Games your Surprised hasn't had a mod

Starfield’s a purely single player “experience” though. so it’s not something that’ll just die off and have servers shut down.

That said, short of sort of “Phantom Liberty/2.0” level changes? Bethesda’s gonna be hard pressed to have even half the vibrant mod scene its previous titles have had.

Thinking about it more, what about Cyberpunk? There are not a lot of player replacers that I’ve seen, much less a fat one

“Die off and have servers shut down.”
It’s kinda the same thing, even though it’s a singleplayer game; even the NG+ content and some of the NG+ easter eggs couldn’t save player retention.
When Bethesda releases a game, they expect to release it, release DLC and expansions, rerelease the game again, make a bazillion dollars on paid community mods and so on.
If the game does badly enough (and it’s doing pretty damn bad so far), they might not have enough incentives to fix the game and do all those content updates, or do future overhauls like Skyrim did with LE, AE and SE.
Considering the state the game’s currently in, basically nobody plays it anyway and there’s hardly any decent mods, so it may as well be a dead game with dead servers.

The best case scenario is that they put in the effort, fix the game, add new content, balance the game, release the CK, and cultivate a huge modding scene that can then take off on its own, leading to a decade of great mods and content.
The worst case scenario, they release that expansion they weakly tried hyping up, it comes out like a wet fart, the game’s deemed not worth the effort to continue, and now we’ve got the first time ever where a Bethesda game isn’t saved by mods, effectively shutting out a potential “Skyrim in space” mod scene.

Actually, now that I think of it, another opponent to Starfield’s potential mod success is that the game’s running on a “”“brand new”“” engine (no it’s not). It’s still the same engine as before, but we don’t know how much they changed it, it makes me wonder if the CK might come out and all the previous Gamebryo modders show up and find out they have to relearn the engine, oof. I think anything short of a smooth transition would probably kill interest in modding the game, too.

Bonus: FO4 just got a big update, so loads of modders are probably busy with that instead. IIRC the Starfield xpac (+ maybe the CK) comes out this summer I think, FO4 modders might still be busy then and might not care to move to Starfield.

I’m surprised that nobody has made a weight gain themed fighter for Yomi-hustle. There is potential there like making the sprite get bigger depending on their hustle meter and so on and so forth.

I think Daggerfall would be a good candidate. It has a moddable Unity versions and uses a paperdoll system for equipment and 2D sprites for NPCs.

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I’m honestly surprised that there’s no actual weight gain or vore mod for Cyberpunk 2077

Based on what ive seen of the Cyberpunk modding scene i really would not hold out hope for a vore mod, I’m dubious that it’s even really practical. For further clarity I’m reposting what I said previously on this topic:

"The unfortunate reality with a lot of modding scenes is if something niche is gonna happen, you might just have to wait a long time for it.

It’s a matter of the game having gotten far enough into or completed it’s dev cycle to be at a stable branch, the modding community having the time and tools to get a really good grasp on what they can make the game do, the right breakthrough in dependency mods, and frankly just the right person having the game come up on their radar to develop for it.

This is not to say we’ll never see a Cyberpunk fat or, if we’re very lucky, weight gain mod of course! It’s just considering the game only released in 2020 and only really started having the public perception of it turn positive in the last year and half, I’m not surprised if it’s still some time before we see a more niche body mod crop up."