Looking for Artists/Animators for a game (Paid)

UPDATE 2024-04-10 : Still looking for one more person.
Hi, Looking for artists/animators for my current project.
Mainly for creating characters and attack sprites and/or background assets.
Being able to make cutout characters is nice but not mandatory. Also, my timezone is CET so that’s also a benefit. DM me or post below for more information.
HeavyDungeon - Darkest Dungeon inspired FatFur game - Projects - Weight Gaming


If this project stretches on for a long time, I might be able to hop on in about three months. There’s a lot going on for me right now that’s preventing me from doing much online, but everything should resolve in a few months.

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It most likely will, there is still so much I want to add to this project. So I may need multiple people. Thanks for a response.

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I’m definitely interested, things are starting to slow down for me so I’d like to be able to help out some whenever I’m not working on my own stuff.

I’ve just never done something like this before so I’m a little unsure. So we may need to figure some things out in DM’s or something (Actually I think we already talked a bit on discord), but yeah I’m interested in working a little on the project.

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I’m interested! Let me know what you wanna see and pay information and all that, we can absolutely try and make something work.

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I wrote you a message or if you have a discord we can talk there

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