im beans, looking for work !!

hey, so i finally decided to join the site after a while of lurking accountless, and i have no idea where to start. call me beans if you want to!

im pretty experienced with pixel art, and i can copy artstyles very well, and im also pretty decent with regular art and animation, but not as experienced… (specifically animation!). i dont like getting paid for my work, i find that getting credited for something i did is more than enough (although i dont like people grabbing my work and slapping it onto their projects unless i allow them to !!).

i would love to work for someone with pixel art, doesnt really matter if its wg-related or not (although i kind of suck at drawing fat teehee), just dm me for more info !! i hope my time here will be fun …

ps: sorry if theres any bad grammar, my first language isnt english, its spanish!!!

pps: i should actually put something about me in here, uhh… i like drawing, coding, and gaming (if it wasnt obvious), i like indie rock, death metal, and Video Game Songs (more specifically sonic songs), im a sucker for spicy, sweet stuff and burgers, i LOVE wacky poses, and i wear a beanie almost 24/7 on winter


Welcome, nice to meet ya! It is a good idea to share some of your work, we are all eager to see it i think. If you have, link your Deviantart or other platform for us to browse through it, if you dont have one you can upload pictures here as well.
There are actually some job offers here if you want to pick from them for example; Looking For Artist For Weight Gain Themed 2D Platformer Game [Paid Gig]
But you can find more under About the Project Help categorycategory
Have a nice day and keep up the good work!

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Hello there nice to meet ya! Welcome to the site, if you wanna help around various projects i do have some offers, i also speak spanish as a first language in case tgat made you more comfortable when adjusting to dev wirk and stuff, my discord is cjx4 if you wanna talk or we coukd contimue here

i would really like to share some of my art but im not very sure about sharing it here since my friends could easily reverse search the image and find the post… so i think i could share my art either by dms or discord if anyone’s interested, and i dont really have a deviantart either … thanks for the welcome, have a great day you too!

sent you a friend request! hope we can get along !!