Minecraft: The Fat Suite V1.0.5


I ended up making an edit to the Alex models included in this thread for personal use, and figured I would share that.


I also made a few alterations to how the model works, namely:

  • Tweaked where the hair strand cube on the head is positioned, so it clips less with helmets. The back layer of the hair as of currently will clip with helmets, and I didn’t end up adding another cube/squashing the textures to fix this. It’s a small/trivial edit in blockbench for anyone interested in that, though for the original hair-strand use cases the current cube still works fine.

  • Reset the boots/helmet layers to being the default minecraft objects. I did the latter since it increased compat with a mod called TruFirstPerson on 1.7.10, though for anything less old it’s probably irrelevant.

  • Added some quick and dirty custom armor layers for the chestplate and leggings. I like how they turned out, though the leggings are a bit big (and I personally think that’s funny/amusing). This was my main alteration, since I enjoy seeing what I’m wearing ingame, though I had to butcher the vanilla UV’s in order to pull this off remotely convincingly. Chainmail looks weird for the fake collar I made, but that’s about it.

  • Added a snout to the model. This is since my sona/the character I was adapting the model for is a pig. This won’t be included in the downloadable version, but do know that this is probably the easiest kind of edit to make, since it just involves adding some tiny geometry to the face.

  • Edited the origin of the head bone in the model slightly. I did this so the helmet layer and head layers would properly line up, since the pivot points were in a weird location initially, which would cause clipping if you looked too far up or down.

Tips and Tricks

I learned a lot about how CPM and Blockbench work together editing this model, so here’s some pointers in that regard, since the tutorial ™ is still under construction:

  • When importing a cpmproject file, you generally should keep animations, not import them. The importer is in beta, it seems to mangle even basic ones from what I looked at,

  • Save often. The plugin generally seemed prone to making Blockbench crash, on my end, not sure if that was a personal hardware issue or what. What irks me is Blockbench wouldn’t say it stopped working, only turn into an entirely opaque panel of a single color when this happened.

  • Keep base bones where the model likes to put them, at least for the TFS models. The anchor points for armor/limbs/etc are what mods tend to reach for whenever making a playermodel animate, and lining up the helmet/chestplate/leggings hitboxes with their respective bodyparts will allow those procedural animations to look 1:1 with their vanilla counterparts.

  • Edit your UV’s in Blockbench, not CPM. CPM’s editor for UV’s seems really limited, at least on 1.7.10, and you can do horrible crimes a lot of UV tricks by using the editor bundled in with Blockbench. You may need to import and export a model multiple times in order to line up the pixels for the UVs, since CPM doesn’t seem to enjoy partial pixel aligned UV’s on a texture.

  • Wait for the plugin to entirely load before using it, if you’re having it included via URL. I’d consider having the file downloaded locally on your computer instead, since with my internet connection it always took around ~10 seconds to fully load,

  • You can preview how certain armors will look on a model without going ingame by replacing the ‘armor1’ and ‘armor2’ textures in your cpmproject. To have your model properly save, rename both of these textures to armor1 and armor2 respectively (the texture data you swapped will be removed/reverted).

Preview, Downloads, and Final Thoughts

Below are a few links to the file(s) associated with this model, in the event anyone in this thread wants to use it as a jumping off point for their own edits. I won’t be including Zee’s texture, though the model is 1:1 compatible with the regular Alex ones anyways, so it’s no big deal. Below is an impromptu photo op I did showing off the model in a creative world in 1.7.10, plus a few Zee screenshots as a treat.

1.0.1 Screenshots

1.0.0 Screenshots

Below is the download link for my edit of TFS - Alex - Gigantic. I gave it a generic placeholder name, if only since this is just a generic version of the edit I was using personally. Credit is implied due to the model being in this thread, though if you post download links/edits of this elsewhere, you can credit me as Zipp Zee/ZZ in addition to crediting The Minecraft Guy™.

TFS-AlexGiganticArmored - 1.0.1.zip (46.3 KB)
TFS-AlexGiganticArmored.zip (47.1 KB) (11-12-2023)

1.0.1 Changelog

  • Resized chestplate armor to fully cover underbelly,

  • Added ‘sleeves and gloves’ geometry, so armors with full arm textures cover more than the model’s shoulders,

  • Resized UV’s for the fake collar to prevent overlap with armors that use the chestplate top texture,

  • Added a plane that shows the chestplate’s top texture that renders above the fake collar,

  • Added an armor skirt that overlaps with the legging’s hip, to mimic how armors rest on the vanilla player model,

  • Resized jowls and double chin slightly to prevent clipping with helmets that have fully populated textures (IE, masks),

  • Adjusted rotation and scale of the chestplate’s side UV’s (they’re lower res now, but should be 1:1 with the original armor instead of being rotated 90 degrees now),

  • Added a plane that uses back armor UV’s to fill in the small of the back,

  • Readded elytra custom positions from the original TFS model,

  • Added a generic cape part (may clip with elytra).

Many thanks again to everyone in this thread; I’ll be having a ton of fun with the model I cobbled together, and I generally think CPM is a really cool win for minecraft in general, since barely any sandbox games just let you play as whoever/whatever (unless they’re aimless games/engines, like Gmod).