Is there feederism in...Roblox?

I was playing Roblox the other day, when I asked myself:

Is there any kind of “thing” related to feederism(or similar)…in roblox?

So yeah, I just wanted to ask this, and know an answer.


If you mean “games” in Roblox, I think there’s a couple. I don’t play Roblox, but I’ve done some research into it.
Really the problem is that they took a hard stance on it a while ago and removed everything even remotely possibly NSFW, leaving behind a few broken games at best.
After that, I know some people decided to go “underground” with their games, whether that be inflation, WG, breast expansion, actual hard sex, etc., and a bunch of games now have it so you need to find some secret way to get in, like it’ll just be some random placeholder map, but if you go to House 3 and click the plant pot in the master bedroom twice, then go into the garage and kill yourself with a stick of dynamite, you’ll appear in the actual game and it’s an inflation one or something.
Even then, I think a lot were still culled, but IDK, I don’t play Roblox.

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Isn’t Roblox like… primarily a kids game? Leave it alone. Geez.


The guys behind Roblox kinda go back and forth on whether or not it’s for kids, I think it’s more that it’s used by kids more than adults. I know they used to have a kids/adult toggle in there too, but I don’t know if that’s still in or not. Not like, NSFW vs SFW, but like, guns vs no guns. I know some military sim games show up on there every now and then at least.

Plus, if it was ONLY for kids, there wouldn’t be nearly as many games in there as there is, since kids aren’t gonna be the ones making all these money-grubbing MTX-fests like there are, and they certainly wouldn’t be making all those assets for those games.

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That’s true, but it’s pretty clear that roblox is primarily for kids in the same way something like club penguin or toon town are. That combined with how much the game is centered around interacting with random players/random players playing levels means you have to jump through hoops to keep out kids like you said above. It’s just not a very good environment for adult content. Plus that’s not even getting into the multiple scandals that have happened in roblox with that kind of thing and the stigma that’s built up from them.


It’s more so a Youtube/ Youtube kids situation. Where yes, there was a way to separate placements for adults and minors but since kids are dumb, they jumped into the adult space and so the owners now monitor the adult side as if it was meant for kids

there used to be quite a bit of feederism and weight gain fetish content on roblox but most of the people are either inactive or banned and most of the more well made games have been deleted by now

Just throwing my 2 cents here, but i wouldn’t immediately judge someone for asking if there are [insert kink here] games on roblox.
There absolutely should NOT be, but that’s beside my point.

I think the problem is that when anyone thinks about a platform for creating games/minigames that is free with good enough graphics (basically 3D) to not be too demanding on hardware and relatively easy to tamper with, they think about roblox.
I doubt that multiplayer even plays a role in that, (most) people just want the experience

I know there are other platforms like that, but i couldn’t name even one of them, and i think this in and of itself says something

This is your queue if you know a good substitute that is not largely marketed as for kids

Rubin sim has been exposing pedo rings that are in roblox, and the roblox staff watch him, but do nothing about the lists of accounts he has made, where people who run games on roblox thank rubin, and use the lists to pre ban accounts, roblox markets itself as a safe place for kids, and kinks really have no business being on there.

we’ve had this discussion before.