It Came From Lantrum! Stuffing/ Vore Focused RPG Maker Game

Amazing game so far but the base segment is so tedious it hurts


Alteady found an app ton help me but thank you!

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it’s pizza tower pepperman right?

looking forward to playing :]


Out of curiosity, was the poll you conducted awhile back on the SB forum about who to use as the protagonist in this game?

Can’t wait to find the time to play this!

I am usually disgusted and horrified by the prospect of sapient creatures being consumed, especially whilst still alive, might be why I never liked Jurassic Park.

That said, these are objectively evil minions of a galactic empire that we’ve been shown, not just told, enslaves conquered species that look like vegetables, so it really doesn’t count. Helps a lot that it’s based off the best sidequest from Some Bullshit and features my favourite character (yeah, she might not have had much of a character arc, but that still doesn’t change how cute and entertaining she is).

Honestly, while other games have shown promise this is the first announcement I’ve been actively excited for right off the bat.

Edit; Wait, how does Gander know what a hen is if their chief madwoman/scientist is unfamiliar with the kingdom animalia?

Seriously, Clara’s entertaining personality, a mix of confident, awkward, embarrassed, gluttonous, slightly standoffish while actually being a decent person is always a lot of fun. And it wouldn’t be Clara if;

  1. Everything went her way (Yeah, I think she officially wins the dubious honour of ‘biggest butt monkey of the Some Bullshit group’ after this)
  2. She didn’t eat so much she nearly burst.

She talks to herself about Pro every time you open a chest. Best feature

Great game so far! Having a blast with it.

By this reply I set the forum to track this thread with great anticipation :smiley:

A SB spinoff? Count me in! The only thing that could make this better if it was Emmie, but Clara definitely fits the vibe that’s needed in this game!


It’s canon now
Among us


We can only hope there will be more abductions in the future… maybe green ones even


This was unexpected and really great, enjoyed the original gemuse section of SB a lot and getting more of them is great even beyond the obvious aspects. Carrotene and all the leaders were all really fun characters with awesome designs.

I didn’t run into any bugs, wasn’t going out of my way to try but was still interacting with pretty much everything as usual.

Not much else to say, looking forward to the rest!

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Was trying to download the game through the launcher and it’s unable to launch. I’m getting the error " while queuing download: TypeError: Cannot read property of ‘build’ undefined ". I am using a Chromebook with Linux running. I’m pretty new to Linux so any help will be great!

If Clara has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Clara has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Clara has only one fan then that is me. If Clara has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Clara, then I am against the world.


I wanted to note that I really liked the way the three sections of the quests were interwoven together! Really excited for this, despite not having best girl Emmie.


This is wonderful work! I wasn’t expecting a new game from you all so soon after SB was finished, though I’m certainly not complaining! Love to see this game delving more into the vore side of things, even if it is just talking vegetables. The writing and art are both top tier, I especially liked the running gag with the phones. Brassie is my favorite among the new veggie squad, I’m a sucker for the good guy mad scientist trope. Honestly loved the dynamic between all the rebel leaders, they’re a lot of fun. And of course its great to see Clara back in action. Really like the addition of the status screen in the top left.
I have very high hopes for this project, can’t wait to see where it goes!

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Okay maybe I’m dumb. HOW DO I DO THE SOLO CLARA PART??? I figure it has to do with the signs but I’m at such a loss.

Great sequence and art!

there’s a board somewhere you pick up to cross the water.

One of things I got a kick out of from somebullshit was how you’d get introduced to female side characters and unthinkingly you’d react “oh another joke character fine whatever” but inevitably, no matter how unlikely they’d be contrived into their own stuffing scenario and you’d slap your head “OF COURSE!”. Looks like it’s just going to be Clara in this spinoff though ah well.

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