Lancer - Portly Pilots Homeforge

Recently I have gotten in the the Tabletop RPG Lancer, a sci-fi game that blends together narrative roleplaying with turn-based mech combat. Normally making a fat homebrew for such a game would be difficult at best and impossible at worst, but a few quirks about Lancer made it not only possible, but with plenty of pre-made integration.

  • 1: Player characters are separate units from their mechs
  • 2: Certain units like pilots can have the Biological tag, signaling they are an organic being.
  • 3: There are already lots of mechs at different sizes in addition to having ways to increase the mech’s size and cockpit.

This initially started off as a small project to try getting some friends into the game, but eventually things spiraled and I ended up making a surprisingly long guidebook on. Currently I have had no major playtesting to work with although I was able to get some lovely feedback from the folks here and also got several artist’s permissions to feature their artwork in the guidebook. For now the guide is considered ‘finished’, although additional refinements, changes, and additions are still in the works. I hope that you all enjoy this system and have fun with your butterball pilots.

Portly Pilot Discord Server:

Current Version:

Lancer - Portly Pilots Character Sheet Template - Google Sheets

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft12a.pdf (2.7 MB)

PortlyPilotRavagerAddon_Draft4.pdf (813.5 KB)

Past Versions:

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft1.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft2a.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft3.pdf (2.7 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft4.pdf (2.1 MB) [Has more content than versions 1-3, but changing the cover images reduced the overall file size]

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft5a.pdf (2.5 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft6.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft7.pdf (2.6 MB)
PortlyPilotRavagerAddon_Draft2.pdf (598.8 KB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft8.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft9.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotRavagerAddon_Draft3.pdf (619.6 KB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft10a.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft11.pdf (2.7 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft12.pdf (2.7 MB)


This looks excellent, and I definitely have some ideas to retrofit my homebrew manufacturing company and licenses and some other homebrew work I’ve done on this to fit this core system. There are a few design notes/clarifications I had in mind after reading it though:

is fattening presence meant to clear itself after it emits that burst? It should probably say so, because otherwise things like radiative missiles or the radiative hardsuit just keep going until cleared with a stabilize, which is a lot of potential out of a thing that doesn’t cost much.

There’s a slight bit of clunkiness with the Roomey(should be spelled roomy) cockpit talent of the Lard Wall tree. The way it reads means they’ll be making engineering checks -every turn- so long as they’re oversize, which means it will at max buy them a handful of turns and won’t last for very long until they just get unlucky and roll low. I might recommend the edit ‘on a success, you stay inside your mech for the remainder of the scene or until your size changes, at which point you may need to roll again.’

Caloric Silo refers to the effect it puts out as Nutritional Smog rather than Nutritious Smoke.

The Hijack Controls effect on the Jester’s Pie is -very- strong, especially with no limitations on things like biological targets. I get it’s a piece of exotic gear, but especially since a player investing in engineering could add extra charges to it, it might be worth putting some rails on that one or they’ll just start taking over boss monsters and decimating their enemies.

These aside, this looks amazing and I can’t wait to play around with it and see if I can build on it at all with some homeforging of my own.

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Glad you are liking it and thank you kindly for the feedback! I expected there to be some issues or faults at first so all the feedback I can get is welcome. Plus, again, I haven’t really had much if any playtime with this system aside from hypothesized playtime.

The lack of clarity around the Fattening Presence is something I need to work on so I appreciate that.

Now that I think about it, the Roomy Cockpit change would make it feel better.

Caloric Silo issue was an oversight I will work on.

For the Jester’s Pie, I may need to reign in its strength considerably since it was one of my more prototype builds. Certainly needs some more fine tuning.

Heads up, I decided to release a small update for the rulebook. This one does not change a whole lot or add a whole bunch of new features, just acts as a quality of life improvement overall.

  • Personal Changes
    • Added a section on the New Mech Equipment - Overview explaining what exotic equipment is for new players or GMs
    • Added ‘Assimilation’ Code Injection and Caloric Field Resonator Exotic Equipment
    • Addressed small grammatical issues, typos, and other minute problems throughout
    • Renamed ‘Action System Name’ to Oversized Sound Generators
  • Changes from Storymaker’s suggestion
    • Clarified that FATTENING PRESENCE lasts until the end of the afflicted character’s next turn
    • Improved Roomy Cockpit
    • Fixed an misinputted word in the Caloric Silo object entry
    • Significantly nerfed the power of the “Jester’s Pie” Remote EW Harpoon

After one of my friends expressed concerns about Size 1/2 Lancer mechs (e.g., Goblin, Dusk Wing, Caliban, and Atlas) becoming practically useless with this homebrew, I decided to put some more work into making them more viable and giving two mechs a lore-appropriate frame trait. In addition, I also put some work in to provide GMs and players more options along with other kink content of the group’s choosing.

Patch Notes for Draft 3

  • Added new and changed existing mech Frame Traits
    • New: “Self-Calibrating Exoskeleton” to all player mechs that start at Size 1/2
    • New: “Comfortable Cockpit” to Metalmark and both Swallowtail variants
      • Adjusted Lard Wall Rank 1 to work with this new trait
    • Changed: Caliban’s “Wrecking Ball” and Atlas’s “Giant Killer”
  • Added a section for GMs titled “The Blob Behind the Curtain”
    • 11 New Mission Hooks
    • Multiple Optional Statuses, Equipment, and other goodies involving other kinks such as blueberry/fruit, lactation, and pregnancy (again, these are all optional)
  • Made Starvation Syringe a Limited 3 pilot gear
  • Moderately reworked Hacker Rank 2’s “Jam Cockpit” Invade Option

Cool to see more work being done on this! Though, there is a few questions I have on the “Fruity Body” status. For one, while it’s listed as a pilot status that can be cleared by taking the STABILIZE action. However, on page 74 of the rulebook it’s stated that

“Pilots can take the following actions, using the same rules
use the FIGHT action (below) when they do so.
Pilots can also take three special actions: FIGHT,

Notably missing the STABILIZE action, which means pilots on foot, or in downtime have zero ways of actually stabilize. Which is an even bigger issue if a pilot ends up too big to even get into their mech and therefore effectively stuck unless a GM does something or a specific pilot gear is used.

Also for excessive production the overnutrition if blocked seems like it can get out of hand very quickly, especially in combination from fruity body. With every round being considered 6 seconds, just one stack would translate to gaining enough nutrition to go up a size every minute. And if you get fruity body and start at say, size 2, by the time you hit size 4 you’d be getting 8 nutrition per 6 seconds, or more then one size increase every 3 rounds.

Perhaps fruity body could be adjusted so that if a pilot hits size 4, then, they gain excessive production for some time, and excessive production itself could either scale slower in nutrition output or have some cap to stop one instance of fruity body from spiking a character’s weight in the long term. As well as perhaps add in a special action to attempt to “juice” the character that the person themselves or someone else assisting can do rather then relying on STABILIZE which is impossible for a pilot to do themselves.

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The mention of Stabilizing is intended to be use if you are inside of a mech, though I do need to specify that in hindsight.

I could perhaps throw in an ‘juice’ full action to clear an instance of Fruity Body without equipment that can be done both by the person or by an adjacent character.

As for what counts as having “production blocked”, in hindsight I should put more of an explanation as to what counts as blocking production. And yeah, perhaps I could make the fruity body production something that occurs after hitting size 4. Thank you so much for the feedback!

Hoh boy this update was dozy to work on but provides a new mountain of both narrative and gameplay content. For now this is going to serve as the ““Final”” update as I have been running low on ideas for what to add and I also would like to wait before updating it any further. I have been pumping out updates for this at a very rapid pace and I would prefer to get more feedback on it before I push out any further updates. I may end up coming back to this and doing small fixes, but this may end up being the last major update for the mod. With that out of the way, onto the aforementioned mountain of content.

DRAFT 4 Patch Notes:

  • Merged the “A Bigger World” Section into “The Blob Behind the Curtain” for clarity
  • Introduced in the Adiposa Industries Manufacturer
    • Established a full page dedicated to their lore
    • Incorporated the previously unaffiliated general and exotic mech equipment into being part of Adiposa Industries, along with adjusting some of the descriptions
    • Added 5 Core Bonuses (work like GMS Core Bonuses where you do not need to invest 3 License Ranks into a manufacturer to get a Core Bonus from them, but you need 3 License Levels per Core Bonus)
  • Added in some much-needed artwork
    • Title Cover: “Muffin Chick” by Amber Calliope + Thunderkid92
    • Section 1 Cover: “Avalanche Warning” by TheBreadGuardian
    • Section 2 Cover: “Cyberpump 2077 Ibs” by BlueBoiNezha
    • Section 3 Cover: “Ballast System” by Zaphod
    • Section 4 Cover: “Zero G Testing” by batspid2
  • Threw in some miscellaneous content throughout
    • “Widened Waistband” Pilot Trait
    • “NUTRI-gel” use option for Refined Gel
    • “Narrative Flavoring” section for more narrative and roleplay content
      • New Pilot Quirks
      • New Iterative Worlds, Natural Features, and Anthropocentric Features
    • Automatic Juicer and Fructose Cure in the Optional Content
    • ‘Lingering Fruitiness’ optional Pilot Status
    • ‘Slime Fission’ and ‘Fruity Composition’ optional Slime Mass trait
    • “Explosive Growth” optional Gourmand system
    • “Experimental Weapon BFG-0X” Exotic Equipment
    • “Immobilizer Tank” Support NPC
  • Changed some existing items, options
    • “Bouncy Beauty” Clothing makes it so that you cannot gain Overnutrition from EXCESSIVE PRODUCTION being blocked unless you want.
    • Brought the instances of EXCESSIVE PRODUCTION that Distilled Juices brings down from 10 to 4, but specified they do not go away from time progression.
    • Dietary Injection’s “Cured Fruitiness” option has been renamed to “Cured Liquids”, and now clears up all instances of both FRUITY BODY and EXCESSIVE PRODUCTION
    • Increased the difficulty that the “Butterfingers” Cyberwarfare Package can inflict on a weapon from 1 Difficulty to 2 Difficulty.
    • Changed “Milky Signal” so that any instances of EXCESSIVE PRODUCTION it causes cannot be cleared until the end of the scene.
    • “Belly Beam” Plasma Beam Projector now only deals 1 Self Heat
    • Removed NPCs losing 1 Agility from being fattened.
    • “Mass Seeking Targeting” now gives weapons the Seeking tag, but they can only target enemies with Portly Pilot statuses
    • Reduced the Slime Mass’s Hull Skill, removed the Accuracy tag from Bountiful Feast and Unending Feast, and nerfed its HP at tiers 2 and 3
    • Brought down the Accuracy on Radiative Missiles from +2 to +2
  • Implemented changes from Actual_Milk’s criticisms
    • Added the “Juicing” Full Action which can be used by or on someone experiencing FRUITY to clear an instance of the effect. Dedicated equipment to remove it is still better, but now there is an option if you lack such things
    • Adjusted FRUITY BODY to give 2 instances of EXCESSIVE PRODUCTION only once the individual reaches Size 4, rather than gaining an instance of it for every size increase before reaching Size 4.
    • Specified what counts as having a “blocked chest” for the EXCESSIVE PRODUCTION effect
  • Fixing various descriptions, typos, and other minor issues throughout.

So remember what I said about the previous update being the last one? Well…I ended up discovering a major flaw while coming up with new items. I sincerely apologize for not realizing it earlier and I feel like a dunce for not realizing the problem for this long. As an apology for removing the ability for pilots to never become immobile so long as they are in a hardsuit, I give to you a lot more content to enjoy:

DRAFT 5a Patch Notes:

  • Addressed A Major Oversight
    • Something I had not accounted for on the pilot side is that hardsuits will completely override certain pilot stats (Evasion, E-Def, Armor, and Speed)
    • This meant that so long as you were wearing a Hardsuit, it would be impossible for you to become immobile
    • The new change makes it so that the overridden stats can instead take the form of modifiers applied on top of the worn Hardsuit’s stats
    • (May end up making a hardsuit that prevents Immobility at a heavy cost, but not entirely sure)
  • Added various goodies
    • “Fuji” - Adiposa Industries Mech Frame
    • Love Handle Battle Rifle - Heavy Riffle
    • Suit Tearer Gelatinous Blast Emitter - Auxiliary CQB
    • Pressurized Meal Tank - Limited System
    • Multi-Pair Limb Neural Framework - Exotic System
    • Nexus (Sumo) - Exotic Main Nexus
    • Sweet Revenge - Exotic System
    • Waddling Pilot and Dietary Greywash - Optional Immobilizer Tank Systems
    • Berry Laced Code - Optional Core Bonus
    • ‘Mama Bear’ Combat Module - Optional Core Bonus
    • Milk-o-nami Pressurized Fluid Cutter - Optional Superheavy Launcher
    • Motherly Handoff Drone - Optional Drone/Turret System
    • Runaway Production - Optional Full Tech System
  • Changes to existing content
    • Changed ‘Caloric Field Resonator’ to be a market system but it now costs 2 SP
    • Made the Experimental Weapon BFG-0X have an effect on miss
    • Made the Optional Content into a separate section titled “Second Size Servings”
      • Cover artwork is “Juiced” by Zaphod
    • Made any additional instances of FRUITY BODY result in additional size and production.
    • Made the Size 3 limit on LINGERING FRUITINESS also apply to any FRUIT BODY instances and LINGERING FRUITNESS gives your pilot +4 HP due to their altered body
  • Clarifications and Fixes
    • Explicitly stated that the Napoleon frame also received the Self-Calibrating Exoskeleton Trait
    • Stated that Precious Cargo cannot be cleared by STABILIZE or similar things
    • Stated that the LINGER FRUITINESS status lets you do the JUICING action as a Quick Action regardless of other circumstances.
    • Fixed several discrepancies and grammatical issues throughout

New Update to the LCP.
Updated the content to Version 6 of Portly Pilots, adding new content and revising a number of the current content.

WARNING: This LCP should be treated as its own thing and is not compatible with characters using the previous version of the LCP. Please either make back ups of your characters/mechs or delete them to use the new content.

PortlyPilots LCP Files.7z (38.2 KB)

Another day another update. This time I tried directing my attention towards the NPC side along with GMing and Narrative content since I felt those needed some attention (especially the Enblobing Drone with it having only 3 optional systems prior to this update and the Gourmand having a lack of overall options). In addition, I decided to add in a new NPC, the Blob Bomber, intended to act as a larger version of the Ace centered around heavy firepower at the cost of low mobility. I have been debating on what needs balancing and what other NPCs would make for fun additions, so please let me know. As always, I hope you enjoy the new content!

Draft 6 Patch Notes:

  • Created a new section within the GM section called “Utilizing Portly Pilot” that gives some pointers for how to use the homebrew’s NPCs and terrain
  • Added several new optional game rules in the GM section
    • Burdensome Body
    • Lasting Luggage
    • Insulating Dough
    • Pauch Interference
    • Fragile Morale
    • Take Some Prisoners
  • Tweaked the “Eccentric Client” to make each of the options more balanced
  • Added 5 new backgrounds
    • Bread Maker (Cooking, Word on the Street, Spot, and Dough Handling)
    • Food Promotionalist (Charm, Appetite and Metabolism, Show Off, and Pull Rank)
    • Combat Sportsman (Bodily Recognition, Apply Fists to Face, Survive, Excellent Temperance)
    • Monk (Excellent Temperance, Stay Cool, Read a Situation, Spot)
    • Creative Saboteur (Fatty Love, Invent or Create, Blow Something Up, Bodily Awareness)
  • Fixed some small grammatical and formatting errors throughout
  • Added additional lore to the Immobilizer Tank and Enblobing Drone
  • Added new stuff:
    • Divided Gains - Base Immobilizer Tank System
    • Blob Bomber - Striker/Controller NPC
    • “Snack Blast” Needle Launcher - Gourmand Weapon
    • Caloric Microturret - Gourmand System
    • Adiposium Overpressure Shell - Gourmand System
    • Butterbutt Howitzer - Gourmand Weapon
  • Gave the Enblobing Drone some much needed love
    • Direct Combat Chassis - Optional Trait
    • Meal Smoke Munitions - Optional System
    • Poisoned Fruit - Optional System
    • Warfare Rig Overclock - Optional System
  • Added some more more Kink Optional content
    • Unusual Spa - [Kink optional] Downtime Action
    • Milky Fueling - [Kink optional] Core Bonus
    • Oni Warclub - [Kink optional] Heavy Melee
    • Productive Song - [Kink optional] Slime Mass Optional System
    • Fructose Injection - [Kink optional] Weapon Mod
  • Lowered the overall strength of the Portly Pilot NPCs at higher tiers
  • Rebalanced several player items
    • Initial damage of the Milk-o-Nami has been reduced, but has far more versatility
    • Sylph Composite Armor no long grants resistance to Nutrition from NPC tech attacks, but it now drains more Nutrition
    • Made the Motherly Handoff drone take 2 SP rather than 3

In addition, I also made a google sheet to help make the tracking of all the character information much easier. I hope it helps out.

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So some people requested the addition of vore content into the homeforge given all the ways it can interact with weight gain. I was hesitant to include it in the main document so instead it is own separate document; The Ravager Addon. On top of that, I wanted to do some general housekeeping and balancing to try making the overall experience better. Not a whole lot of new content for the base game but I hope the new addon and the improvements provide a lot of fun to everyone.

Also, the google sheet has been updated to allow for better tracking of stuff and allowing for more information.

Introduced multiple clarifications, adjustments, and overall improvements

  • Clarified Portly Pilot statuses can also only apply to biological targets
  • Decided to make the Mobility Hardsuit allowing mobility at Size 4+ an officially stated mechanic
  • Renamed “Suspicious Client” to “Suspicious Dealer” to prevent confusion with the Eccentric Client downtime action
  • Stated that Hermetic Compartment let’s you clear up self-inflicted statuses
  • Rudimentary Gunnery Assistant does not work with Weapons that have Loading tag.
  • NPCs with the Ship tag also have crewmates gain Nutrition like NPCs with the Vehicle tag
  • Clarified that the bonus damage and knockback from Crushing Mass is always active and that it applies to each unique instance or source of involuntary movement.
  • Stated that the outgrowing effect from Sweet Revenge still does destroy the mech that is “detonating”

Tidied and formalized multiple descriptions

  • Goo Injector
  • Caloric Roulette
  • Blubber Wall Shield
  • Biotic Supercharge

Rebalanced several items

  • Made the Blubber Beam deal 10 Nutrition
  • Cushioning Blubber no longer applies difficulty to additional attacks
  • Refined Gel now is Limited 2
  • Made the Nexus (Sumo) have Reliable 1
  • Made the Adiposium Overpressure Shell less punishing for the user (1-3 nothing, 4 system destroyed, 5 weapon destroyed, 6 both destroyed; used to be 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6)
  • Changed Cleansing Band to deal 4 damage rather than 5
  • Made Idol of Fruit a free action

Fixed grammatical and formatting issues

Release version for public usage

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft7.pdf (2.6 MB)
PortlyPilotRavagerAddon_Draft2.pdf (598.8 KB)

And, of course, here are the LCP files for the Ravager Addon as well as the updated files for the base and additional content for anyone usinc COMP/CON.

PortlyPilots LCP (53.6 KB)

Another thing, we now have an official Discord server established for anyone who wants to join in on the fat pilot fun! Even if you do not want to do any one shots or campaigns, you can give suggestions for and sneak peeks for upcoming content.

I do apologize for the lack of updates on here, as there has been 3 (technically 4) updates since portly pilot base draft 7. As such, here are the patch notes for the multi-version update

Base Draft 7 → Base Draft 9a Patch Notes

Base Draft 8 Patch Notes

  • Gave some improvements to the Slime Mass
    • Clarified that the IMMOBILIZED from Prepared Feast is tied to that Slime Mass’s Grapple
    • Added the Varied Menu base trait
    • Renamed the Slime Mass’s optional systems to Optional Mutations
  • Added some extra player mech goodies
    • Class OB Leg Actuator Reinforcements - Base Market System
    • Nutritional Reallocator - Base Market System
    • Medusa Nanite Tendrils - Base Exotic System
  • Fixed grammatical and formatting issues


  • Reworked various things
    • Blubbery Weaponry 2 “Chemical Energy Extractor to make it less confusing and more consistent
    • Pressurized Meal Tank is now a Grenade/Mine system (Iskander and Demolitionist mains rejoice)
    • Slag Spray has been reworked to provide cover of larger sizes and bigger HP depending on the Kobold’s current Frame Size
    • Caloric Field Resonator now works as a Protocol rather than a Quick Action
    • Nutrition Storage Canister only costs 1 SP
    • Medusa Nanite Tendrils work with any externally storable Nutrition
    • Mourning Cloak “Slipspace Jump” give you the option to reappear during combat but at a cost
    • Goblin “Symbiosis” lets the goblin decide if any incoming Nutrition is divided between the two or who gets it
  • Added some player-sided goodies
    • Machine Assistance - Trait for Balor, Lancaster, Kidd, and Hydra
    • Mobilias Prototype Mobility Drone - Exotic System
    • Feeding Tube - Main Melee weapon
    • New ‘Notable Features’ for Pilot Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Hardsuits, and even mechs
      • Under the ‘Narrative Flavoring’ section
  • Did some additional tidying
    • Oversized Sonic Generators System is less of a mess
    • Shortened the Medusa Nanite Tendril’s lore
  • Fixed grammatical and formatting issues
  • Updated the Google Sheets Template

Patch 9a Patch Notes

  • Emergency patched a description issue with Self-Adjusting Exoskeleton

Now for the Ravager Addon Patch notes

  • Made some changes to the Slime Mass
    • Irresistible Treat is now an Optional Mutator and has been nerfed
    • Added the Engulfing Body Optional Mutator
  • Provided several optional rules
  • Added new options for pilot gear
    • AGF Hardsuit MK III - Pilot Hardsuit
    • Warp Bow - Pilot Weapon
    • Aesthetic Gut - Pilot Gear
    • Adipose Absorber - Pilot Gear
    • Neural Preserver - Pilot Gear

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft9a.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotRavagerAddon_Draft3.pdf (619.6 KB)

Another double update this time for the main mod. I do plan on making some more progress with the Ravager addon but wanted to provide a more solid foundation for the addon to have. Hoping you enjoy these new features regardless of which version you decide to use.


  • Massively overhauled the lore for Adiposa Industries
  • Subsequently redid the lore for various things tied to Adiposa Industries
    • Fuji Mech
    • ‘Love Handle’ Battle Rifle
    • “Suit Tearer” Gelatinous Blast Emitter
    • Feeding Hose
  • Added 2 new Mission Hooks
  • Added the “KHAOS-Class NHP” - Exotic AI System
  • Rebalanced several Gourmand optional systems
    • Made Rebound Calories and Adiposium Ammunition into Recharge 5+ instead of 1/Scene
    • Snack Blast now deals 4 Kinetic damage base and an additional 1 damage per tier above T1
    • Explosive Growth now works on ⅓ total fat rather than Âź, but is now Recharge 6+
    • Switched ranges on the Blubber Butt Howitzer and Snack Blast Needle Rifle
  • Fixed grammatical and formatting issues


  • Balanced several player equipment
    • Nutrition Storage Canister’s capacity has been reduced from 30 to 20
    • Expanded Compartment now has the mech lose Cockpit Size ½ if the system is Destroyed, but retains the ability to hold another person or object inside and them being able to pilot your mech as well
    • Removed the damage from Jam Cockpit
    • Made ‘Widened Waistband 3’ give a limited use to Pilot Weapons as well
    • Shedding Hardsuit now has Speed 4
  • Added more player-sided goodies
    • Bulky Rucksack - Pilot Gear
    • Reserve Air Supply - Pilot Gear
    • Glutton’s Orb - Exotic Pilot Gear
    • Cal-Vamp Munition Converter - Exotic Pilot Gear
    • EGM Bodysuit - Exotic Pilot Gear
    • Slime Assistant Dispenser - Market Mech Drone System
    • Hefty Impact - Market Limited Tech Action
    • Experimental Metafold Internals - Exotic Mech System
    • Adiposium Blast Charge - Exotic Weapon Mod
  • Fixed grammatical and formatting issues

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft10a.pdf (2.6 MB)

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft11.pdf (2.7 MB)

Another month, another update has arrived. This one does contain a lot of changes for the core rulebook and also a much-needed one for the Ravager addon. I have debated on adding more market and exotic items for both the core book optional and the Ravager addon. In the meantime, I hope that you enjoy these new additions and changes!

Core Draft 12 Notes:

  • Overhauled and adjustment more official content
    • Reformatted the Expanded Compartment segment to look nicer and to provide more lore
    • Stable Structure now has the developer-intended “Errata” set and give it a bit of lore surrounding that
    • Manipulators can let you use Pilot Gear (not weapons) without dismounting…or even as a free action if you have an assistant onboard [Also gave the Multi-Pair Limb Neural Network this bonus]
  • Added even more player goodies
    • Adi-Ind Chassis Upscale - Market System
    • Disposable Adiposium Rockets - Limited Market System
    • Caloric Deadeye - Limited Market Weapon Mod
    • ID Scrambler Module - Market Narrative System
  • Clarified various things
    • Machine Assisted Trait was supposed to be not as convoluted
    • The Nutrition amount from the Love Handle Battle Rifle and Nutritional Reallocator are impacted by any damage dealt with the weapons, which includes bonus damage
    • The ‘Protocol’ Tag on the Cornucopia-Class NHP was supposed to be removed
    • Exotic Items are not limited to just items with the Exotic tag (stated in the official supplements but forgot to mention it here) along with a general advice for usage and you can only have 2 equipped at a time.
    • Excessive Production only makes you generate 2 Nutrition every 2-4 hours in narrative play
    • Adiposium liquid feature’s Nutrition gain calculation is now more easily legible
  • Rebalances
    • Immobilizer Tank Blubbery Shockwave is now Inaccurate instead of Accurate and no longer has the Seeking tag
    • Rephrased the ‘Hover Tank’ trait on the Immobilizer Tank to have it make more sense, in addition to it only being IMMOBILIZED if JAMMED rather than STUNNED if IMMOBILIZED or JAMMED
    • Gourmand Butter Butt Howitzer now deals 2/3/4 Explosive Damage
    • Fuji evasion has been decreased from 8 to 6
    • Airburst Adiposium Howitzer is now Limited 3 to prevent excessive multi-map terraforming
    • Adiposium Blast Charge no long halves your melee damage
  • Introduced a new page of Portly Pilot Quirks in the optional content section and adjusted some phrasing on existing ones
  • Altered the Unusual Spa downtime action to also let you get some of the new optional quirks along with adjusting its slightly
  • Fixed grammatical and formatting issues

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft12.pdf (2.7 MB)

Ravager Draft 4 Patch Notes

  • Added some additional player-sided goodies
    • Artemis-Class NHP - Market AI System
    • Blinkspace Reactor Injector - Limited Market System
    • Consumption Countermeasures - Limited Market System
    • Frenzy Injection System - Market System
    • Rampage Neural Link - Market System
    • Area Distortion Subaltern - Market Drone System
    • Rescue Corps Blinkspace Rifle - Market Weapon
    • Sphinx - Goblin Alt Frame
    • Gelatinous Body Converter - Exotic Pilot Gear
    • Integrative Hardsuit - Exotic Pilot Gear
  • Made some changes to the Horror and Pirate templates
    • Moderately overhauled the Horror’s Artificial trait
    • Added the Brigand Gut as a Pirate System and Trait
  • Made the rules around Stomach Capacity much simpler
  • Reworked Consumptive Claws
    • Now is Limited 2
    • Base attack be used even without consuming or needing charges, but also can be destroyed even if all charges are used up
  • Fixed various grammatical and formatting issues

PortlyPilotRavagerAddon_Draft4.pdf (813.5 KB)

After a bit of play testing with the new draft and noticing some potential issues, a quick mini-update has been relased for the main book. Hope you all like the new changes!

DRAFT 12a Patch Notes:

  • Stable Structure Changes
    • Back to being 2 SP
    • Specified it is any forced/involuntary movement rather than just forced
    • The erroneous ‘free action’ tag has been removed)
  • Segment on the exotic gear distribution for game masters has been adjusted
  • ID Scrambler Module Changes
    • Mentioned you can switch modes in combat as a Protocol
    • Shortened the lore a little
  • Tidied up multiple descriptions
    • Class OB Leg Actuator Reinforcements
    • Blob Bomber ‘Remote Ball Turret’
  • Adiposium Blast Charges is now Limited 3 like it was supposed to be
  • ‘Thickening’ Modified Coreworm Missiles have been renamed to ‘Meal Injection’ Missiles
  • Balancing Changes
    • “Suit Tearer” Gelatinous Blast Emitter now forces Hull Saves rather than Hull Checks
    • Gourmand Greased Ailments is now a Quick Tech rather than a Full Tech
    • Death’s Head now has the Comfortable Cockpit Trait
    • Nelson gets the Inertial Leverage Trait
  • Fixed grammatical and formatting issues

PortlyPilotsHomeforge_Draft12a.pdf (2.7 MB)