NOTE: Currently this is just a small demo of the game and is not feature complete by any means. Please report any bugs you find either here or on the game’s dedicated thread on Weight Gaming.
The game is primarily about a witch named Marcel who accidently got herself cursed while doing alchemy one day. Any food she eats almost instantly goes to her waistline, and her appetite is ever increasing. The ultimate goal of the game is to use alchemy and cure or treat her condition before she is lost to gluttony. The game will also include an RPG section with JRPG combat while out gathering ingredients. The game has a major focus on attention to detail, with many characters and objects being interactable, and having different responses based on how big Marcel has gotten.
Game is pretty much complete for the jam, looking for last minute bug reports.
Cool game overall, neat stuff as always. I loved seeing how a QoL improvement ended up being a mechanic that was pretty important, namely the: elevator portals
A small bug I noticed was that:
When making the fetishizer and belch bloat potions, it says you made a feeder frenzy potion.
Oh yeah, some people might be happy to hear this; I also decided to not make immobility be a fail state this time. You can’t exactly play as a blob, but for story reasons you do get snapped back to minimum weight (with a penalty to appetite, making the climb back up in weight faster and faster as the game goes on, up to a point).
The losing condition’s going to be appetite instead, haven’t decided quite how much, since that’s something I can’t know until more pieces are in place.
I’ll do that, but to give the run down; It’s mostly weight gain. Some minor TF (animal tail and ears), inflation (kinda, just uses many of the same mechanics as weight gain, it’s just that she isn’t actually any heavier).
I’m open to putting in more, but for a game jam entry, this is what I’ve stuck with. I do have room for more potion effects, since some combinations have repeats, but those will have to be post jam.
I just Saw some new Game proyect of You and instantly thought: this is going to be epic and it is, i love this Game Even if it’s just an early demo! Your art is amazing hope soon we Will be able to SEE the other pictures before The immobility state!
I’m very excited for this one, demo was quite interesting for what it was. Dungeon crawling will be quite interesting given what you’ve told us so far.
after playing the demo i can say the parts that where there where very charming, the teasing from the maid character and the floor cracking where particularly nice. also good call with the over world traveling mechanic that saves on travel time, and simplifies the map.
some of the higher weight stages where definitely bugged though, i was not expecting to turn into one of the dragons characters from your last gain jam game but that’s the nature of placeholders and/or demos.
So, just like you said, I threw things in. Then I made the terr- I mean, great idea to make a spreadsheet of every result I got after heating the ingredients up.
Some things I discovered:
For some reason it is impossible to mix dragon scales with magic beans. It just says that you somehow already have both ingredients in.
There were times where the latency and potency of a potion showed, but not its name. I want to say it may have been the Fetishizer? Because it suddenly appeared when I checked the recipes and at no point did the game say I made that.
Also, hopefully not an issue in the final release, but the random chance of a potion going off-rails was really annoying for my particular endeavours.
I did not catch that with the Dragon Scale/magic bean thing. That’s fixed now.
The times where the potion’s name didn’t show up are the two potions I’ve yet make. So nothing shows up and those don’t do anything. For the entries that just randomly appeared, it’s likely as you said, the mislabeling of a handful of potions. With the next demo I put out, we’ll see if that issue persists, should come out tommorrow.
The random chance when it comes to potions is supposed to be a bit extreme in the beginning, it’s I believe a 20% of failure in the current demo. The random chance is going to be not as big of an issue in the next demo because I implemented the system to lower the chance of failure. Bascially, there are 30 potion types in the game (well 28 now, but there will be 30) and with the exception of the Make Room potion, whenever you make a new potion you go up a level, reducing the chance of failure by 1%. Because of this, the new early game random potion effect chance is now 30%. This isn’t as bad as it sounds, because the chance is so high it can make new potion types with ingredients that shouldn’t be capable of making that, potentially increasing your level faster, lowering the chance of failure.
Also I should probably mention, ingredient properties are partly randomized at the start of every playthrough. Some values are fixed, but most are within a set range (you’ll never get magically latent wheat, for example), and a handful are fully randomized. I’m working on failsafes in case you get a really bad set of rolls for a run, just so the game is always beatable. Not this next update, but the one after, I’m adding the ability to eventually learn what ingredients do as well as the alchemy tutorial.
On the one hand, it is rather upsetting that my efforts with the spreadsheet ended up being all for nothing, on the other hand, the randomness seems like it would actually aid the game.
So from what I can tell, the ingredients themselves don’t determine what potion is created but how much Potency and Latency is in the final potion and it looks like both potency and latency values fall in a range of 1 to 7. If that’s the case, then unless there are ingredients with 0 or negative potency and latency, it would be impossible to make a potion with less than 2 potency, 2 latency to begin with. The preparation methods would allow you to make a 1 potency, 2 latency potion or a 2 potency, 1 latency potion but this would require at least two ingredients to only have 1 potency and 1 latency.
Now with 2 ingredients being used, you would only need to randomize an ingredient’s latency and potency from 0-4 to be able to make every potion available, as long as you make sure at least 2 ingredients have at most 1 potency or 1 latency, at least 2 have more than 3 potency and 3 latency, and at least 2 has more than 3 potency and 1 or less latency and vice versa for a total of 8 fixed ingredients out of the 11 so far.
That’s pretty close without having a tutorial anywhere, good job
It is possible to get a potion of 1:1 because there’s a third step that requires explaining.
The way it works is that every ingredient does have a latency or potency of 1-7.
When adding the second ingredient, the latency and potency of both ingredients are added together.
The next step, and this is the important one, is that the total of the two ingredients is divided by 2. If there is a decimal (which RPG maker does not do for variables) the total is rounded DOWN, not up.
Then there’s the magic treatment at the end where you must add +1 or -1 to either the total latency or potency. If she messes up, it can randomly add +2 to -2 (including 0) to the stat you chose to try and adjust.
So the quick formula is:
(X + Y) / 2 + Z = Either Latency or Potency of the potion
X being ingredient 1’s latency or potency, Y being 2’s latency or potency, Z being the value added by the treatment option at the end. Remember to round down if you have a decimal/it is not a whole number.
This calculation is run twice, one for latency, and again for potency
If you somehow manage to go over or under 1/7 in either value, it just resets it back to 1 or 7. I plan to make something different happen in a post jam version, I just don’t have time right now.
All of this mostly for the late game, however. Early game is still mostly just throwing shit into the cauldron and seeing what happens, due to partial randomization of ingredients.
a quick question, will there be any other reliable sources of money like working at the bakery in the final version? like selling ingredients for example. though if the bakery job scales well with levels then it might not be necessary