Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

Progress button doesn’t work for me either, but I am on Windows 10.

Hey! So, quick spiel of my thoughts so far:

  • Absolutely loved the demo, really enjoyed my playthough/path.

  • I could, however, ONLY play that path due to the game going into infinite exceptions whenever I tried to load a save after beating the game, and it auto-resetting me to the soccer recruiters.

  • 4 Save Files is ROUGH. There aren’t too many choices, but there are far too many to have saves for half of them.

  • I had a bit of trouble seeing much gaining in Alex, though that could be my fault, but I felt as if I chose some pretty hard “caketime” paths

  • Rea’s gain was really, shockingly fast IMO, and I didn’t even influence it by hanging with her much.

  • I really hope future content has more “Grace knows” or “Morgan knows” content, because I like people KNOWING about Alex’s gaining, therefore helping her, teasing her, or maybe even romantic routes, but I feel really awkward with the Ryan stuff at the beginning because it echoes the miserable “only one of us has this kink” feeling lol.

  • The art is absolutely GOREGOUS. All props for the wonderful character designs, quality backgrounds, and wonderful CGs and scenes. I would possibly prefer a few more angles, expressions, and outfits, if possible for the future? We rarely see much more than the front view on characters, hell Grace’s thing is her ass and I haven’t seen the back of it yet. But this is less of an important thing lol.

Anyway, I’ve been looking forward to this game for so long, it was a wonderful experience for this demo, but I do strongly encourage to especially work on fixing that the game kinda implodes once you’ve cleared the demo main story code-wise, and that the save file limits is a bit too constraining. Anyway, great work!

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Bro bro bro, this i more hype than cyberpunk.

There are more than 4 save files. It’s a bit hard to see it but at the bottom of the save/load screen you can go to different pages with more slots.


From what I can tell, the options only really influence whose path you go down, for example when you have to choose who you’re going to help with fundraising. It seems that Alex’s gain will just be automatic over the course of the game, without much player input outside of “will you eat this or something else”, as was used a few times


Really enjoyed the demo, been following this for a while. If I had one thing that disappointed me, it was the lack of extra sizes for the other girls. It was nice seeing Alex and Rea gain, but it would have been nice to see stage 3 for Hannah/Grace/Morgan too, because it just feels like its very focused on Rea.

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As somebody who on their playthrough went hard down the grace path, just cuz I liked the interactions, I was blown away by the sudden explosion of Rea, and the lack of change for Grace.

Ah! Thanks. They should definetly make that a bit clearer or bigger in the future if I had to recommend anything.

I figured as much, which is a bit disappointing but fair enough. I would like a bit more player input. I know it’s a visual novel, but with a theme like Weight Gain, the weight (haha) of player impact on the world and your protagonist, not JUST who you’re talking to and bonding with, matters IMO.

Yeah that was my major problem with this. Not saying this brings the demo down. But it seem a bit too Rea focused in terms of sizes. But other then that the demo was nice.

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I like Rea, I will play her “route” next to get to know her, but since we rarely interacted in my run… I was a little shocked when she blew up, and a little unsure how I should respond/if all interactions were natural since I hadn’t seen her very much at all.

Wow, huge accomplishment for Team Spoon, I know you guys have been working on this a long time. This was an amazing demo, I wasn’t following this too closely, but now I’m really anticipating future updates!

As someone that really likes the premise of “I’ll gain weight to help you diet”, Rea’s story was perfect.

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Hey, everyone! I’m off work and feeling a little more rested today, so let’s get to it!

@zdeerzzz Thanks! That bug should be fixed now, but I can look at it again if it’s still occurring in the fixed version. Thank you for the criticism too, it’s always been difficult for me to know how much fluff is too much. I’ll see if there’s more I can cut in future versions, and try to keep it in mind for future scenes.

@Moinaushniki Thanks for the bug reports and kind words! I’ve always liked lots of fluff, and learning to cut back to focus on the core has been one of my greatest struggles as a writer. I hope I’ve managed to improve it in this demo, both in the old scenes and especially the new ones.

I specifically kept that in mind during the ending fireworks scene, and since nobody thus far has said it was too short, I may aim for shorter scenes like that going forward.

@maldy Thanks for the write-up! This is the first big project I’ve written, and I was concerned with writing characters that were more than just vessels for kink content. I’m glad it’s worked out; for all of the bugs and interactivity issues, at least the characters are decent :sweat_smile:

@PlusParsnips Thanks! I appreciate the deeper dive into your thoughts, and I’ll be posting a second message soon about the lack of player choice and urgency. Thanks for the bug report, too! This was something else never discovered during testing, and it’s very strange that even manually installing the font didn’t fix it. Did you place the .ttf into the /game folder with the other fonts? I hope I can fix this, @Fakedthrower shows it’s not just happening on Mac :confounded:

@Muffintopmanor1 I’m glad you liked it! I’ll address the save slots in another message, but could you show me what happens when you try to load a save after beating the game? That sounds like a new bug, and I’d like to try to fix it!

Whew, off to type the next message!

Edit: @Biggirlfan7 Thanks for finding that! You’d be surprised how often I mixed dialogue up, that’ll be an easy fix!


Absolutely loving the demo, definitely worth the wait (it took so much effort to not make the pun). Minor issue report, it seems alex is the one speaking here even though it was a line about drawing people.


I wish there was an android version since my computers still kaputsky, suffice to say you got me itching to play

I unfortuantely didn’t save afterwards or grab a screenshot, but I can try to recreate it? Although backtracking and fast-forwarding didn’t seem to work, so it may take time.

Dragging and dropping the DejaVuSans.tff into the game folder does not work, unfortunately. Made sure to make sure every form of DejaVuSans was added too, and got nothing.

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On Hannah’s route, when Alex is changing, Alex’s base happy sprite is there before Alex comes in with her swim suit, just letting you know.


Overall really love the game. Only things I’m left wanting on:
Will we get a cg that shows off the Asset Grace always says is huge?
I swear Alex seems smaller in the ending CGs than in the Coffee shop CG
Is there optimal ways to get the most weight on any character so far? Does it realistically affect anything?

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I’ve been trying to play the game but whenever I start it it will I will see the screen start, I see part of the background and then it’ll crash, I checked the traceback and got this error.

While loading <‘Image’ u’gui/mainscroll.png’>:
File “renpy/common/00start.rpy”, line 273, in script
File “renpy/common/00start.rpy”, line 273, in script
File “renpy/common/00start.rpy”, line 277, in
File “game/script.rpy”, line 1353, in script
show logo at logopos with Dissolve(1.0)
File “game/script.rpy”, line 1353, in script
show logo at logopos with Dissolve(1.0)
Exception: Could not load image u’gui/mainscroll.png’: error(‘Out of memory’,)

I tried redownloading it but that hasn’t worked, so I don’t really know what to do at the moment.