Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

Okay, everyone, it’s happening, calm down! CALM DOWN!

Jokes aside, I now kinda understand how Cyberpunk 77 fans felt a couple of days ago lol.


Listen i’ve only just started playing but the phone menu is so fucking neat, holy shit I love this so much.

So just fired up the game myself, small thing but could you add an option to make the food icons at the beginning stay static? It’s a little nauseating seeing them float down the screen while I adjust settings :sweat_smile:

Hit a bug while looking at the extras->characters section. Seems to have failed to load Hanna’s portrait. This is without unlocking anything (I didn’t even start the game yet). Tried all the other characters and they worked fine. It’s just Hanna. Judging by how you’ve formatted the other character’s names, my guess is that this is something left over from before you changed some things.

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I just finished the demo and I absolutely loved it. I can’t wait for more :grin:

Same I got all the cgs and I think all the characters size. But I’m probably gonna do some more digging to see if anyone else has more plumping up to do.


Very excited to give the new demo a try!

Wooooooo yeah baby that’s what I’ve been waiting for!


Holy shit I am so hyped for this. My brain has just kinda gone unga bunga after playing this, you all have done amazing work and I absolutely cannot wait, for whatever comes next.

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ok that was extremely fun, but now I’m addicted, you clever bast*rds, I NEED MORE, I WILL GIVE YOU MY UNBORN CHILD FOR A FASTER RELEASE. in all seriousness I enjoyed it alot and I can’t wait for the next demo, assuming there is one.

I am SO incredibly excited and I cannot wait to download this rn.

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Thanks for the bug report :heart:. That screenshot made it super easy to fix, it was indeed something I’d done at the last minute and worked everywhere but the Character screen :upside_down_face:

For anyone that’s crashing while trying to look at Hannah’s Character menu, it should be fixed now! Once these launch bugs are out of the way I’ll look into incorporating a patch system, so nobody has to keep downloading the whole game again.

Also, thanks to everyone for the kind words! Money to pay back dev costs is appreciated, but the best gift of all is knowing someone enjoyed this :blush:


I love the demo the only major downside with wasn’t even it’s fault but mines. So I’m really looking forward to the next demo coming in 2021 and getting everyone the plumping they deserve.


How many different fat stages do the characters have in this demo?

These are the weight stages included in this demo:

Alex has 3, Rea has 3, everyone else has 1

It’s presently impossible to miss anyone’s, though that’ll change now that the game’s opening up.


How many are there in the final game?

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I want to avoid breaking it out per character, as that would strongly hint at their arcs, but there are currently 48 between everyone. Hopefully we’ll get to see them all someday!


Holy shit
That’s insane

There are several reasons this took so long, but Toroboro really drew that many and it’s up to me to do something with them😆