As a thought, cases like this where all the PCs need to do is make one roll might be a good situation for you to just roll them for us. Assuming the other players are alright with that. It would save a round of posting just for a few d20 rolls.
Also, thoughts on what I’d said about the grapple before snare? Just want to figure out if I should change it before we get into an actual fight.
See below. Feel free to change if you like the way I ruled it.
And I’d be glad to roll for people on things like this if you’re all okay with hidden rolls. Since the result isn’t set until I post, I can’t actually use forum rolls and describe results in the same post.
Or I suppose I could just double post…
In any event, you are of course encouraged to roll any attacks or skills that you initiate.
Alright, went ahead and made the change. It was probably a good thing, as it looks like I was 1 PP over. Accidentally had super strength costing 1 PP/level instead of 2, but now it’s all balanced out.
Double posting seems like a fine way to do it to me. I’ve seen it done that way in other games. And yay rolling dice! (dice dice dice). My biggest sadness of forum games is that I can’t have special dice for important rolls :p.
Question: Stuff in game is all happening right out on the street, correct? For situations like this, should we post that we want to roll notice checks, or something, or just keep acting oblivious until we get a cue from you? I need to figure out before I post, just getting into the swing of this game. I’m used to having stuff more rigidly laid out, I always feel like I’m cheating when I write stuff about the environment / make assumptions, just takes some getting used to.
Adsein, I suppose I should have mentioned this, the options for escaping a Snare are a strength check, an escape artist check, or damaging the Snare directly. I’d advise a strength check, it has the most beatable DC.
Holding off on posting another strength check from Cassie for the moment. I wanted to check and see what we’re doing as far as “rounds”. At this point should we wait for Pirate to get in a post to end the round, or are we just moving at whatever speed until we actually go in to engage the guy and enter initiative?
I’ve been keeping approximate track of rounds to see how much time the NPC has to prepare, but as we aren’t in combat yet the actual order doesn’t matter so much.
We’ll say that it shifts to combat rounds once you approach the door, and you’re free to plan or make introductions until then (with the obvious exception that sustained dawdling will result in him coming out swinging).
But, in the interest of avoiding initiative rolls holding up the game, I’ll get them out of the way now. Since you’re all aware of each other, there’s no surprise rounds.
Initiative Temperance:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+0 : 1, total 1[/blockquote] Emma:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 11 + 1, total 12[/blockquote] Mia:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+0 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]
Current Turn Order
Welding Mask
Just to keep combat moving smoothly, NPC toughness checks will be resolved on their turn. Anything that affects the ability of other players to attack them will obviously have to be resolved sooner, but we’ll play it by ear.
I also just noticed that the sheets I made don’t correctly calculate ability modifiers under 10. I’ve updated them, please feel free to reshuffle things if you don’t like the corrected scores.
Actually, you don’t roll to trap someone with Create Object, it’s an area attack with a Ref Save to escape.
adsein, do you have a description for the fields? Color, transparency, structure… Flavor (they do have Edible)? No rush, it’s just good details for RP. I’m going to assume barred cage so that Emma’s attack still makes sense this time, but more description is always helpful.
Yep, we are the worst heroes.[/quote]
No one’s begged you to stop helping yet. I’ve seen much worse.