That should’ve been fixed as well. I see no major issues in the event.
Alright, I’ve redownloaded the game and I’ll see if I can reproduce it. Found a different bug though. This is currently from the “definitive edition” update linked at the top of the page.
I’ll just post a video link because it’s hard to explain. On a side note, Blutgang isn’t broken if you do the skip. Marianne still had it equipped. It broke fairly quickly in combat afterwards but it was still intact when you first meet back up with her.
As far as I can tell it doesn’t affect the gameplay in general but I’ll have to see as I play more if it’s causing other issues. I’ll play further and see if I still have the umbral steel bug occurring for me.
Edit: can confirm the bug for weapons is still present. Won’t sell me replacements and won’t repair Hilda’s broken axe. Demonstration
Only special weapons can be repaired, those being relics and others that will appear later.
I’ll look into that bug though, it shouldn’t be happening
Found another bug by chance. I can’t go into the two houses on the left of the town after doing the skip in Chapter 3. She just says “Can we go by the hostler first?”
How is that a bug?
That’s what’s supposed to happen, unless she’s not in the party
Did you just skip going to the desert town?
She’s supposed to say to talk to the hostler even after I’ve already talked to her? That doesn’t make sense.
Fine. I’ll fix it.
It’ll be done.
is the most recent link the one with all these fixes?
No, that will be the one being put up today
Alright. This is the last hotfix for this update. I mean it this time.
All problems have been fixed. There should be no more softlocks.
The buffs and debuffs have been fixed. Hilda’s weight gain now works properly when she goes from fat to skinny.
This will be the last hotfix for this update.
Mediafire: Lysithea’s Sweet Escapades Redux - Marianne Update Definitive-ER
Thank you for all your support. If you’re interested in a position on the dev team, please DM me.
I’ll be on vacation (for real this time).
Edit: Take these as well. Put them in the data (11.5 KB) (41.2 KB)
Since this hotfix apparently requires a restarted save file, I’m wondering, does anyone have a save file for new version that’s a little deeper into the game? Like let’s say a version that fully completed the marianne paralogue and maybe also has say the bacon, the 60 fish, etc already completed? it’d be nice if I could get back to where I was (exploring the 2nd floor of the depths) without having to replay content for a couple hours…
Presumably no one has such a save file, yet, but well, in a day or two? surely someone will have replayed the paralogue and redone those basic sidequests, or some such? Then maybe they could post their save to this thread somehow?
on the new update, it does freeze on the saving the game on Lysithea’s face is missing. it does says it too.
no pressure on fixing it. enjoy your vacation too.
I can wait as well. I got other games to play.
As much as I hate to bring this up, Lysithea’s Disregard Safety still lowers her stats permanently. But on the other hand, Edgar’s Rally skills don’t. It seems the problem, as far as I’m aware, affects only that particular Skill. It seems that there’s something fundamentally wrong with Disregard Safety itself, that needs some serious look-overs until the next major update.
But that comes after you take your well earned vacation. Just wanted to put this out here both for the devs, and as a warning to any players.
That was fixed. It just turns out I didn’t fix it enough.
Thankfully, states don’t (or shouldn’t) require a hard reset or a complete reupload of the game.
A little bit of a rant, but the plugin I use to do a lot of stuff with states is flawed.
The logic in it is terrible and it leads to a lot of absurd things that shouldn’t be possible, but are and need to be worked around.
For example, when it applies a state to a character with that state already applied, it will count as adding taht state again, BUT it won’t register on being on the character!
So when the state runs out, the game will remove the state ONCE.
What does that mean? The game will boost the stats twice, or how many ever times you applied it, and only remove it ONCE.
That is from a much older version.
Bug has been fixed.
It may work with your save. You’ll need to test it first. (11.5 KB)
Done. Should fix everything. If not then I’ll have to reupload again.