Ok, so i recently became aware of SDF(signed difference functions) in relation to shading, to be able to draw complex shapes or models with just a fragment shader. I have been slowly working on creating a dynamic avatar drawer, and had an epiphany when coming across this on shadertoy.com which is absolutely amazing. So for the past hour or so i have been hacking at my own SDF fragment shader to draw a 3d human. While i know some basics of writing a shader, I’m not a graphics programmer by any means. I can combine SDF shapes to render a human-ish looking object, however I’m no where near knowledgeable enough to bring it to life. So, really am looking for an artist/graphics programmer, to work on the shading and lighting to bring the 3d model to life.
So is there anyone out there who would like to team up to help me create this shader, to render an avatar?
My other work in progress dynamic avatar drawer was 2d you can see it here
Have you looked through all the videos the artist who made that shader did on his youtube channel?
Do keep in mind, he is a senior Pixar Engineer so what you already have is quite far for your own take on it. Going much further would require someone with exceptional experience & skill in this very niche field.
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Yes i did watch some of his videos, its how i learned the theory of what he was doing with the SDFs. And am able to apply it. 2d implementations are quite easy to understand and apply, its when you get into 3d and raymarching that i start getting lost, when it comes to lighting and shading. understanding the ray hit the object when the SDF < 0(just like with the 2d) is straight forward, its knowing what color and how to apply lighting that is the part im unsure of.
I’m well aware of just how skilled he is, which is why I’m looking for help.
In general for my goals: animating and clothes would be the cherry on top. Applying texture shading and lighting is the main thing i could probably use help with that is probably an achievable goal, Getting the right shapes in place, which would be determined by input uniforms is the bare bones. I think clothes for me would be the last thing i wold try to model.
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Yep definitely need to work on the lighting. I find it really cool that i had to make 0 3d meshes to make this scene.
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