Meaning Behind Our Usernames

I freaking love it. How cute!

No, it is really deep and meaningful, I can totally see it :laughing: I is nice that it wasn’t already taken, though!

I’ve seen you a few times on here. I initially thought that you put in a username and it prompted you to “use a better username” and as a smart-alec you typed in “abetterusername”.

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My story is that I use to make a comic (that got lost in one of the many moves) called Fuzz and the Dragons but dumb 12 years old me could not spell dragons so I shorten it to Fuzz and the D and year later for my user name I shorten it again to Fuzzd and add 22 to it.

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My really has no meaning, it was just a name I came up on the spot with in order to have a unique username, the numbers after was the first thing to pop in my head as Seeker was taken by others.

Mine is a reference to the old webcomic “8 Bit Theater” by Brian Klevinger, his more famous work being Atomic Robo.

The comic was originally meant to be a loving send up to a lot of the old retro games of the 80’s, but instead became a retelling of the story of the original Final Fantasy following unquestionably THE WORST Heroes of Light to have ever existed.

The main human kingdom they deal with is Corneria, ruled the insane and grossly incompetent King Steve. His chief advisor and right hand man is a piece of string. Well, at least until King Steve loses his crown due to the string’s superior debating skills, at which point Steve commits an act of regicide in order to regain his throne.

His weapon of choice being a pair of scissors.

Left Hand Man Gary is, as the name implies, the left hand man of King Steve. He’s this poor, overworked and underappreciated bureaucrat stuck dealing with this mad fool of a king. King Steve has, on occasion, declared war on their two most powerful enemies (naming it “King Steve’s kickass double offensive”) and gotten their entire army slaughtered, had an entire village slaughtered to the last because too many names started with the letter “P,” had a child killed for “excessive breathing of my air,” and once referred to his own daughter thusly: “Left Hand Man Gary! When did you grow boobies!?”

Then there’s the multiple times he drained the treasury for the stupidest shi…

Point is, Gary has to put up with that b.s. EVERY BLOODY DAY. Nor can he say anything against King Steve, both because Steve wouldn’t get it, and the guards would kill him if he even hinted that the bad things happening were in any way Steve’s fault. My college room mate and I agreed that Gary had to be on some wicked drugs and/or alcohol to avoid going insane from being in that madhouse, and that he would eventually help Steve’s daughter, the rather capable and intelligent Princess Sarah, to take the throne before Corneria died in flames.

And in all honesty, the name has worked out rather well over the years. Most people have never heard of 8 bit theater, the few who have really like the reference, and because he’s such a minor character, I have yet to encounter a scenario where the name is “in use” before I get there.

my name is a mistranslation of a username I made when I was like 12. didn’t realize how stupid it is until I read it in someone else’s post.

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mine is a character I made that I use for any fetish based stuff since for the most part I want to keep my normal life separate form the fetish stuff

Ok so, basically
Lord of D from yugioh.
but with my nicknaaaaameeeeee :0

I’m 50% sure I stole this nickname from some dude I played Pit People with, but added one “o”.

Other than that… none, I think??

Usually I choose character name as nickname, but the problem is if I change of character it make people confused and thought it’s my real name.

I choose Hyperion, because it’s neutral gender, and make thought to many different concepts like god, space ship, super-weapon, trans-humanism, etc.

I dunno- I like life cereal.

I will turn you into not

I stared on the small glass bottle (aka vial) on my table while creating this account, and to be honest, second part of username is unintentionally vulgarized .zip file name, which is somehow related to mod downloads.

My name roots in a class of biology in my early years of school when the teacher gave us examples of seaweeds regarding a lesson. It doesn’t have much of a meaning besides perhaps hinting out that I like biology.

Lilies are my favorite type of flower, so I used them for a username elsewhere. There I met two other people who were known as Lily or Lilly. It got awkward fast.

Just put peach and lyrics together… that is It… (^<^)
(It is silly, but I like It)

Mine is actually a shortening of an incredibly dumb inside joke I had with my middle school friends, as they were the ones who introduced me to Steam and a lot of the games I still play today. The inside joke is exploding penguins. We would just quack and pretend to explode. Like I said, incredibly stupid, and I don’t remember why it was a penguin instead of a duck, but it be what it be.

My first thought is the Prinny’s from Disgaea, lol.

mine is named after the Atlas from battletech