Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

You guys deserve a medal or something! too bad I’m broke atm but hopefully covid is gone by the time the final game comes out I can get a job so that I have some disposable income :smiley:

Also, by my understanding, all the major work on the game is done by now, all the sprites and CG’s are made, so am I right in guessing that regular updated demos are going to be a thing now?

The core cast’s portraits and outfits are done, but as of this post, there are 3 backgrounds to draw, 2 unfinished secondary character portraits, and an untold number of missing CGs.

However, Toro has indeed done the bulk of Fork’s content, and it’s largely up to me to finish it from here. My life will be getting considerably more complicated soon, but I will update as I can!

@RandomRedditUser98 Hope everything’s going okay! Covid’s done a number on us all, just enjoy what you can☺️


The new demo is fantastic, can’t wait for the full game. My only very minor opinion based complaint/feedback is the amount of fluff, filler text, i’d stick to the meat and potato’s of the plot more.

I only encountered one bug that gave a traceback in the extras menu, under characters when clicking the back button if clicked enough gives this(i did replace my username with ~ in the path/filename):

Looks like a missing image or bad image name given.

Edit: im unsure if the version i downloaded is before or after you said you fixed this.

Downloaded it, played it, loved it.
But now I’m despairing because I’m left wanting for more, especially the Grace/Alex plot, really wanna see how the twosome will coerce Hannah, Rea and perhaps Morgan to purposefully gain as well…
Also, the teacher dude really reminds me of Walter from Breaking Bad, but with more hair.

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That was a great demo! Really loved where it looked like the routes are going, can’t wait to see it goes from here.

meme Thank You Tron and Toro for this lovely demo it was well worth the wait


I just got into the game and played the old demo three days ago and then read through this entire discussion. I then thought “Welp. Time to sit tight” And today… BOOM!

Won’t have time to play this for a while, but if it’s half as good as I think it’s going to be, I’m in for a treat :slight_smile:

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My favourite part of the game so far is TRON_PLS_READ xD

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And of course I find out the demo is finally out literally minutes before I go to work. This day’s going to feel like an eternity.

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My goodness the new demo is brilliant

My Initial thoughts, the new art and backgrounds and BG all together really make the Novel stand out really well, As for the new story content in this demo is just a great way to show that this is clearly just the beginning of more to come even with Alexes Foreshadowing dream.

Hannahs kindness personality for worrying for others does show really well here in this demo and gives her a bit more personality throughout this demo clearling feeling bad for making a bet with rea in that reguard and circumstance

Reas story in this demo has got to be the most interesting of the whole three of the girls as it’s clear she honors her promised (In this case the bet she made with Hannah) but that moment when chosing reas route and rea joins alex for a mid-night snack and alex tells rea her a secret and not expecting that reaction from her which inclines that rea might have an issue with it or something has happened in reas past to get that response from her.

Now Graces route from now this new demo is clearly becoming the girl whose route will make Alex at her fattest weight (But too soon to tell), her artistic talking style does make her stand out and how she encourages Alex to just accept the changes but do plan ahead does make her sound like the parent of the group… though i think the best bit would be when Alex and Grace are at the summer vacation and have a little private time while they cook burgers and if you tell her what your parents said and her response is really mature for someone of her age it’s nice to have someone whose really wise but clearly calm about how to approach things as it makes it clear Grace knows what she needs to say at that moment.

Overall i think this will do really well once the full game releases and i do not think aside from the obvious will bring up too much fuss

Great Work @Tron and the other developers of this demo¬


I’m sorry if this gives FoxFire an aneurysm … :stuck_out_tongue:


Just finished Grace’s route and going on to the others now. This has been more than worth the wait. Excited to try the rest. Cant wait for the final product even more now.

It was a little daunting at first, because of the lengthy dialogue.

But the game is incredibly smooth, the great writing makes the characters very likeable and unique, and there’s the fanservice is rooted in an extremely solid plot.

I started with Grace since she was an artist (like me) and had a very imposing presence with her assertiveness + generosity. But then Rea started shining since she was so quirky and hard to discern, for example she was great at sports but got fat for some mysterious motive.


Grace’s shower - Cosmological and personal destiny is a lifelong challange.
Rea’s burger chit chat - She says she’s 201lbs but the phone updates to 191lbs, during her route. While Alex is around 157 and one of them says Rea has 40lbs on Alex, so she is 200+.


Been playing this for a good while, enjoyed my time. I’m not sure I can say it was worth the long wait, personally, but I am pretty excited to see how these routes play out. Was a fan of Grace and all her positive assertion, and Rea’s spunkiness in her descent (ascent?) into gluttony was quite a fun surprise for me.
Hannah, on the other hand, kind of made me feel guilty all throughout her interactions, both with her concern of Rea and Alex’s weight gain, and her feeling pressured by being around so many big eaters. I’m almost for having some kind of ending that does have Alex relent her dreams and work out with Hannah, at least to help maintain her Caketime bod without shooting up anymore as a compromise.

I also really felt Alex’s anxiety over her family’s and peers’ carelessness and teasing. Those moments really helped sold me on her journey, speaking as someone more skeptical to weight gain stories where the protagonist wants to gain weight. It’s pretty heartwarming to see her work through it all.

All that said, I don’t know if I’m completely sold on the game as is. While the writing a lot of fun, I can’t say I really felt like I earned any of the routes. With how little choices you make overall and how little impact you make, such as how Rea gains weight regardless of what you do or somehow managing to be friends with Grace, even if you don’t interact with her at all, I’m not all too confident in how the individual routes will play out. Given that I had the same issues with the original demo, you can see why I am hesitant to say it was worth long wait.
Granted, I could be bitter that I spent a good hour or two seeing if the Soulcrusher and Outsider achievements were in the game, seeing as Alex always finds her posse eventually and wanting to make sure I wasn’t missing anything, so that just might be me being pessimistic (and no, couldn’t figure it out what combo of options gets you on those routes).

Still, its quite a fun time, and this demo is much improved compared to the original (do hope you guys at least have a copy for archival purposes). I expect big things (and bigger women :wink:) from you all!

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sees this


This game really is amazing, great work!
I especially like Grace, her whole character is incredibly interesting both in manner of speech and in the way her thoughts work. Rea’s route was pretty sweet as well. I really can’t wait for what else will come later on.

Now for the bugs:

  • Weight Diary Graph Legend displays imperial when using metric

  • Phone Weight Notes still in pound when using metric (All of them)

  • Dialogue still in imperial when using metric:

    • Morgan: “For me, it was about 1100 miles […]”
    • Alex: “The night I came back here, I’d put on 6 pounds in as many weeks. Now I’m up another 21 […]”
    • Alex: “Crap, what… Am I doing? I’m 35 pounds up …”
    • Alex: “[…] I’ve put on 24 pounds thanks to you, […]”
    • Alex: “Oh! I didn’t know anything was bad, you just said you put on ten pounds really fast and…” < also why is ten written in full here?
    • Rea: “[…] And 39 lbs in five months […]”
    • Grace: “[…] Do you think she’s truly put on 39 lbs?”
    • Alex: “[…] Don’t have much down here, no drinks or buffets, but hopefully I can still put on a pound this week. […]”
    • Rea: “Ha! You#re doin’ well for someone who got over 30 lbs sabotaged on 'em. […]”
    • Alex: “[…] You don’t put on 30 lbs in like, two months and not feel it! […]”
    • Alex: “About 5’4’’.”
    • Hannah: “I was always so small in comparison, then before I knew it, I was over 110 kilograms lbs…” < why spell kilograms out? Wouldn’t kg do?
      Alex: “[…] One time I found a 5 lb chocolate bar, […]”
      Alex: “I mean, less then 15 lbs, but […]”
  • In Phone History:

    • “A Buck Fifty: Alex’s weight exceeded 150 pounds”
    • some pictures show up as the sketch version instead (Hannah CG, Grace Gym CG, Grace Shower CG,
  • Whole text repeats instead of just adding the new section:

    • Alex: “What do we have? Didn’t get any good snacks at the store, but I know I’ve got some old Caketime food in here somewhere.”
    • Hannah: “Hmm? She’s actually calling me? She usually texts…” < the part with the additional sentence also played first somehow
    • Hannah: “Nah, I just needed to relax. I can make a good case from here. Thanks, Alex, I’ll let you know how it went later.” < the additional part got played first again (The sentence after that is also weird as it’s just “Thanks Alex!”, which is redundant because of how the additional part mentions that as well at the end)
    • Rea: “Hey, I’m just messin’ with you! Make sure you leave a couple of those extra rare, that’s how I like 'em. Thanks, Alex!”
  • Random Outfit change:

    • After: "Hannah: Maybe. " at “Hannah: Ah, already here. They’re in the building right over there.” > Alex’s winter clothes change to her shirt and shorts look
      After: “Alex: And there she goes. Well, now what?” at “Grace call” “Alex: Oh, wha? Hannah calling me so soon? How bad did it go?” > Alex’s shirt and shorts changed back to winter look
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Will there be an element of typical stuffing cliches in this game, you know, when the heroine burps or we can watch some cutscenes with this, belly rubbing, etc, just in the demo, most of Alex’s “training” remains behind the scenes, when we are shown just her pastime, in the spirit of calls to parents, etc. , I understand, the narrative is important, but as for the game element, this can occur in forks? In any case, the game is very cool, keep up the great work!

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the Progress button does not work on Mac, will always crash because of a missing font issue.

Even when I manually install the font, still doesn’t work.