Lacto Escape: Expanded

If you wanted to try some things go for it. I’m currently planning around 5 floors between rest areas. I have another person also who was intrested in helping on the mod, we have been working together on my seeds discord. I want to finish up the next two floors and rest area, if you wanted to start on the next puzzle floors past that, that would be great. Im fine if you want to stick here but if you happen to be on my seeds of destiny discord let me know and I can add you in as a lacto escape dev.


personaly. I would love a sequal with “Lacto” still a cow girl after getting out and needing to make some cash. could have a lot more content with the larger game world. like mulitbreasts/ the whole weight gain and pregnancy stuff
oh and for this game how about Phantom pregnancy? plays the affect of being pregnant (witch would be increased milk production maybe countered be more max size increased each time you milk?)

the best thing i did is found the original download for the original game

i see this turning into portal puzzles with boobs, im 100% down for this.

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The additional two floors are not yet well thought out.
The first has a dead end you can not get out of because the floor does not reset upon enter. It should either reset its traps or allow an escape if all have been activated.
The second can entirely be skipped by going back to the first and use its traps instead.

I like that the first new floor does not allow to farm and does take up time to navigate even when sloved.
I like that the second new floor and the first need two different aproaches but can be solved in row.

I love this game and I hope you intend to keep working on it friend.

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This game is approximately 170% my jam. I love the work you’ve done with it so far, and I look forward to any future updates!

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If weight gain got added to this it’d be one of my all time favs! the work youve done is really great!

Do anyone know how to play this on IOS please need help

This game is simple but amazing! It hits all the right notes for me.
Unique design, fun dialog, and cowgirls!

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If your looking to play on mobile, I’ve tried several times but I couldnt get it to build properly without errors. That said however, there is an app that takes the game build and makes it playable for phones. Here is the company but I think you can download it staight from the app store.

Hope this helps.
(Just realized it was for android devices, might be able to use on IOS, not sure)

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So I just found something wonderfully silly:
By farming the gas room and leaving before she lactates, I was able to eventually lower her max size below her starting 112cm, putting her into an endless loop of lactation, no chance of leaving the starting room. I can even share save files! (61.0 KB)
I also noticed that drinking your milk doesn’t decrease it in the inventory, giving you an unlimited source of production increasing!
Other than these two and the odd occasion where I activated something during the lactating sequence (ie. the menu), this is a fun little puzzle game. Can’t wait to see how weight gain could be added to the mix. I’d also like to see something like this, but weight gain centric. Not a request, just a general statement. That and this would also be something I’d be more than happy to help with! I know a little bit of RPGMaker, but not quite enough to make a fully fledge project on my own.
EDIT: Found another bug. I spammed use on one of the boulders in the gas room, and now the game seems to be softlocked.

Thanks for the bugs, I set the minimum limit for size to be 90 cm but didn’t realize there were cases where after going over size you could loop yourself. The unlimited milk will be an easy fix. Also I’ll take a look at the boulders (funny you mention that because in that case it would be a bug from the original game and not something that I did). Anyways glad you liked it.

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I’m still working out the details but there will be three different options for weight gain in this mod, magic inflation, food stuffing, and pregnancy. You will get to choose based on your preference. You will be able to turn this off at the start or change it mid game if you wish. To clarify things, in the next build there will only be sprite art changes. The main character CG will not have belly changes. It will take some time to do those and I already have several projects at the moment. I plan only to do belly size changes for the CG art edits, so maybe down the road if someone wanted to add in all around weight gain changes, let me know and I can look into adding it in the game.

Food Stuffing Option:
In the case with the weight gain related to stuffing, I plan to look into adding a similar mechanic to the max bust size, only you would have a max stomach limit. By eating things you add one point to your stomach and should you go over your max, well… you get stuck and cant move and the fairies have to bring you back to the rest area to help you digest your meals. Likely you will also be slowed based upon how much food is in your stomach. With this option turned on, puzzles will change a bit where normally you would only gain bust increases, but in this case you also have times where your character is forced to eat food. This will add to an extra dynamic to the game of working to increase both your bust size and stomach size.

Magic Inflation:
This is still early and in the works but essentially the more MP you have, it gets stored all in one place, your belly, similar to the fairies. Normally you would have your MP regenerated by resting in bed, if you have this mode turned on, instead MP is regenerated by interacting with certain things or primarily drinking your own milk (I may reduce the milk production increase for drinking milk with this option turned on). There will be benefits and consequences to having high and low amounts of MP depending on the puzzle floor and how jealous the fairies are with your amount of magic.

This option is a bit unique and probably less gameplay affecting than the other two. At the start of the game you will meet a fairy who will explain to you that fairies are few in number and would like you to help repopulate their race. The summery of the story is that Lacto will be sympathetic to the fairies and agree to help carry fairies within her as she traverses the tower (I’m feel really strongly that any pregnancy should be consensual so it is important for me that Lacto is willing and accepting to do this). In terms of gameplay, every step you take will slowly increase your pregnancy where overtime your belly will grow. Once you reach max pregnancy size, your water will break and the fairies will come to you and bring you back to a rest floor where the screen will fade out and you will wake up after giving birth with another fairy added to the rest areas.

Sorry for the long post but wanted to give an idea of what I possibly have planned, should you have any more ideas regarding these be sure to post below or post in my seeds of destiny discord under the lacto escape section. Thanks


Usually, when I play a Weight Gain (or Breast Expansion) game, I know it’s probably not going to progress more, and that it’s going to be stuck as a demo or alpha forever, but this one hits differently, I truly feel like I need more. I really, really hope you continue to develop it.

Good work and I hope you keep it up!


It didn’t work is there any other way I could play this game?

There could be other apps similar to the one I mentioned that focus on Ios game deplyment. Sorry, that app so far was the only one I knew.

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Do you think there’s any chance of having stuffing and preg at the same time? You’d need an extra set of belly sprites, but other than that, I’m not sure how much more work it’d be.

Possibly, I’ll think on it. The pregnancy code isnt as intensive as the stuffing code so code wise I think it could work fairly easily. Art wise would be a bit of a challange however as I would have to factor growing pregnancy belly and stuffing belly into account. I’ll develop them seperately for now and once I feel like I have a good grasp on things, I’ll do some testing about combineing them together.


Not necessarily. All you need is a set of bellies for every stage of wg, and some can still look reasonable across a couple stages of gain (that is, you can use the same bellies when she’s, say, 100-200 lbs). When Lacto gets stuffed while pregnant, you can just use a bigger preggo belly size instead of drawing a new belly. Also, if she gains enough weight, she won’t really start to show the earlier “trimesters,” so you need fewer sprites the fatter she is.

So, yes, you’ll need more sprites, but you can probably get away with fewer than you might expect. It might help if you split up her torso, belly, and MASSIVE DOBONHONKEROS into separate sprites laid over one another; I’m surprised that’s not what the game does already.