How do people feel about games that you need to pay for? [Poll]

I also payed for SFRPG since I actually played so much of the old version and wanted to play the new one. I think I payed around 10$ and can honestly say that I got all the money I payed out of that product. Only other I ever bought was Smasher and the Worshippers of the Gain, both of which also lived to the price they were put on (Smasher was so fun). I have been on 4 different patrons, and I can definitely say that I won’t be joining any more of the disorganized ones. Out of said 4, 2 of those had inconsistent updates, not even about developments nor anything, namely they were the devs behind Eat The Dungeon! (which was gone for like 3-4 months if not more) and Soulstream Expansive (had a discord-dedicated patron-chat, which could be accessed via help through his Patron, which he didn’t give so I couldn’t access the closed betas of the games I was supposed to be able to download, as well as not updating that often to warrant that price(I think last update was last year but can’t be too sure)). One of the I joined for an update to a game, namely Project F.A.T (where a known game-breaking bug that was fixed on the patron version but not on the supposed free version, (which is just the previous version) that in turn stopped me from finishing the game entirely, which then corrupted my save file somehow and in turn had to also pay to get it done with). The last one I paid 10 whole dollars to play and it was not enough to warrant a monthly payment of that caliber, although I’ve seen it get updated consistently (won’t mention it cause I’m still watching it to get it again when it actually gets interesting)

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