Growth Academy general discussion

Aha! Another May, another day, another Dev Journal hooray. It’s Clock, y’all, back at it again with another update for you guys. This mayternity, we’ve been working on a couple of things we think you all are really gonna like. Take a look down below and see what we have in store for you this time around!

Honoka has some new scenes, new sprite reworks and new outfits outfits coming up, as well as a revamp of one of the systems in game for Honoka’s route you all will have to check out when it’s done! This will add a lot more focus to her route (she needs it if she keeps daydreaming during class!)

Shiori’s route may be done, but we still have some sprites coming in for you all, ass well as a crossover scene with Alice!

Aida has 3 new rewrites, a new outfit, and a new CG in the works!

Akira has 6 new scenes, new outfits and expressions for size 5, and new CG!

Alice has 2 new outfits with one more in the works, new scenes on the way with the first WGAE scene ready.

Naomi, meanwhile, has new size 4 sprites in!

For our MC scenes, we have new sprites and scenes!

In the staff breakroom we got neutral sprites for faculty (Hageshi and Tsubasa)!

On the tunes end, we have a new general theme by Post, with an ost that has about hour and 45 minutes of original music!

That’s all for now, but keep an eye out, because now that the may flowers have sprung, we’re springing into action to bring you even more exciting content!

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Hello and a pleasant Junes end to everyone! It’s Clock here, with another dev journal for Growth Academy! It both feels so soon, yet so long since the last build, and boy do we have some good stuff for you. This dev cycle has seen a lot of good momentum with the project, as well as some new content for you all to enjoy! What to expect since the last time?

For Honoka, we have a rewrite for BE016 for you guys to take a look at, along with MC008! We’ve got a number of size 3 sprites finished, nude and topless sprites, Reworked size 4, and new expression across all outfits and sizes! (Also, maybe give scene 049 a replay wink wink)

For Shiori, her -G ending now has a completed sprite set. There’s also a crossover scene with Alice, WGAE010!

We have lots of new sprites for Naomi! Naomi’s Size 1 Garden Outfit set, Naomi’s Size 1 Happy-2 expression - for uniform and garden outfit, Naomi’s Size 4 Unique, Unique-2, and Embarrassed expressions.

Lots of new stuff for Akira! Akira has 6 new scenes (26, 87A, 87B, 88, 89 and FMGWG005), one Rewrite (FMG022), new expressions for Size 5, new Size 5 outfits for Akira and Nat, new CG, and minor dialogue adjustments in various scene.

Alice has 4 new scenes (WGAE010, WG082, WG084, WGFMG005), and small additions to WGBE004B (WGAE001 is a size 2 scene); three new outfits, and her size 5 expressions are now fully implemented.

Aida has three new rewrites (45, 46, 47), updated sprites, and a new CG!

Finally, we have a LOT of new content around the surrounding story of GA! New scenes, RM002 Rewrite, global005, MC008, updates to scenes global000, RM001, MC002, MC005, MC006, MC007, MC024, MC033, new music,and Tomoko’s Dorm background. As well, we also have sprites implemented for Hageshi and Tsubasa-sensei! Tsubasa in particular is one of our most detailed sprites yet!

Also! As a quick announcement, we now have an page! You can come check it out here! Growth Academy by Growth Academy

And that should be everything! I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been working hard on GA. It’s hard work, but I love it, and all of you! If anyone is interested in joining our team, feel free to let us know! With that, I hope you enjoy the new release of Growth Academy, and I’ll see y’all next time!


Questions for people who’ve played this game, because I’m just getting into it and trying to decide which routes to read now and which to let cook some more.

Shirori’s route is complete and has 100 mainline scenes, right? Is every girl’s route numbered on the same scale? Does that mean that (by length) Alice and Akira’s routes are almost done, and Honoka, Aida, and Naomi’s about half-done? Or did Shiori’s route just happen to land at the nice round number? Is any main girl’s route too short to really enjoy? I’m specifically curious about Honoka.

Yeah, all main routes will have approximately 100 scenes.

I think there’s definitely things you can enjoy in all routes, but Shiori, Alice, and Akira definitely have the most content.


I would say they are all at a point where there is quite a bit of content. You can always complete a route and wait a few more builds until more has built up. Aida’s route is currently undergoing rewrites that are not complete so that one might be worth holding off on until they catch up as the rewrites are quite extensive compared to the old scenes, some of which remain, which could be confusing.

Alice’s route is up to 88 main scenes but with extra scenes that are not core to her route in total there is over 120.

Good day, everyone; clock here! Ready for another new dev journal? Everyone’s been hard at work getting ready for the new build, and we have some great things in store! Excited? No way you’ll wanna miss this one, that’s for sure! Due to everyone’s hard work, we’ve managed to put together some new sprites, backgrounds, quality of life changes, and even more! All this and more can be found in the new build. You can find it now on the deviantart page, discord, and!

Honoka has 3 new scenes, and two new expressions!

Shiori’s bad end sprites have been colored, and now long needed backgrounds have been implemented! Just as well, Tako now has a beanie-less alt; I told you all she wasn’t balding!

Naomi has a new scene in!

Akira has 3 new rewrites, 2 new scenes, a new cg, expressions applied to her new outfit, a new new outfit, and some touch ups!

Alice has 4 new scenes, 3 new outfits, and 3 new cgs!

Similarly, Okisho has a new track! Finally, Aida has 3 new scenes and 2 new outfits (Sakura is getting in on the outfit action too!)

We also have a new global scene in for you to check out! (global010)

Lastly, we have a QOL announcement; we’ve swapped our art assets to webp format to save up on file size! (800MB)

So, as a compilation for where we’re at:
Main routes:
Shiori’s route is up to AE100 scene with three endings - story goes up to size 6. The route is pending for rewrites, so some things may be changed in the future all across the route. AE route also has one optional crossover scene (AEBE004)
Honoka’s route is up to BE054 scene, which is size 4, with a few scenes having some gaps meant to be filled. The route also has planned rewrites addressing some of the most common concerns. There is also a 4-part crossover arc with Naomi (BEGTS)
Aida’s route is up to PRG049, which is size 4. There are about 15+ events after PRG049, but these are prior to rewrites.
The route was rebooted from the ground up, so some events pre-rewrites might not feel consistent. These inconsistencies will be addressed alongside upcoming rewrites
Alice’s route is up to WG088, which is size 5. Route also has several crossover events with a few characters (WGAE, WGBE, WGGTS, WGFMG) and some additional optional and secret scenes.
Akira’s route is up to FMG089, which is size 5. Route also has a few crossover scenes with Alice (FMGWG) and two with Naomi (FMGGTS) Naomi’s route is up to GTS052, which is size 4, with some gaps meant to be filled. Route also has crossover event with Aida (GTSPRG001) and with Akira (GTSFMG001)

Optional routes: Daichi’s side route is up to RM003. RM001 and RM002 received significant rewrites in recent months, so it should feel more modernised on a new playthrough. RM001 can be unlocked after finishing MC001, MC007 or by picking Daichi on MC005
MC scenes are tied to Kei’s slice of life outside of routes. These scenes covers group events, scenes with side characters, Tomo’s arc and about faculty. They are intended to act as separate side stories - completed events are MC001-MC009, MC011, MC024 and MC033. They’re also highly replayable, often referencing events or characters from the route of your choice, so some scenes may have some differences on various playthroughs
Global scenes:
Prologue (global000)
global005, global010 and global026
(Thank you for compiling this so much, Haen aaaa)

That’s all for now, and thank you for following the development of Growth Academy! Hope to see you next month for more!


Hey :slight_smile:
Is there any code to unlock the full gallery please ?
Everything takes so long and I don’t know what to say to unlock every CG of a character :sleepy:
Thx :slight_smile:

Currently there is not, but we do plan to implement some kind of hints as how to unlock them if they are missing.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all! Hello everyone, and welcome to the last dev journal of 2023! Wow it has been a wild year, one which saw the finishing of a route which has been in development for almost 7 years, and countless improvements and additions to our big bouncy visual novel which truly makes it fitting of it’s name! That doesn’t mean we slow down, though, it only is gonna get bigger and better from here! To show this, we have a little end of the year Christmas gift for all to enjoy; a new build for Growth Academy! What can you expect in your stuffed stocking this year

Main routes:

Shiori’s route is up to AE100 scene with three endings - story goes up to size 6. The route is pending for rewrites, so some things may be changed in the future all across the route. AE route also has one optional crossover scene (AEBE004)

Honoka’s route is up to BE056 scene, which is size 4, with a few scenes having some gaps meant to be filled. The route also has planned rewrites addressing some of the most common concerns. There is also a 4-part crossover arc with Naomi (BEGTS)

Aida’s route is up to PRG052, which is size 4. There are about 15+ events after PRG049, but these are prior to rewrites. The route was rebooted from the ground up, so some events pre-rewrites might not feel consistent. These inconsistencies will be addressed alongside upcoming rewrites

Alice’s route is up to WG091, which is size 5. Route also has several crossover events with a few characters (WGAE, WGBE, WGGTS, WGFMG) and some additional optional and secret scenes

Akira’s route is up to FMG089, which is size 5. Route also has a few crossover scenes with Alice (FMGWG) and two with Naomi (FMGGTS)

Naomi’s route is up to GTS052, which is size 4, with some gaps meant to be filled. Route also has crossover event with Aida (GTSPRG001), Alice (GTSWG001) and with Akira (GTSFMG001)

Optional routes:

Daichi’s side route is up to RM003. RM001 and RM002 received significant rewrites in recent months, so it should feel more modernised on a new playthrough. RM001 can be unlocked after finishing MC001, MC007 or by picking Daichi on MC005

MC scenes are tied to Kei’s slice of life outside of routes. These scenes covers group events, scenes with side characters, Tomo’s arc and about faculty. They are intended to act as separate side stories - completed events are MC001-MC009, MC011, MC013, MC024 and MC033. They’re also highly replayable, often referencing events or characters from the route of your choice, so some scenes may have some differences on various playthroughs

Global scenes:
Prologue (global000)

global005, global010 and global026 (Big thank you to Haen for compiling this!)

And that should be all she, well, WE wrote for now! As you start off the new year with the new term at Seichou, I hope everyone enjoys their Buckwheat Noodles, nuzzles down in their beds with a warm Taiyaki, and remembers; the future is bright, and your world is constantly growing!

See you next time, and happy holidays from everyone here at Growth Academy

New Build Out Now! (Reminder, all of our prior builds are archived on DA. Please check the date to make sure you’re playing the most recent!)


Which route has changed the most since last build?

Looking forward to Alice’s body size 6

According to the discord:

Two new Honoka scenes BE055 and 056
One new Naomi scene GTSWG001
Four new PRG rewrites (That are basically new scenes) 050, 051, 051b, 052
Four new WG scenes 083, 089-091
One new MC scene MC013

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I am delighted to find the new updates - I had assumed the project was dead, and the 'second year" was not appealing to me. It is great to be among my Japanese friends again - thank you!

Typo in the latest release, file “game/script_prg.rpy”, line 27281 and some following lines:

StewardesS “Of course.”

Renpy doesn’t like the capital S there.

Well, well, well, who is it that I spy peepin in at the newest journal? Is it you? Is it you you silly fuckin goober? You tiny fuckin lil guy?

Hello all, and welcome to the February journal of Growth Academy! I hope you all had a fun, romantic Valentines day season! At the very least, you had lots of chocolates and those weird chalky hearts with red pen ink on them! Growth Academy is a labor of love, and love requires dedication and work; so how’s about we tell you about the love making that has been going on in the dev team!

Honoka has two new scenes in the works along with two new expressions and a new outfit!

Shiori is having her sprites implemented into her endings, with some extended sprites in the works!

Naomi has a new scene and some expressions in the works!

Akira has three new scenes, three CGs, Size 6 Akira and Nat, and making her debut: Yua (Natsuko’s mom)!

Alices mom has a new sprite finished, and Alice herself has some new CGs finished!

Aida has two new scenes, and another currently in the works!

Finally, we have two new expressions for Daichi, two new RM scenes, and wouldn’t you know it a new MC scene in the works!

That’s all for now though! Thank you for following the development of Growth Academy, and we hope that you can stop on by as we move in from winter to spring!


Who are the authors of each route? Where can I find more of their works, outside of GA?

These are the links for the authors on the Discord server:

Clockworkphysicist - Section head for Shiori’s route

TheMurp - Section head for Alice’s route - I don’t currently have my original works posted here but plan to soon. I do post fanfics submitted by server members that are worth a read if you are interested in more GA content.

AzoriusLegion - Section head for Akira’s route

Neutral Ant - Section head for Naomi’s route

TrebleCleffy - sub writer for the Honoka route
TrebleCleffy - Hobbyist, Writer | DeviantArt

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Well hey, look who made it through another May! Hey, hey, Clock here today; sorry for the delay. Boy do I have a lot to say. This month has been way too short it feels, but we’ve been working on quite a lot of stuff for you all anyway! What have we been working on along the way? I’ll tell ya if that’s okay!

(I’m not clever enough to continue the bit with these lmao)

There are 3 Honoka scenes in progress along with some concept sketches being worked on

Shiori’s still getting some new assets planned out, as of right now

A new Naomi scene with another in progress

3 new scenes for Akira and a new CG

3 new CGs in progress, 1 scene update, a new scene complete and another in progress.

A few new Aida scenes in the works, and a new outfit being worked on

And a shiny new scene coming up with a fun new game for the students of Seichou to play! What will it be? You’ll have to find out!

That’s all I have for ya today! Thank you all so much for continuing to play! The July Update is on the way, so check in on the discord every day! All of us on the Growth Academy team wish you a good day.


Steals mic back from Diant


Hey all, Clock here once again with a new dev journal for Growth Academy! As an announcement, I’ve returned from Japan! This means, hopefully, I will be more present to answer questions, work more frequently, and be able to hopefully get back into making timely updates to the journal lol. August has come to an end, and I’m awash in an endless ocean of music references about September. While I cling to the shore of sanity, how’s about I give you all a peek at what we’ve been working on in the past month?

We have two Honoka scenes currently in the works!

A Naomi scene in progress!

Akira has scenes still being worked on, 2 CGs in progress, Outfits and some new outfits in the works!

Alice has two scenes currently being worked on!

Last but not least, Aida has two scenes in the oven cookin for ya!

That’s about it for now! As you can see, this month has primarily been working on scenes and prepping for the next update, which is coming up soon. We hope to deliver on our writing, and we’re putting in the work to make it happen! Until next time, thank you for following the development of Growth Academy!