Konvorey (Chapter 1 release)

(This game is in very early stages of development. Don’t expect much but expect a whole lot more as time goes on.)

Hello everyone! Welcome to my first ever RPG-Maker game The Unlikely Heros of Konvorey, or just TUHK for short. I of course put all my eggs in one basket and made it an erotic game with themes of vore. Or eventually, it’s still in its early stages of development.

For now I bring you the files to the Prolouge and the first chapter of TUHK in hopes of it being well recieved. There’s currently about two hours of gameplay and you can download it on either Windows or Mac/OS.

Please tell me below if you encounter any bugs and how you feel about the game. I’ll make sure to improve and add more as time goes on. Anyways, that’s enough from me. Hope you have a good day and thank you for (hopefully) playing Konvorey!

Minor Update:
I have fixed a few bugs that were encountered and I can gladly say that with such a successful launch I will continue development on this game!

Some plans I have going forward is to have an artist be willing to work on this project with me so it can truly become the game I’m striving for. I have plans for the future chapters of course but I think it’s better if those stay a secret. Can’t show of everything I have going on upstairs!

Here’s the link to its Itch page. Hope you all enjoy it!


As one of the lucky few to have seen the prologue video, you can’t imagine how happy I am to see that you kept with this project.

First bug!
I think that I fucked up changing the formation, and nothing happens at this point:

It will have weight gain in it though right? Without weight gain, vore has no punchline.


What are the themes? Player pred, player prey? male pred , female pred?

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Did not think about that! Will remove the option to change formation, that’s for sure XD

Thank you for enjoying the game and being excited to see more!

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Player pred and female pred, is at least the main themes (;

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Also, this is not a game bug, but a user bug, so I didn’t report it sooner.
During the rock puzzle, I fucked up right at the end, and when I was backpedaling to reset the rocks somehow I moved a rock without noticing and fucked up even more, closing myself.

No big deal, because it’s just at the start of the game, but just letting you know that trapping yourself is a possibility.

That I knew of, I was more worried because someone on Itch said there was “No way to restart the puzzle and went back to the start” before giving up at another small bug later on.

I just hoped people wouldn’t be that in a hurry and mess up the puzzle more lmao

found a bug after the cutscene the game just stop still running but nothing happing
didn’t change the formation no idea how it happened

OK, Joker. I agree, but still.

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That is… very weird. Never ran into that myself.
I’ll play through the game myself and see when I run into this and if I can find a way to fix it.


Everyone, I found the problem! It was a slight edit mistake I did on my part and i apologise for missing it when making that section!

Currently fixing it as we speak and it will be done in a short while! Expect an update on Itch in a bit.


Everything working now!
Game feels more like you are setting the base for something, so not much to review except what I already said over you-know-where.
I feel like you are putting in effort in telling a story more than just fetish fuel, so can’t wait to see what you do with this world that you are creating.

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I can see more being added into the game at some point. Curious if this game will be similar to another rpgmaker game that is on hiatus where the player can gain weight either through eating lots of food or animals (or people if they are added as a fightable mob). Take your time dev and please don’t get burnt out on working on content.


Glad to know it’s finally working and that you all enjoy the first chapter!

Of course it will be fetish fuel, but I like being eco-friendly so to say so all of that will come as times goes on. No worries, it will be there, just not now.

Also, this rpg-maker game is/will be inspired by the likes of Some Bullshit and Evoria, both games I love and very much enjoy, so there will be similarities. Playing through chapter one earlier I didn’t even realise a big similarity I had with one of them without even realising lmao.

Either way, thank you all again and I’ll be sure to continue work on this project!

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I am trying to go to the other side of the camp after giving the bread to find the keys. But it only reply the same message

As one of the other few to have seen the prologue video, it’s nice to see this game getting a release so soon. A nice setup to the story, with enough loose ends to keep the player hooked. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

@Cachumi go to the right side of the camp.

I swear i tried that before. But seems like i had to press enter XD. Thx for the help

Yeah, sorry, that was my mistake. For some reason, even though I made it so you didn’t have to press enter it still forces you to press it. Hope it cleared it all up though!

So this game will be pure vore and will not have anything related to feederism, or am I wrong?