Lysithea's Sweet Escapades Redux - A Weight Gain RPG based on Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Hello everyone.
I have a really important announcement to make regarding this project and it’s future.
This may be a bit hard to read for some, but I felt it was dire to inform everyone of this.

My 76 year old adoptive mother was diagnosed with leukemia. According to the doctors, her white blood cell count is the highest they’ve ever seen. It’s been two days since she was admitted to the hospital and no improvement has yet to occur. My father has been really struggling with this, crying and unable to properly cope with the situation, at times lashing out at me. I must admit, I personally thought me and my mother always had a fairly rocky relationship, but now this whole thing has had my questioning that belief.

Needless to say, this has been a real blow to a lot of the motivation and drive I’ve had to do anything. I’m trying to remain diligent with both games, but at the moment my mind is prone to wandering worse than ever before and I find it hard to get out of bed at all in the mornings.

I am also currently unemployed, as my previous job was abusive and underpaying, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise for awhile as I could help care for my mother, but now I may need to start my desperate search once more for a remote job to bring in some more money, what with the hospital bills.

Do I plan on giving up on either games? No.
But I feel I need to bring up all of this to you, the lovely supporters that want so much from this game.

For those of you who have continued to support this game through Ko-Fi, I cannot express how much your kindness means to me. In these trying times, people who have genuinely supported me as everything seemingly gets worse and worse and I try to find an escape from this downward spiral means more to me than I can possibly put into words. I consider all of you wonderful, irreplaceable friends.

Finally, a shout out to NewMetrack, an artist I used to like, for offering to help give advice on UI design when I originally wanted to commission him to design some Milfs for the side project, only to instantly block me on Discord in the most unprofessional and rude way possible when he learned what the game was. On the same day I learned my mother was dying of leukemia.
Really was the bow on top of the literal worst day of my life.

That’s all for this update. Chapter 5 is nearing completion and at the moment, just needs a couple more scenes and switch triggers to actually be playable, even if the game over scene is no where near done. I will try to be finishing it within the coming weeks so it can be playtested and balanced.