I am an idiot, Please Help Me Learn Ren'Py.

Yeah atom has a similar plugin although atom is now dead as of today I believe (they’re no longer working on it at all), so it might be harder to obtain? (but since it’s already installed on my machine I’m gonna keep using it until I get an issue, then I’ll consider moving to new tech.)


I know I’m late to this party, but if you want to know how Tramp works, or specific bits, I can definitely answer those questions. Some of the detailed code is complex, I know, but that wouldn’t stop you re-using bits for your own game.


Thank you for this offer! I’d be very interested. I cannot figure out how to track variables and create a cyclical day system.

What are you looking for? Do you want to tracks days and hours, or days and periods (such as morning, lunchtime, afternoon, evebning, night)?

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Days and periods would be preferable, with events you can do during each timeblock

Another example of this you can reference, is in my game Project Bob.

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thank you, I will definetly look into your game as well, I just am struggling to get variable tracking and timeblocks down

Sorry for the delay, a bit busy. I’d probably start with something like this:


# Date/Period.

    # Name the days of the week.
    # Could be added to if you want an eight day week for example.
define  daysOfWeek = [
        "Monday",       # 0
        "Tuesday",      # 1
        "Wednesday",    # 2
        "Thusday",      # 3
        "Friday",       # 4
        "Saturday",     # 5
        "Sunday",       # 6

    # Name the periods of a day.
    # Can be added to or shortened as needed.
define  periodsOfDay = [
        "Morning",      # 0
        "Lunchtime",    # 1
        "Afternoon",    # 2
        "Evening",      # 3
        "Night",        # 4

default day = 1             # Day number
default dayOfWeek = 0       # Day of week
default period = 0          # Period of day

default dayOfWeekStr = daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek]    # Current day of week string
default periodStr = periodsOfDay[period]       # Current period string

init python:

        # Advance a number of periods.
        # Updates periodStr and dayOfWeekStr too.
        # delta   - Number of periods to advance (default 1)
        # rollDay - True (default) to advance to the next day,
        #           False to stop at last period of current day
        # NOTE: delta can be negative if you need to travel backwards in time.
    def addPeriod(delta = 1, rollDay=True):
        global period, day, dayOfWeek, periodStr, dayOfWeekStr
        periods = len(periodsOfDay)
        period += delta
        if rollDay:
            # Use mod math to advance period, day, dayOfWeek.
            day += period // periods
            dayOfWeek += period // periods
            period %= periods
            dayOfWeek %= len(daysOfWeek)
            dayOfWeekStr = daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek]
            if period >= periods:
                period = periods - 1
            elif period < 0:
                period = 0
        periodStr = periodsOfDay[period]

        # Advance to the start of the next day.
        # Updates periodStr and dayOfWeekStr too.
        # delta - Number of days to advance (default 1)
        # NOTE: delta can be negative if you need to travel backwards in time.
    def nextDay(delta = 1):
        global period, day, dayOfWeek, periodStr, dayOfWeekStr
        period = 0
        day += delta
        dayOfWeek += delta
        dayOfWeek %= len(daysOfWeek)
        dayOfWeekStr = daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek]
        periodStr = periodsOfDay[period]

    # Simple screen top right to show day, day of week (first three letters), and period.
    # Should probably move this to a separate file.
screen simpleDateTime():
        xalign 1.0
        yalign 0.0
        text "Day [day] [dayOfWeekStr:.3s] [periodStr]"

A simple script to test it:

define pc = Character("You")

label start:
    show screen simpleDateTime
    pc "Urrgh, Mondays. Who needs them?"

    "You stay in bed, feeling ill."
    $ addPeriod()

    "You manage to eat a little chicken soup, take an aspirin, and go back to bed."
    $ addPeriod(2)

    "You wake and check your socials, but it is all too much, and you let sleep take you again."
    $ addPeriod(3)

    "Wait ... It's lunchtime? How long did I sleep?"
    "No ... this can't be happening. Am I having a lucid dream?"
    $ addPeriod(-6)
    "Your alarm goes off, time to get ready for work."

1 Like

Ok so i thought i would add some explanation to @dingotush code that may be helpful. Starting with python and by extension renpy script syntax is mostly white space dependent, and indentation means everything!

define in the renpy script tells the renpy game engine to crate a variable(since its a python engine your really just making a python variable). Python variables are sort of polymorphic, but for the sake of keeping things simple, daysofWeek would be a list and dayOfWeek would be an integer to start.

Ok so i feel like next in the script @dingotush sort of jumped right into the deep end (although its probably the correct way of doing it) @dingotush uses init python: which in renpy script tells the renpy engine that the following indented block is pure python code(note that everything in a python code bock is treated as one line in the renpy script). He then in python inside the code block defines some python functions with default variable inputs(again a slightly advanced move using default variable imputs for a beginner at python).

Ok last thing thing happening back in renpy script outside the init python: is defining a screen in renpy script. using screen yourscreennaemhere(): tells the script the next script block is all for that screen. You can pass variables to the screen inside the () like in a function. and like a function a screen can return something. Getting more advanced a screen is a python class predefined by the renpy engine, and what your actually mainly defining other than the name in the renpy script is the render function of the screen class object. Why this is important to know is renpy pre renders screens. No literally the engine will actually call the render function ahead of time for your screen that way when its time to show that screen it will be done rendering. If you change the value of a variable in the script block for the screen it changes whenever the render function is called, which can be before its displayed to the player. In other words adding a line $ day += 1 to the simpleDateTime screen would make it add 1 to day every time it prerendered or rerendered the screen making your day counter count way to many times and posibly mess with other uses of that variable the player may be interacting with(try addin the above to the screen in his demo code and try it out to see what i mean). If you want a screen to modify variables in your game for instance a button to click to increase a stat you have to do this via screen actions.

So in the script.rpy, again in renpy script were again using define to define another python variable, this time one of renpys custom predefined python classes, a Character which is very useful for making writing in the script easier. Then we define a renpy script label. ( Python does not natively have labels, and uses a library to implement them in python, to be able to use them in the script, i forgot which library its using). Labels in renpy script is just a way of breaking your script up into chunks that you could then call, or jump to. The operate much like a function with some extended abilities, and can have passed variables and return things just like python functions also you dont have to return at the end of a label you can just flow into what ever follows it in the file. Then we proceed to use these newly defined variables and functions to track time, with the day ,dayOfWeek, and period variables which are just integers manipulated by the functions. Hes doing this by using the $ which in renpy script denotes a single line of python code to run. Here we are just calling the functions defined in the other file.

All together were using an integer to track the various time variables because when we put the integer into the key input of a list such as daysOfWeek[yourkeyhere] we can get back the text of what the time period or day it is. We use functions to change our interger variables to make sure we don’t miss manage the time variables, such as going past days end the periods variable accidentally because we forgot to manually check if we matched or exceeded it.

So just for example i modified @dingotush work to show as pure renpy script example as you can get, using script labels instead of python functions. Also being lazy i mashed it into one file:

define  daysOfWeek = [
        "Monday",       # 0
        "Tuesday",      # 1
        "Wednesday",    # 2
        "Thusday",      # 3
        "Friday",       # 4
        "Saturday",     # 5
        "Sunday",       # 6

define  periodsOfDay = [
        "Morning",      # 0
        "Lunchtime",    # 1
        "Afternoon",    # 2
        "Evening",      # 3
        "Night",        # 4

default day = 1             # Day number
default dayOfWeek = 0       # Day of week
default period = 0          # Period of day

default dayOfWeekStr = daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek]    # Current day of week string
default periodStr = periodsOfDay[period]       # Current period string

label addPeriod(delta = 1, rollDay=True):
    $ periods = len(periodsOfDay)
    $ period += delta
    if rollDay:
        $ day += period // periods
        $ dayOfWeek += period // periods
        $ period %= periods
        $ dayOfWeek %= len(daysOfWeek)
        $ dayOfWeekStr = daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek]
        if period >= periods:
            $ period = periods - 1
        elif period < 0:
            $ period = 0
    $ periodStr = periodsOfDay[period]

label nextDay(delta = 1):
    $ period = 0
    $ day += delta
    $ dayOfWeek += delta
    $ dayOfWeek %= len(daysOfWeek)
    $ dayOfWeekStr = daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek]
    $ periodStr = periodsOfDay[period]

screen simpleDateTime():
        xalign 1.0
        yalign 0.0
        text "Day [day] [dayOfWeekStr:.3s] [periodStr]"

define pc = Character("You")

label start:
    show screen simpleDateTime

    pc "Urrgh, Mondays. Who needs them?"

    "You stay in bed, feeling ill."
    call addPeriod()

    "You manage to eat a little chicken soup, take an aspirin, and go back to bed."
    call addPeriod(2)

    "You wake and check your socials, but it is all too much, and you let sleep take you again."
    call addPeriod(3)

    "Wait ... It's lunchtime? How long did I sleep?"
    "No ... this can't be happening. Am I having a lucid dream?"
    call addPeriod(-6)
    "Your alarm goes off, time to get ready for work."


If you looked at my Project Bob you can see a similar but different setup working. You can open the scripts.rpa in a text editor and search for these variables.

game_days -----> main day tracking integer
day_step ------> same as @dingotush period integer
next_day_step ------> really its an integer that is 1 greater than day_step
day_periods -------> list of day periods

p_navigation is the screen that displays the current day at the start of the day, also has the button for starting the day jumping us to the first label. search for the label start_day to follow the main game loop. for every period of the day we jump to label travel where we go to the location of the action taken and incerment the day_step, then go to the label for that action, at the end of the acition we jump back to travel, if the day_step has reached 6 the end of day we jump to p_day_end to end the day and go back to label main and bring back all the navigation. note that main is a never ending loop bring back the p_navigation between goigng to other screens until a player quits or uses the p_navigation screens start day button to jump to start_day label

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I could be doing this completely wrong, but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. This is a WIP relatively simple game, mostly used to teach myself variables. I’m failing at the variables part.

How do I make it not have syntax errors, and how do I make things change depending on the increase or lack thereof of the variable?

# The script of the game goes in this file.

# Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the
# name of the character.

define s = Character("Sophie")

#Kayla is a bottom-heavy blonde with secret feedee and lesbian preferences

define a = Character("Anna")

#Anna is a busty and fit girl with long dyed-red hair.

default $ sophiefatness = 0

init python:
    def tick(amount=1):
        global time, time_map
        time += amount
        if time > len(time_map):
            time %= time_map

default time = 0

define time_map = [

# The game starts here.

label start:

s "My first day on-campus. You can do this, Sophie. It's just college, almost everybody has done it."

s "I've just gotta study hard, make some friends-"

s "-and avoid that freshman 15 my mom kept warning me about..."

"My cheeks start to turn red, warmth rushing to my face."

s "Why am I blushing over that? W-whatever..."

s "Made it to the apartment I found online. That ad really came in just when I needed it most!" 

s "A place this big would be a lot more expensive usually, but there's another roommate here to split the rent with!"

s "I wonder what my roommates will be like?"

s "Time to find out, I guess."

scene dormroomempty

s "Hello? Anybody home?"

a "Yes? Who are you?"

s "Oh! I'm Sophie!"

"The girl stares at me blankly for a moment."

s "I'm uh... your new roommate!"

a "Ohh! You're the one who responded to my ad on Greg's List!"

a "You know, before you came along, I wasn't sure anyone was gonna respond to that ad."

a "I almost forgot about it and planned on posting ads locally instead."

s "W-well I'm glad you didn't! I uh, really needed this place."

"Now that the introductions were done, I took a moment to look at my new roommate for the first time."

"Anna was gorgeous. Seriously, she could be a model! Those beautiful crimson locks, those piercing green eyes, that flawless skin..."


a "Earth to Sophie? Hello?"

s "Huh? S-sorry I'm here! What did you say, again?"

a "I asked if it was okay to go over a few house rules with you. But if you're so distracted by something right now..."

s "N-no I'm fine! I promise!"

a "Then good. Alright, well, each day, feel free to do whatever you want around here."

a "Though I recommend eating meals and going to class, obviously."

a "If you ever want to hangout or anything like that, just let me know!" 

a "Though, I really like my beauty sleep, so I won't be down to hangout in the early morning or late at night."

a "Some things just aren't doable at different times, ya know?"

s "R-right, I guess."

a "With that tutorial, I mean explanation, out of the way, why don't we get something to eat?"

s "Huh?"

a "It's already noon! Surely you need to stop and get some lunch, you've been busy all-day moving!"

s "W-well, maybe..."

"Admittedly, I had already had a decent enough lunch just an hour or two before. I made a sandwich or two back at my parent's place."

"But I wasn't sure if I wanted to pass up an opportunity to get to know my new roommate on the first day, before classes even started!"

    a "So, yes or no on the lunch break?"
    "Sounds good to me!":
        jump firstbinge

    "I kinda wanna get setlled in right now. Maybe another day?":
        jump dayonedeny

label firstbinge:
a "Awesome! You're gonna love this!"
"Anna jumped from where she was standing and rushed off to the kitchen, immediately pulling things out of the fridge."
a "I may be a Psychology major, but my REAL passion is cooking!"
s "Oh wow!"
"My mouth began to water a bit as I smelled the distinct scent of cooking meat."
s "Whatcha makin'?"
a "Burgers! I had some frozen ones lying around, and I can make 'em extra special!"
s "Looking forward to it!"
"I waited for around 10-15 minutes while Anna cooked."
a "I hope you're hungry!"
"Anna reappeared with a platter of burger patties stacked high, about 7 of them."
s "This is... a lot of food, Anna!"
a "Sorry, I'm awful at cooking smaller portions of food..."
a "Anything we don't finish is leftovers, okay?"
s "Alright..."
"And so we got to talking a bit. I learned she was a psychology major and culinary arts minor."
"I learned her family owned this property, so she got to live here for basically free."
"I told her that I came here to study art and communications."
"She was a sophomore, I was a freshman."
"And so we kept talking and eating, splitting the tray of burgers..." 
"I say 'Splitting' but in reality she only ate two of them. The other five... my bad."
s "Getting... full... ugh."
a "Sorry about that, Sophie."
a "I maybe went overboard for today."
s "It's okay."
a "Just relax a bit and let that digest okay? Won't do you any good to get an upset tummy on the first day here."
s "Fair point..."
"Anna got up and cleaned the whole mess up, before giving me one last look and smiling."
a "I think you and I are gonna get along perfectly, Sophie."
"For some reason, this sent a chill up my spine."
$ sophiefatness += 1
jump daily_choice

label dayonedeny: 
a "Oh uh, okay! Fair enough."
a "Feel free to hit me up to hangout, okay?"
"I felt a little bad ditching her, but I'd already eaten lunch."
"Time to start my first day!"
jump daily_choice

  #Example menu#

label daily_choice:

a "Did it work?"
"I hope so..."
s "Let's find out!"

if $ sophiefatness = 1:
    A "Oh my god it worked!"

if else:
    s "Awww nuts."

"This game sucks."

    # This ends the game.

also, what code do I need to add to this to say “it is now afternoon” before they jump to “daily choice”?


default $ sophiefatness = 0

should be just

default sophiefatness = 0

You only need $ when writing a line of Python. The default is a RenPy script feature.


if $ sophiefatness = 1:
    A "Oh my god it worked!"

should be:

if sophiefatness == 1:
    a "Oh my god it worked!"

Again, no $. Use == for comparison (one = is for assignment). Be careful about case sensitivity a is your character, not A.


time %= time_map

might not do what you expect, maybe it does due to Python being Python, but try:

time %= len(time_map)

Ok so what i think what your missing is formatting and keywords.

Keywords first, if is both a renpy script and python keyword, the game engine knows what follows is the condition that will be in python why we dont need the $. default would be another renpy script keyword same with define. $ is also a keyword for renpy script saying to execute the inline written bit of python generally you only should have one keyword per line.

Now formating : denotes a block of script to follow for renpy script and does the same for python. Both will complain about empty following blocks, pass is a keyword that solves having to have something in the block when you want nothing. when ever you have block it is one indentation level in from the statement with the : in it.

#example for code blocks and keywords
if a==b:
    "were having a dandy time"
    $ c +=1                    #need to incerment somthing also if a==b
    if c >= 5:                 #example of a nested code block you can keep nesting
        $ c = 0
        jump somelabel
    "you will see this if c was less than 5"
"you should see this as long we did not jump to somelabel"
if j != k:
    pass  #an example of using pass really should just rewrite to checking if j == k and not have to use
    "j is equal to k"
    init python:
        o = j + k                            #were in python so we dont need $
        word = "Hello"                       #were in python so we dont need default
        for letter in word:
            narrator(letter, interact=True) #renpys python equivelent to "[letters]" 
            #will display each letter of word as it cycles through     
    "were finaly outside the pyhton code block"

label somelable:                              #note the : and everything in the bock for the label is indented to show its part of the label
    "Here is 'sample' label." 
    if c >10:
         "wow c is now greater than 10"

label sample(a="default"):
    "Here is 'sample2' label."
    "a = [a]"

So one more thing on this:

so both in renpy script and in python if, else, elif(else if) are all keywords you only need one of them so it should be

if sophiefatness == 1:
    A  "Oh my god it worked!"

    s  "Awww nuts.

and just for an example of a chain of elif 's

if colorpicker == 0:
     "You picked red"
elif colorpicker == 1:
     "You picked green"
elif colorpicker == 2:
     "You picked blue"
elif colorpicker == 3:
     "You picked yellow"
elif colorpicker == 4:
     "You picked orange"
else:                                       # will do whats in else if colorpicker was not 0 --> 4
     "Invalid choice"

you can use [ ] inside of quotes to output variables so if you had a variable word = “red” and in code had “roses are [word]” the player would see “roses are red”, the gotcha here is lists and dictionaries cant have their individual values put in the brackets like [list[key]] where list[key] would give you red. so you have to store the value of list[key] temporarily in something else then put that temporary value in the [ ].

so ignoring the fact that you have not used your function tick to increment you time variable at all in your script when you wanna display the current time period all you would have to do is have

$ temp = time_map[ time ] # were derefferencing the list time_map with the integer time to get word for the time
"It is the [temp]"  # if time was equal to 3 the output here would be "It is the afternoon"

If you noticed in @dingotush example he sovled having to have the temp variable by making a permanet one and always updating it in his functions. look at periodStr in his example code its would be serving the same function as my temp here but its upated whenever we change the time through our function meaning there is no need for the oneliner. So to make life simpler you would need define a new variable then change your function tick() to updated it. then you could just use that variable where ever you want to say the time.

define timestr = "text"

init python:
    def tick(amount=1):
        global time, time_map
        time += amount
        if time > len(time_map):
            time %= len(time_map)     #we should be modding by the length of time_map
        timestr = time_map[time]      #line i added to tick to update the time string whenever we update the time with tick

now with those changes anywhere you want to say what the time is you just

"It is the [timestr]"  # if time was equal to 3 the output here would be "It is the afternoon"

Update: Thanks to both of you for your help! I am able now to get the fatness variable to work!

# The script of the game goes in this file.

# Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the
# name of the character.

define s = Character("Sophie")

#Kayla is a bottom-heavy blonde with secret feedee and lesbian preferences

define a = Character("Anna")

#Anna is a busty and fit girl with long dyed-red hair.

default sophiefatness = 0

init python:
    def tick(amount=1):
        global time, time_map
        time += amount
        if time > len(time_map):
            time %= time_map

default time = 0

define time_map = [

# The game starts here.

label start:

s "My first day on-campus. You can do this, Sophie. It's just college, almost everybody has done it."

s "I've just gotta study hard, make some friends-"

s "-and avoid that freshman 15 my mom kept warning me about..."

"My cheeks start to turn red, warmth rushing to my face."

s "Why am I blushing over that? W-whatever..."

s "Made it to the apartment I found online. That ad really came in just when I needed it most!" 

s "A place this big would be a lot more expensive usually, but there's another roommate here to split the rent with!"

s "I wonder what my roommates will be like?"

s "Time to find out, I guess."

scene dormroomempty

s "Hello? Anybody home?"

a "Yes? Who are you?"

s "Oh! I'm Sophie!"

"The girl stares at me blankly for a moment."

s "I'm uh... your new roommate!"

a "Ohh! You're the one who responded to my ad on Greg's List!"

a "You know, before you came along, I wasn't sure anyone was gonna respond to that ad."

a "I almost forgot about it and planned on posting ads locally instead."

s "W-well I'm glad you didn't! I uh, really needed this place."

"Now that the introductions were done, I took a moment to look at my new roommate for the first time."

"Anna was gorgeous. Seriously, she could be a model! Those beautiful crimson locks, those piercing green eyes, that flawless skin..."


a "Earth to Sophie? Hello?"

s "Huh? S-sorry I'm here! What did you say, again?"

a "I asked if it was okay to go over a few house rules with you. But if you're so distracted by something right now..."

s "N-no I'm fine! I promise!"

a "Then good. Alright, well, each day, feel free to do whatever you want around here."

a "Though I recommend eating meals and going to class, obviously."

a "If you ever want to hangout or anything like that, just let me know!" 

a "Though, I really like my beauty sleep, so I won't be down to hangout in the early morning or late at night."

a "Some things just aren't doable at different times, ya know?"

s "R-right, I guess."

a "With that tutorial, I mean explanation, out of the way, why don't we get something to eat?"

s "Huh?"

a "It's already noon! Surely you need to stop and get some lunch, you've been busy all-day moving!"

s "W-well, maybe..."

"Admittedly, I had already had a decent enough lunch just an hour or two before. I made a sandwich or two back at my parent's place."

"But I wasn't sure if I wanted to pass up an opportunity to get to know my new roommate on the first day, before classes even started!"

    a "So, yes or no on the lunch break?"
    "Sounds good to me!":
        jump firstbinge

    "I kinda wanna get setlled in right now. Maybe another day?":
        jump dayonedeny

label firstbinge:
a "Awesome! You're gonna love this!"
"Anna jumped from where she was standing and rushed off to the kitchen, immediately pulling things out of the fridge."
a "I may be a Psychology major, but my REAL passion is cooking!"
s "Oh wow!"
"My mouth began to water a bit as I smelled the distinct scent of cooking meat."
s "Whatcha makin'?"
a "Burgers! I had some frozen ones lying around, and I can make 'em extra special!"
s "Looking forward to it!"
"I waited for around 10-15 minutes while Anna cooked."
a "I hope you're hungry!"
"Anna reappeared with a platter of burger patties stacked high, about 7 of them."
s "This is... a lot of food, Anna!"
a "Sorry, I'm awful at cooking smaller portions of food..."
a "Anything we don't finish is leftovers, okay?"
s "Alright..."
"And so we got to talking a bit. I learned she was a psychology major and culinary arts minor."
"I learned her family owned this property, so she got to live here for basically free."
"I told her that I came here to study art and communications."
"She was a sophomore, I was a freshman."
"And so we kept talking and eating, splitting the tray of burgers..." 
"I say 'Splitting' but in reality she only ate two of them. The other five... my bad."
s "Getting... full... ugh."
a "Sorry about that, Sophie."
a "I maybe went overboard for today."
s "It's okay."
a "Just relax a bit and let that digest okay? Won't do you any good to get an upset tummy on the first day here."
s "Fair point..."
"Anna got up and cleaned the whole mess up, before giving me one last look and smiling."
a "I think you and I are gonna get along perfectly, Sophie."
"For some reason, this sent a chill up my spine."
$ sophiefatness += 1
jump daily_choice

label dayonedeny: 
a "Oh uh, okay! Fair enough."
a "Feel free to hit me up to hangout, okay?"
"I felt a little bad ditching her, but I'd already eaten lunch."
"Time to start my first day!"
jump daily_choice

  #Example menu#

label daily_choice:
if sophiefatness == 1:
    a "We did it!"
    s "Aww shucks."
    # This ends the game.

This works as-expected and makes a good base for variable tracking! Thanks all!

Now to figure out how time works. I’m a bit overwhelmed by you guys’ explanations, and I’m trying to get the game to start at afternoon on day 1, progress by 1 stage with each event you choose, and each day starts at morning. Using these actions:

label daily_choice:
menu choices:
    "Have breakfast" if time == "morning" or "day":
        jump eat_breakfast
    "Have lunch" if time == "noon" or "afternoon":
        jump eat_lunch
    "Have dinner" if time == "evening" or "night":
        jump eat_dinner
    "Go to class" if time == "morning" or "day" or "noon" or "afternoon":
        jump class
    "Go to work" if time == "day" or "noon" or "afternoon":
        jump work
    "Look in the mirror":
        jump mirror
    "Have a shower":
        jump have_shower
    "Go shopping" if time == "day" or "noon" or "afternoon" or "evening":
        jump go_shopping
    "Go to the gym":
        jump gym
    "Go to the beach":
        jump beach
    "Go for a run" if time == "morning" or "day" or "noon" or "afternoon" or "evening":
        jump park
    "Go out partying" if time == "evening" or "night" or "latenight":
        jump parties
    "Hangout with Anna" if time == "day" or "noon" or "afternoon" or "evening" or "night":
        jump hangout
        jump wait
    "Go to sleep early" if time == "afternoon" or "evening":
        jump early_night
    "Go to bed" if time == "night":
        jump sleep

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catching my own error and another one here but timestr needs to be listed in the global variables of the function tick, also length of time_map would return 7 but time string needs to roll over at values greater than 6 so its length of list minus 1 because lists start at 0 not 1

I’m probably over explaining however i’m not sure what part your missing so here it goes.

So time is some what arbitrary, we could make an actual clock variable counting time in actual hours and assign hour ranges for each time period you want, but that would be silly because that would only add complexity so for example if i have 3 periods morning afternoon and night that i actually care about. i could make a arbitrary clock with values 0, 1, 2 the time between 0 and 1 would be morning, the time between 1 and 2 would be afternoon, and the time between 2 and 0 would be night. Simplifying further lets just make 0 morning, 1 afternoon, and 2 night. So now the “clock” in python would be an integer and we would know the time based on its value. if the variable we made for time is 1 we know it would be afternoon. So now the problem is we want to be able to get string “afternoon” out of something when we give it a number representing the time. As it happens a list will do this for us.

Ignoring values for a second you have a variable for time, in this case time. you also have a list of time periods time_map. You want to complete two things with these variables one is to track the time, the other is to beable to output the time as a string.

So if time_map is a list of strings that represent time in words, then to get an item or time out of the list i would do listname[ keyorlistposition ]. if the list is in order of increasing times then since a lists first position is 0 the frist value in the list would be returned by listname[ 0 ]

define time_map = [
    "morning",          #this item is at position 0
    "day",              #this item is at position 1
    "noon",             #this item is at position 2
    "afternoon",        #this item is at position 3
    "evening",          #this item is at position 4
    "night",            #this item is at position 5
    "latenight"         #this item is at position 6

so with your list time_map and an integer time we can extract the time. since the value of time starts at 0 with out chanting it time_map[ time ] would result in the string “morning”.

So now all we have to do is change the time variable, and it would result in getting different time periods out of time_map. if time is 1 you get “day”, make it 5 you get “night”.

You could change the time variable manually with something like $ time +=1, so then why the make the function. For safety and easy re-usability. Every time we incerment the time variable if we increment past 6 to 7 like a clock we should roll back around to 0. Also we want to store the string returned by time_map[time] in timestr every time time changes. So without the function we would actually need these lines

$ time += amount
if time > len( time_map ) - 1 :
    $ time %= len( time_map )
$ timestr = time_map[ time ]

which is now four lines we have to add where ever we want to change the time to be able to do something with it. So using a function tick that does those four lines for us each time we call it makes it so every time we want to advance the time you only need one line

$ tick( amount )

The function is all about making life simpler every time you want to change the time. The function is just a wrapper for an block of code we want to be able to repeat same as a label is for renpy script.

A quick two tangents in case you did not recognize len( listvariablehere ) is a built in function to python to return the length of a list or how many items are in it. Second is in case you didn’t follow why we %= the length of time periods list, is because if we are incrementing by say 3(amount is 3) then if time was 5, temporarily before %= time would be 8 but the clock should roll back to 1(5+1 is 6, 6+1 is 0, and 0+1 is 1 on a clock incrementing by 3) which happens to be the same as 8 %= 7(the length of your list)

Ok so if i have not lost you yet and are a keen observer, you at this point realized you don’t yet have a variable to track how many days have gone by. So first we need a new integer variable, next any time the clock would roll over which we are already checking for in our function tick we should go ahead and increment the day tracking variable(to be able to do this in or function it would also need to be added to the list of global variables of our function tick). I think if your following you can probably make these additions, if not ask more questions.

Ok finally we are to using our function tick, since we gave the passed variable(amount) a default value of 1 we actually don’t need to pass anything to tick to increment by 1, and just have to call tick $ tick() . If we wanted to change by two time periods amount would need to be 2 so then we would call $ tick(2) .

So now any time in your script the time should advance you use your function tick and from my previous post any time you want to use your time string in a sentance you use [ timestr ]. Also once you have added the day variable any time you want to output the day variable you add [ dayvariablenamehere ] to the script.

I hope my wall of text explains everything, and is not to much.

I forgot to tie this all back to your choice menu
you have conditions like

if time == "morning" or "day":

There’s a few problems rember that your asking if your variable time which will be a number such as 1 is equal to a string “morning”, we need to compare apples to apples to get it to evaluate to true. also “morning” or “day” would always evaluate to true same with 1 or 0 , what you actually mean or want is

if ( time == 0 ) or ( time ==  1 ):


if ( timestr == "morning" ) or ( timestr == "day" ):

while the parentheses are not necessary here they make it clearer what is going on at a glance

initiate time with its value = 3 to represent afternoon to start so
default time = 0 becomes default time = 3

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You don’t actually need that if condition there, as the modulus operator can always be applied, just use:

time %= len(time_map)

yes, but if hes tracking the number of days gone by it is useful because it allows detection of when the “clock” is rolling over

there is also the problem that may not really be a problem of what happens when amount >= len(time_map)

Again, you don’t need to detect it just for time and day, see my original example. It’s actually safer that way as it guarantees the list index will always be in bounds (ie. between 0 and len-1).

Yes, i see how your code works. Yes, i agree that it is better.

However, he made is own attempt to write the function, and while his method may be messier or not do it the best way, following his line of thinking i was helping complete the task. Short of saying just copy and pasting your code there is nothing wrong as long as you know the limits of your code and are ok with them.