blind as possible, don’t make tron give away EVERYTHING. I want to be surprised by what we are going to get.

Also question Tron, I’m thinking of supporting the patreon, is their gonna be scheduled updates or are you guys just going to dump it all when its done? Another thing, what kind of patreon exclusive content is gonna be on there? Hopefully nothing too spoilery.

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I don’t think that’s necessarily true, all they said was “it won’t be explicitly a sexual situation/relationship” so… maybe? maybe not? it could be as friends, or a comforting thing, or not at all. Speculation and assumptions like that could ruin your hype for the game or misinform what’s happening.

My only gripe with writing might be the pacing is a little fast or slow at times, the scenes of random dialogue like talking to your online friend about math can drag on despite being only a few lines simply because we don’t really care about the character yet, and the biggest thing imo is sometimes there’s a tad bit of confusion/inconsistency about certain character’s personality. Perhaps it makes more sense with the grander story, but there are times where it’s hard to follow Alex’s logic when she’s going between caketime and “Ahhhh weight bad”. On top of that, Grace is clearly distant, but there are times she is downright bizarre, but it’s not nearly as bad as… well honestly Rea becomes pretty unlikable imo for a while. Like until the VERY last part of the demo, she becomes incredibly rude to nearly every character seemingly out of nowhere, and doesn’t seem to grasp that calling everyone fat asses 24/7 even upsets them.


Well, if we want to get to know a character who currently cannot meet Alex in person, we’re gonna need at least some sort of tidbit/breadcrumb type dialogue, right? That’s kinda how I see the info regarding Ryan. Also, i’m pretty sure Rea’s outbursts are a type of denial. It’s really common for people to deflect and point out other people’s flaws when they don’t want to come to term with the fact that they’re experiencing similar or the same problems. I’m pretty sure that’s intentional, to make it more realistic, someone who was constantly on their weight, and especially someone who is a nutritionist, would probably feel pretty poorly about letting themselves go.

I like Grace since she stands out, and her ‘weirdness’ (I like to call it uniqueness) is supplemented by other aspects such as art, cleanliness, etc so it balances out.

Same for Rea, you may or may not like how casual she is about people’s weight and bodies in general, but that’s part of the charm since it’s supported by her fitness, nutrition knowledge or having been very close to Hannah.

So needless to say I find the moments of tension as well the characters’ quirks and flaws very enjoyable.

Now my personal issue is Ryan, he is in a different country and just chats every once in a while, so he severely pales in comparison to the other protagonists, be it the girls or the teacher. I’m aware he’s supposed to be a casual confidant to help Alex self-reflect, but he’s lacking. He felt more like a distant friend or some online admirer when he’s a weird mix of both, being the best friend who accidentally discovered her fetish. Is he even into it?

So I think he could make a brief appearance towards the beginning and end of the game, while Alex self-reflects more via a diary for example. I liked the dream part with her fatter and thinner self too.


I think the game even agrees with you. There’s a lot of lines about Ryan being worse at supporting her than say Morgan or Grace, and there’s also a storyline suggesting that Alex and Ryan are drifting apart, possibly due to caketime, possibly due to just life.