Free yet fun weight gain games

I’m still fairly new to the whole weight gain community and was looking for some games to play that would get me more involved. If you have any suggestions let me know.


Hello there @dbrun I would recommend checking out the #gain-jam section and the A user maintained list of games - Projects - Weight Gaming. As they have a lot of games and some of the new content on the site. But there have been many topics like this in the past. I will link some that have good games/recommendations in as well.

Between any of that you might find something but my biased is heavy on VN’s and female only. So I won’t be as much help if you are looking for something else.


Those work too! Just looking for anything really.

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Most games in the projects category have free versions, if you just recently joined I’m sure you’ll find a plethora of stuff, personal favorite of mine is Some Bullshit, it’s completely free and just recently got finished, I’ve got about 75ish hours in it. Also welcome in homie! :wave:


Do you know if they will work on Mac. Mac always causes me issues when downloading.