Granular WG For Big Fatties Release!

The issue was caused by me not unpacking the mod before I edited it. Thanks for your reply.

im having trouble getting that to work it shows the body but when it comes to the sleeve it shows a normal

Guys, can someone tell me please a possible way of how to fix character sprites going underground when you are using sprint module with biggest last 4 huge character’s sprites? Walking and running animation work fine. The only problem with sprint or dash animations.

There is no fix. That’s just how it is.

So, what is the reason of this bug happening on this last sprites?

Those states pretty much have their very own hitbox that gets applied. A similar issue occurred with the distortion spheres.


So, we can’t change hitbox for those states like we did for bigger character sprites?

We probably can, it’s just gone overlooked.

I see. Well, I hope someone more knowledgeable in this area can make adjustments :slight_smile:

Nice job laddie, keep the work

Howdy again, um, if anyone is willing to help, I’m having trouble getting my custom sprites to work for the granular sizes again with this current update. Is there any syntax I’m missing this time around? @mrmoto

Do the sprites for the new sizes only apply to specific races, because I only see the normal sprite when playing as an Avali.

Only the vanilla races are supported.

Wasn’t there a fan-made addon that added Avali support?

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Open up the lua file scripts/player/bigfatties.lua around line 313. Delete the or reference to movement techs. This will mean your distortion sphere will have a big hitbox, but it will fix sprint and other movement tech errors.


Woah, thank you for this information.

Well, unfortunately it looks like I am too stupid and can’t understand exactly what I need to delete q_q

Did you use a tool to extract the pak file? Such as Tutorial - How to successfully pack and unpack .pak files | Chucklefish Forums the advice here.

what I highlighted is what you want to delete.

Well, actually the problem is that I don’t have such string in this script. Still in my version I have this bug where sprite going under ground. I didn’t change anything in skript. Maybe I am using updated version?

delete the stuff I marked with red strikethrough. There’s one more AND segment you need to delete after that, status.stat(“activemovementabilities”).