Kobold Village

Now that all of the bugs are fixed, I think this game is pretty much complete. I could understand if they wanted to move on to something else.

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I’d like to continue this at some point, I’ve just been busy.


First Round Scores

Jux Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 70
Writing: 50
Music & Sound: 54
Mechanics: 74
Game Concept 74
Use of Fetish 69
Judge Preference: 65
Total: 1456

Grimimic Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 45
Writing: 60
Music & Sound: 65
Mechanics: 67
Game Concept 85
Use of Fetish 75
Judge Preference: 70
Total: 1467

Squirrel Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 82
Writing: 45
Music & Sound: 30
Mechanics: 56
Game Concept 77
Use of Fetish 74
Judge Preference: 68
Total: 1432

Final Score: 4355

my personal favorite of the jam, i love colony builders and the little guys in em, very endearing

I really hope we can get more games like this in the future! Loved this submission all the way it was perfect for my taste in things~

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I notice the “use of theme” is at max for all of the ratings and very deserved too.


The use of theme category(and the ‘game runs’ category) is a pass or fail category. You either get the full points or none. This is to make sure that if a game does not use the theme or run that they cannot get prizes.

Even still. Also, does that mean that different judges can decide differently whether it is part of the theme?

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Yes, that is the case