Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

Best news i’ve got all year

…which probably just means i have a really sad life.

And here we go! A little unceremonious as I want to make absolutely sure I took care of any bugs, but enjoy!

PC/Linux:Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.
Mac: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

If everything’s good, I’ll make this build the official update. For those who didn’t play the WIP build, this update is heavily centered on Hannah. Grace/Rea have a sliver of extra content, but Hannah’s the one eating well this time. Hope the new scenes are fun, and while I’m sorry I couldn’t have even more included, the story moves forward!


Looks like the pc link doesn’t work for me :(.

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PC link is not working and just giving me an error saying it does not exist

Uh oh, failed right out of the gate :sweat_smile:

Glad I didn’t go to bed yet, I’ll fix this and update the links. Thanks!

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Well all I can say right now is:
Very good.

Fixed it! These both download for me, try these:

PC/Linux:Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.
Mac: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.


Hey! I’m a fan who’s already played the WIP on my mac. Do we have to start the game over on a new file, or can we just load up our last file? I just downloaded the mac link and loaded/played my last game and it suddenly went back to the start menu after one of Morgan’s lines.

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The new version doesn’t add any content further than the end of the wip build. From my understanding it’s missing art, cgs, backgrounds etc. so starting over would probably be the best way to experience it. Although I have not played the first wip as I was waiting for this one to come out. So I might be mistaken.

Because I’m tired and I could use a little help - does anyone have a guide for the routes yet?


The build posted today includes 3 additional Hannah scenes compared to the WIP posted in February just to clarify :slight_smile:

Hi Tron,

[Disclaimer: Forks is and has been a collaborative effort among multiple people including Tron. When I use singular pronouns like “you” below, my intention is to thank everyone collectively, but in a succinct way.]

I’ve been following the development of Forks since October 2021, and I wanted to share some words of appreciation and gratitude with you. Forks is an extremely polished, cohesive, and well-designed game. Both you, and the rest of the team have a tremendous talent for game design, sound design, art design, and story writing. Forks feels so cohesive and high-quality, that I think an open-minded player who doesn’t share the kink would still really enjoy the game and the story. In my opinion, that’s a tremendous credit to the project. In particular, the dialogue conveys an engaging story, while always remaining relatable and realistic.

Especially given the recent circumstances of the world, Forks has been a bright spot among some difficult life events for me. That doesn’t even touch on how much work and polish you’ve put into a free demo. I hope my gratitude expressed here, conveys just how fortunate I feel, and hopefully gives you the sense that your work on Forks is worth it.

Thank you sincerely to the entirety of Team Spoon, and congratulations on yet another update!


This is my first post here, but here is my little guide:

Rea: Take it → Decline → Share progress → Text Rea → Rea has a point → Help Rea

Hannah: Give it to Hannah → Decline → Text Rea → Hannah’s right → Help Hannah → I understand → Scold Rea

Grace: Drink it → Sometimes! → Text Grace → Flatter her → Help Grace → Yes! → Tell her

If some choices aren’t in the guide, then they aren’t important for this route.


Here is a Guide, warning massive spoilers below! If someone would like for me to remove it just let me know!

There are currently two different stats in Forks that are tracked by the plot. The first is “Gain Points”. In general, Gain Points appear to symbolize Alex’s growing desire to gain weight, and to be more open about her intentions with her friends. As of the latest demo, there are four (4) separate opportunities to earn a Gain Point in the story. However, two (2) of these points are mutually exclusive. This means that a player can have—at most—three (3) Gain Points in total as of the current demo.

Warning: You must have at least one (1) “Gain Point” before Alex speaks to Ryan the second time (Chapter 1, Part 8). This means you must choose AT LEAST one of the following actions on EVERY playthrough:

  • Eat the cake ball
  • Admit you are deliberately gaining weight to Morgan
  • Be truthful when Rea asks Alex her current weight (Hannah or Rea Route)
  • Agree with Grace regarding the importance of her artwork (Grace Route)

If you do not have at least one (1) Gain Point, Alex will lose confidence in gaining weight and give up. This results in a bad ending!

With Gain Points out of the way, we can discuss the other stat: “Points”. Each time you make a choice that makes a girl happy or grows your relationship with them, you earn a Point with that girl. The player can earn Points with Hannah, Rea, Grace, and Morgan (however Morgan won’t have a route). The way that Forks decides which route the player is on, is by comparing the amount of Points you have with each girl, and if you visited or helped them. The girl with the most Points, is the one you will be progressing. Because of this, each route listed below seeks to maximize your Points with the girl. If that is not relevant in a choice, the route attempts to minimize your Points with other girls.

For example, if you were on Girl A’s route, and the choices were either “No points” or “1 point with Girl B”, the “No points” choice would be chosen.

Hannah’s Route:
Choice 1: “Eat cinamon roll” or “Eat cake ball”
Choice 2: “Take it” or “Give it to Hannah”
Choice 3: "Brush her aside"or “Tell her the truth”
Choice 4: “Decline” or “Drink it”
Choice 5: “Share progress” or “They don’t need to know”
Choice 6: “Text Rea” or “Text Grace”
Choice 7: “Hannah’s right” or “Rea has a point”
Choice 8: “Help Rea” or “Help Hannah” or “Help Grace”
Choice 9: ??? (Choose either, the plot hasn’t progressed enough to be clear on the best choice).
Choice 10: “Grace” or “Hannah” or “Alex” or “Rea” (Not actually a choice).
Choice 11: “Follow Hannah” or “Scold Rea”
Choice 12: “Ok” or “You wouldn’t”

Rea’s Route
Choice 1: “Eat cinamon roll” or “Eat cake ball”
Choice 2: “Take it” or “Give it to Hannah”
Choice 3: "Brush her aside"or “Tell her the truth”
Choice 4: “Decline” or “Drink it”
Choice 5: “Share progress” or “They don’t need to know”
Choice 6: “Text Rea” or “Text Grace”
Choice 7: “Hannah’s right” or “Rea has a point”
Choice 8: “Help Rea” or “Help Hannah” or “Help Grace”
Choice 9: “You sure about that?” or “Don’t question it.” (You shouldn’t see this choice if you follow the guide)!
Choice 10: “Grace” or “Hannah” or “Alex” or “Rea” (Not actually a choice).

Grace’s Route
Choice 1: “Eat cinamon roll” or “Eat cake ball”
Choice 2: “Take it” or “Give it to Hannah”
Choice 3: "Brush her aside"or “Tell her the truth”
Choice 4: “Decline” or “Drink it”
Choice 5: “Sometimes!” or “There’s more to it.”
Choice 6: “Text Rea.” or “Text Grace”
Choice 7: “Flatter her.” or “Be honest.”
Choice 8: “Help Rea” or “Help Hannah” or “Help Grace”
Choice 9: “Wait…Setback?” or “Yes!”
Choice 10: “Grace” or “Hannah” or “Alex” or “Rea” (Not actually a choice)
Choice 11: “Don’t tell her” or “Tell her”
Choice 12: ??? (Choose either, the plot hasn’t progressed enough to be clear on the best choice).

P.S. There are multiple stats and game state flags besides the two above that players may earn during the course of their playthrough. These are currently unused, but their names invite speculation for the curious. Given that Forks is a work in progress, the routes above may become inaccurate, or have implications in content that has yet to be released! Make sure to have multiple saves, or expect to playthrough the game several times if future changes occur!


FYI, on the current build there are a couple goodies hidden in archive.rpa, including Rea at size 4, Morgan at size 3, and a couple outfits you don’t see in the game. Additionally the gallery is still broken, throwing errors if you go to certain outfits or sizes that you can’t rollback out of.


I finished what there is for now in all the routes of the game, maybe I’m a bit sad because Grace’s route didn’t have much content as Hannah’s route :pensive: (Grace is my favorite since the the first version of the game was realesed on itchi.o :smiling_face:) but, that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the new content, I have to admit that the wait was long but it was worth it, keep up the good work and I hope everyone that is part of Team Spoon are well and that you enjoyed your time making this piece of art. :smiley: :+1: :+1: :smiley:


In hannah’s route when Alex visits Hannah she comments that Rea has gotten noticeably fatter, but she looks the same as she did at the fireworks. Is she suppose to be stage 4 in that scene?

Also whats going on with aria, is it still on unity now?


And the update’s official, I’m confident enough to update the OP, upload everything and push the button :grin:!

So, SO happy to finally have this out! First Covid had me working at home (where I proved to be super productive with my day job, super unproductive on Forks), then had some data loss with my cloud storage that took out ~10 new scenes, had a baby (hello miracle of life, goodbye my life :tired_face:), and moved rather suddenly and without reliable Internet. All swept under the carpet now, and I’m sure the next update will go just fine!

Yep, juuuuust fine :smiling_face_with_tear:

Answer time!

@maldy I currently plan for Rea’s route to be an “alternative history” to Hannah’s. Rea having Alex as a close friend when she’s clearly acting differently (compared to when you first meet her) will end up changing some events. We’ll see if that idea makes it to the final cut :sweat_smile:
Also, no side characters currently put on any weight. I want to paint a picture of how absolutely miraculous it is that Alex can gain with 4 other girls, and it’s just not in Mina’s, Emily’s, or Alex’s mom’s interests or circumstances to do the same. If you’ve paid attention to how Alex thinks of her mom, you can be sure she’ll hit hard and fast. It’s part of why Alex had such a hard time committing to gaining in the first place, and it’s up to her to learn to live with that familiar lack of solidarity.

I can see a one-time stuffing session with Emily, but that’d be more of a novelty and one stuffing does not a whale make :wink:

@Barsik Hi! You’re welcome to tackle a translation, send me a message and I’ll send the script to you (or unarchive the .rpa and get it there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). Just bear in mind that at ~70k words (according to Ren’Py) it might be a ton of work. Otherwise, make sure to keep Team Spoon credited as the original developers and please don’t sell it separately.

If you do decide to give it a try, I can help explain any intentions to help with localization into your language. For example, a translator once contacted me for clarification about Alex’s mom jumping the highway median during the drive to Red Glen. That was extremely odd to the translator as such a thing rarely happened in their country, so they replaced it with an example of unsafe roadside behavior from their perspective. If that translator’s reading this, I hope it’s going well and that more people can enjoy the story someday!

@notdeku Hi! Hope you enjoyed the WIP build and the update even more! Unfortunately, as I haven’t figured out online updating in Ren’Py games, it’s best to start a new game and skip (using the “Unseen Text” toggle under Options) to the new content. I haven’t tested using old saves, sometimes they work in my dev branch and sometimes they crash.

@xodan82440 Thanks, I’m so glad you enjoyed it :smile:! Knowing I helped make someone’s day better is one of the happiest things I could possibly hear, that’s incredibly kind of you to say. When life has me down, being able to help someone in theirs keeps me going. I’m so sorry that Forks has taken so long just to get this far, and sometimes it does have me question if it’s been worth it, so thanks for letting me know it is!

Thank you for the detailed guide too, may I reference it in the OP?

@MaybeIDontExist Yep, you found 'em! Rea was originally going to hit size 4 but remained at 3 as it felt too early to have her grow so much. I didn’t make sense in the context of where the story was going. That gallery error’s also totally my fault, whenever I cut unused outfits from the dev branch to avoid spoilers it ends up crashing as it can’t find them when they’re called. I went ahead and added all of the outfits, so enjoy the bonus content :partying_face:

Thanks for telling me, I’d forgotten to check for it.

@LuckyBuizel Thanks ,I’m glad you liked it! The wait was long and I’ve been stressing hard over how this update might go over; it’s been such a relief to see it release smoothly :relieved:

Slow as it might be, I’ll keep going!

@ButteredToast25 Story-wise, Rea has indeed gotten fatter, but with a finite art budget we can only illustrate that change every so often. In this case, Rea’s bigger than her portrait shows, but not enough to jump up to her next. This way characters don’t suddenly gain 50lbs overnight :stuck_out_tongue:

Aria’s getting ready for a reboot, the ~6 weeks without good desktop Internet slowed the rollout on that too. It’s not going to be a complete reinvention, but it has evolved. When the day comes to reintroduce it to the world, it’ll do so with a revamped Patreon. Toro should be working on the assets for the page either this week or next.

Compare to old Aria and Neone:

It’s currently still in Unity, though if something really goes wrong or support’s dropped for the engine I can always switch back to Ren’Py. I know I said I woulnd’t post much Aria here, but someone asked and I’m a pleaser to the end!

Whew, I think that covers it. G’night, everyone!


I just kinda sped through the game to get to the new CG and it look amazing but I’ll play it full tomorrow when its not 2am lol but so far it looks amazing and I love the route so far with Hannah so happy to see it in its full glory!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Also wanted to say that you and the hole Team Spoon’s cast have been a huge inspiration for me and I’m starting my own WG VN. Its still in early stages of development and don’t wanna steal the spotlight from yous but just wanted to make your work known as a credit for my inspiration!!


One question I guess I’ve always had since the first demo, are there scenes that are planned (either written or thought about) that have not made their way into any of the demos? I would assume there are, but it always felt like somethings are missing but still referenced by characters in the demos.

I guess I would be referencing if we have a complete timeline of events as the demo progresses. There are some “time skips” as I would refer to them that have always been a bit jarring to me. I would say as the demos have rolled out that happens less and less for me. (Normally it was the speed of weight gain mixed with the inclusion of details of events that had not happen before the player. With the most recent demo the weight feels like it follows the story and Alex pretty well and she is committed but flip floppy to cake time. I think the current pace within the demo reflects that well compared to how I remember the others being at least from the “progress” numbers).

As to my question of are there scenes that are referenced but not implemented into the demo yet? One example would be the first Morgan and Alex cg. Prior to the scene where Morgan hands Alex a red velvet cupcake to try I don’t think it’s mentioned that Alex has been taste testing anything prior. But in the scene Morgan indicates that it’s been really helpful having Alex as a taste tester. The way this is worded to me would imply times that Alex has done just such a thing.

Since I would assume there is Morgan content missing that this might be something that is covered or mentioned somewhere and not left to the player to fill in the gaps. I know that the game takes place over a number of years and that every single detail being shown in game would be a lot. So, I would think there are times characters will reference things that happen that are not seen. As I know this is sometimes used to make the world feel as the characters do things outside of being observed by the player or person reading the story. So, are there gaps like this that will get filled in with the full version of the game? Or are “events” that are left out within the girls’ routes that the player is expected to understand have happen outside of what is shown on screen.