Honey Combat Request Posts

There are a lot of ideas that can be though of for this, but I can think of few ideas for it
(I have read the rules too just in case if I mess something up)

  1. More Stages/Bigger Units, I think everyone has been saying this already but the idea have getting more advanced honey or drop more honey for one unit could be an nice idea, adds more the the fetish part but an tactic too, do you got for Several Upgraded Units Or One Super Powerful unit. Same thing for the Queen, could make here bigger and her size could unlock more stuff and such (Also Fun idea as in her info of the game if see has anymore then 2 her clothing would break, would be a nice touch lol)
    Though idk about this but I guess its only fair if we get may a stage or more for Scout and Player cause why not could do more like unlocking honeys or giving them more roles like Scout could be the ONLY way to get a base defense but idk, up to you guys xp

  2. More Units, Another idea that could play a role by combining 2 honeys more by unlocking more honeys to get more unit types which can open up for more tactics and larger ranges of Fetish ideas xp
    EX: Brawler, Red+Blue or Different Honey like Cyan, She not only strong melee fighting but can charge in with a powerful first strike, though she can put herself in more danger
    Supporter, She a non-combat unit but is seen in the frontlines for her ability to increase movement speed or damage of units, but lacks major defense and it more likely to be targeted by airborne and ranged units (And really this is the best way to get a supporting unit that’s not like a healer to avoid healing item issue)

  3. Bigger Map(Maybe), Bigger map would more likely let play have more big battles for larger units and stage changes like when the queen gets bigger and so on.

  4. 2-Player and Unique Enemies, Like in the game of Stick Wars, you can have some what multiplayer and have some challenges where you face enemies that are not bees (Though I understand such things will be tricky as that would me lots of sprites to understand if it can’t be done) as for Multi, can be done somewhat as you hold have 5 buttons its not impossible to do it though split screen can be an issue and of coures no online as that its a WHOLE another thing to figure out

  5. Lastly unique modes? This is another questionable one but this one you can have like different game modes not like challenges but more of a different pact to a game like L4D2 Mutations or somthing
    1 idea being Team Set Up, The of it as 2 teams (Both can be players) Have a set number of Bee Warriors to use with a Set cost of points to upgrade them, you main goal is to take out the enemy team
    This opens up the idea of what units strength and weakness are plus lets the player try out more units or look a sprites more, Just an idea

And that about covers it, sorry for there a few things that dont make scenes I have bad grammer and if some seem to not follow the rules in someway, try my best to figure out ideas


I did not expect to see pikmin here, but I second this, it’d be cool.


Put together an idea for a unit: the Knockout.
Health: slightly higher than a Scout.
Movement speed: varies
Damage: varies
Pollen required: 800

The Knockout is a burst-damage unit that takes time to get going. For the first few seconds of moving, she is extremely slow and has rather poor attack, being slower than the Gunner and doing damage comparable to a Scout. After building up speed, however, her attack changes from a boob-bounce similar to the Waxer’s attack into a devastating… um… trip?… That devastates any unit (un)fortunate enough to cushion her fall. If she manages to achieve top speed, the Knockout can also completely ignore the first small cluster of enemies and charge into the back line, making her the perfect choice for taking out Gunners. The downside to her incredible ability to fall onto people is the difficulty she faces getting up, which takes her around 10 seconds. More than enough time for the enemy to take her out, but also enough time to punish a weak defense.
(Don’t ask how a unit as short as her ever manages to one-shot anything bigger than a Scout.)



I suppose one idea for the Queen, other than increasing max units allowed on the field, is increasing spawn rate or resource generation rate. As it stands now, the generation rate of units and resources is perfect for the amount of units and difficulty in the current version. However, as more units and harder stages are added, being able to increase those two stats would add another layer of strategy.


Maybe a system where the queen bee you control can trade honey for stat boosts for the army and herself like boosted speed attack and other various things

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lame idea prolly but maybe a honey that turns a bee into a hornet or wasp to intercept the stompers by stinging/tackling them out of the air to prevent the first impact when they land.

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That’s quite alright with me~

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maybe you could get some kind of research and level thing?

just a concept, but i already have an idea for 3 upgrades for the waxer, and im gonna make the descriptions short and sweet

bigger belly: increases health and damage and/or blocks artilerists shots, but reduces speed (mid-game)

stronger muscles: increases speed and/or damage (early-game)

suddenly, pregnant!: spawns up to 3 troops, but stops when giving birth (late-game)

other suggestions:

a game over screen where the centurion is getting pumped full of waxxer honey

teiring up fighters by feeding them more of the same time of their honey (waxxer with waxxer honey, guard with guard honey, etc.)

after beating the game 100% (getting everything, beating all difficulties) you get to pump every type of soldier with the matching honey (normal soldier gets normal honey) to a point of immobility


Oh I love this! Would be wonderful if something similar happened in the final game~

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I’ve finished the game on all difficulties and once I got to Medium and Hard I couldn’t help but feel like the Guard didn’t have much use. It surprised me nobody else mentioned this and therefore it might just be a me thing, but here goes nonetheless:

Pretty much every other unit has a clear purpose when used in-game. The Waxer is showcased as a tank, and it shows in game; she’s bulky, hard to kill but doesn’t deal much damage otherwise. Likewise, the Stomper works as a cheap emergency button to get rid of troublesome units, the Artillery is an incredibly good source of sustained damage at a safe range (hell, when massed she can even hold her own against waxers for a short while)… and then, there’s the Guard.

She’s advertised as a middle ground between a damage-oriented and a tank-oriented unit, and although that’s true, it doesn’t mean much in gameplay. There is no real need for such a role in the grand scheme of things; sure, she can pull along for a while, but you’re much better off using any other unit/combination of units for whatever situation you’re in. If you need to push enemy forces away, you’ll use Stompers and a Waxer. If you need to secure territory and overwhelm the enemy defences, you’ll slowly progress into Artillery with one or two Waxers to hold off soldiers. Thus, the Guard doesn’t synergize well with other units and it ends up being cast aside (especially due to its price).

I understand it can be hard to balance any other unit types when the basic needs for an army are already met with the 3 unit types mentioned previously, so I don’t mind this situation very much - it would be worse if it was overpowered and centralizing. However, I came up with a solution I believe could work, which consists of a simple change: making the Guard the fastest unit.

Although it would clash with the Guard’s intended aesthetic, it would solve its gameplay-related problems by giving her a unique niche to fill: you can now use her as an expensive and inefficient alternative to a Waxer if something goes wrong while you’re deep into enemy territory/assaulting the enemy queen and don’t want to forgo your gains, or if you have Artilleries exposed and don’t want them all to die. It’d provide an immediate benefit while still not covering the Waxer’s general niche since it costs you more in the long run.



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pshh, sure. Go ahead, man

oh, nevermind now. You actually did already, loool

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Yeah, I personally totally agree with your opinion of the guard and I do like the solution to it. Thanks for the feedback!

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she does increase unit spawn rate as well but it’s not by much

the guard is the fastest ground unit, the only unit faster is the stomper when it’s flying.

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now when put it in that wording, it seems a lot more useful

but guards do need a buff especially if they are going to be single target units (which they will be), because as of right now every unit does an area attack.

The unit attacks for the future will be:
Grunt: Single
Waxer: Area + Knockback
Stomper: Area → Single
Guard: Single
Artillery: Single (huge nerf right here)
Queen: Area (this is for the half damage stomp attack)

so there is some food for thought, also if you want an idea of what other games have done: Battle Cats
Battle Cats is an excellent example of what is possible with Tower VS Tower games, it might give you some ideas as to what you could suggest to help better the game.

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Battle Cats was said, and I immediately perked up.


I played all games for this jam, am honestly to me yours was the most mechanically sound. You already have a great foundation here, so I’d say you don’t need to change much, mostly just build more content on what you already have.

I might be mistaken but I believe your game is actually part of a tower defense genre called “reverse tower defense”, of which Battle Cats is probably the most popular entry. Because of that, I’d suggest looking to features from that genre to find inspiration on where to take your game.

My suggestions for additions are as follow:

  • Add more soldier types than you have slots during battle. This is important to incentivize player expression
  • Add a simple upgrade tree for each soldier type. This might seem more of the same above, and it is, but the main reason for this is that players of strategy games often settle on a preferred playstyle quickly, so it can grow stagnant rather fast if you don’t provide ways to progress within their loadout. If you can make slight visual tweaks to each unit without changing the silhouette, that is even better.
  • Add towers, or at least some intermediary objective, such as construction places. This is the main thing I think is lacking from your game right now. I’d also like to point out that offensive towers are just one of the ways to do it. Some games like Kingdom have specific construction spots that yield different benefits, and some others like Kingdom Rush let you choose which buildings you want to put in each “construction node”.
  • Make the utility of the queen more obvious. An easy way to do this in more opinion is to allow the casting of spells by using nectar. In my mind this introduces an interesting risk/reward gamble, but you probably know your game better than I do. Do what you feel is more interesting.

Finally, for the fetish side of your game, I have already read your other post, and I love the idea of introducing a dating sim aspects for the soldiers. I only have one more suggestion in this regard, and that is to incorporate the common idea to our fetish games of “multiple sizes”.
It is a lot of extra content, yes, but if you decide you want to do this, I’d suggest against automatically growing the weight of units as you upgrade them. Instead I’d suggest to do something only for the duration of a match, such as some kind of veterancy. The more units a bee kills the more it levels up, and so on. This would make them grow in power, but I’d suggest not healing them back to full when they level up, even if you give them more hitpoints. I believe this could introduce a good risk/reward(kinky) gamble to incentivize putting your units on the line, while at same time increasing the skill ceiling of your game, and giving us horny bastards an incentive to master it.

I think I’ve stated this before, but I am an AI researcher. Interestingly, this and happenstance led me to study bees a lot, and I have some trivia that might be useful to you, plot/story-wise:

  • Every year bees swarm. That is the process of breaking up a colony into two, leaving a new queen in the existing colony, and looking for a new place to next. This could be a very easy plot objective to you, that could explain why you are constantly fighting others to destroy their base. Every one of your challenges could be a swarming season, or if you prefer, you could make a campaign that is just one swarm’s attempt to find a perfect new home. Btw, queens usually live through 6 swarms, so around 6 years.
  • Bees literally communicate through the medium of dance. I won’t say more than this, I am sure you can see how this could be interesting story-wise. Send me a PM if you want an article outlining how exactly that works.
  • Not a bee, but look up honeypot ants. It might give you some inspiration.
  • Wasps are the most common predators of bees, and could give you a good way out to create a visually distinctive enemy, without the need to make new sprites. Basically, wasps are just like bees, but color swapped.
  • Bees are largely programmable, and workers can put them on certain “modes” depending on the needs of the hive. One such gestures I love most is that when a bee puts their front legs on another’s shoulders, looks intensely at the other’s eyes, and boops them in the “nose”. This basically means “stop what you are doing and go back to stand-by”. This could be a way to return bees to their normal state, if you want. Honestly I just wanted to share this gesture, it is just so stupid and funny to me. IDK why.

Anyway, great game. I am sure there is no way to go wrong with your idea, as it is already pretty solid. Remind you that these suggestions are just that, suggestions, and that discretion is always useful when listening to feedback from the public.


we are not making the dating sim, that is a different group that has our blessing.