Hello Weight Gamiacs!…
(Ok, that was pretty bad I promise I’ll never do that again.)
…It is I, Stranger, The Minecraft Guy™ and welcome, to Minecraft: The Fat Suite!
“Oh god, what is this crock of shit? What have I gotten myself into?.. Wait… where’s the exit? Why are you holding a gun?! Wha- what are you doing!? G-go away! Stop! Help! HEELP! HEEeEeLP!!!” - You
The Fat Suite is a collection of custom player models made for a Minecraft mod called Customizable Player Models (fitting name) made by your’s truly that will truly make Alex and Steve’s hips finally suffer the wrath of their dietary choices.
Maybe early on Alex and Steve got off because of the physical strain of mining, but once a stockpile of diamonds are built up what are they to do but indulge in the ease brought by their creativity.
Their pumpkin pie farm, their villager slave labor powered potato, beet root, carrot, or bread farm, and honey farm are all fully self sufficient, and after only a few in-game days can produce more food than they’d ever need… or… oh… wow…
That was quick.
I guess this is what redstone really does to you, folks.
No wonder the fellas who built the jungle temples and desert pyramids died off. It’s kind of hard to outrun zombies when you’re full of two stacks of bread and honey and barely have to do anything but trade with librarians for Mending books. Though I bet the extra padding might help with skeleton arrow fire, so maybe it was something else.
Though, honestly, I think any benefits are kind of out…weighed when most things can out run you. Especially for a specific creature that has a habit of exploding when you get too close…
Aw man…
Some More Renders From Blockbench/Screenshots

This render’s my favorite.
Features & Limitations
Features of The Fat Suite
- Two model types. Steve, and Alex. Steve merely has smaller breasts for now.
- One size (for now): Gigantic.
- Helmets, and the pauldrons of chestplates are displayed when equipped. The rest Alex and Steve have completely outgrown. Leggings and boots are not shown. This is compatible with any mod that adds armor that doesn’t have a custom model.
- Elytras!
- Nearly all animations have been tweaked to mostly remove clipping. The swinging animation will likely be tweaked in the future.
- Though cartoony, I think they fit in with Minecraft’s Jappa art style perfectly.
- Support for bigger hitboxes with Pehkui! Scroll down to “Recommended Mods”
- Animation adjustments to reduce clipping between different states like running and sneaking snap to each other instead of interpolating smoothly. This is a limitation of CPM itself currently and not something I can control. Once this issue is resolved Steve and Alex will be updated if need be to be in line with the new changes.
- Simulated jiggle physics are very limited at the moment because I am waiting for this issue to be resolved, and then Steve and Alex will jiggle while doing the truffle shuffle like true fatties.
- Steve’s model and texture could use some work.
- As said before, leggings and boots are not shown, but I don’t know what you wanted me to do, man. Alex can’t even fit in their shirt, man, much less a chestplate crafted with 8 diamonds. Don’t even ask me what would happen to those poor leggings.
- The crossbow and archery animations are a little scuffed, but I don’t know what you wanted me to do, man. Steve can’t even clap his hands much less try and wield a bow properly.
- They’re obviously gonna look cartoony. I am never going to break with the Jappa art style. If you want something like that go watch FuturisticHub for your hyperrealistic Minecraft toes. They’re sImPLY dELiCiOuS.
- Honestly there are always things I’m gonna say I could’ve done better on, but if I kept tweaking it in private like this you wouldn’t ever be able to play with them, so I’ve decided to release them now and the general tweaking can be for later.
Future Plans
- This isn’t my only Minecraft related Project I anticipate will be on these forums…
- New sizes, both smaller and (maybe) bigger.
- If someone can help me, an anthro model with digitigrade legs.
- Everything laid out in Limitations. Most notable additions being jiggle physics and smoother animations.
- Steve will likely be completely overhauled.
Installation Guide
Making Alex and Steve morbidly obese is as simple as 1, 2, 3!..
- Download Customizable Player Models for either Forge or Fabric. If you don’t know what you’re doing:
- Follow this tutorial with the royalty free ukulele sounding music for Forge.
- Follow this tutorial where I can’t place the dude’s accent for Fabric.
- Then, download the corresponding CPM for either Forge or Fabric.
- Then navigate to your .minecraft folder and place CPM in the mods folder. If one doesn’t exist then just make one called “mods” no quotation mars, and put it in there.
- If you use an alternative launcher like the Twitch Launcher or MultiMC like a sane person, then you should probably be advanced enough to know how to install a mod. If not, Google is your friend.
- After CPM is inside your mods folder, then boot up your game.
- Download whatever files you want from this post. They’re divided by size and then model type.
- Go back to your .minecraft folder, and if you booted up Minecraft already like I told you to, then you should see a folder labeled
. If so:-
Unzip the files you downloaded into the
folder. -
Make sure that the files labeled
and other accoutrements are located within no subfolders. -
Press the
Gestures Menu
button (defaults to ‘G’) in game. If this does not work, then check your controls.
Once a menu that looks like this is open, navigate to
the model you want.
Then click
Then you should be good to go!
Making Adjustments/Making Your Own Model
Making Adjustments/Making Your Own Model
I was gonna post a tutorial someone else made but they’re all kind of garbage. I honestly learned it through a trial by fire and am planning to make my own tutorial soon enough. For now, look at the wiki, which while limited has some information on some of the more basic stuff. If you’re feeling adventurous there are also plenty of resources on the CPM Discord server if you’re interested in having a bunch of examples. Attached with the exported models are also the project files so you can build off of those.
What ISN’T complicated to explain however is changing the texture. So I’ll put a little tutorial here.
If all you want to change is the texture (like a traditional Minecraft skin):
- Open The Skin Editor from the
Gestures Menu
from before (once again the default key is ‘G’), or throughOptions... > Skin Customization > Open Skin Editor
- Navigate to
File > Load
in The Skin Editor.
- Load either Steve or Alex’s
file that you downloaded off this post. If you can’t see a project file, make sure that you correctly unzipped the files you downloaded. They should be in no sub folders. You should see them pop up like this.
- In what you downloaded should be some
files. Those are the textures. You can edit those in whatever program you have as long as it supports transparency. There is also an onboard texture editor but I don’t like it that much. - Navigate to
Textures > Skin Settings
- Click “Open Skin”, and select your edited texture.
- There it is in all it’s… glory?..
- Then navigate to
File > Export
and do just that.
Version 1.0.5:
Steve… The Cleric says I’m “Morbingly A-Beast”. Is that a good thing?
Steve (Gigantic): Download Link
Alex (Gigantic): Download Link
Patch Notes
- First release.
- Added the Gigantic Size!
- Added Steve, and Alex. Both available in Gigantic.
- Made the download a bit more simple to understand.
- Migrated to GitHub and GitDown for file hosting instead of DropBox. Right now the Github page is pretty barren but I have plans for it in the future.
- Many miscellaneous polishing and cleaning of the models. Little things no one else probably noticed.
- Adjusted the belly a little bit.
- Adjusted Steve’s colors majorly. They’re now a lot more muted now, which makes it much more in line with the Jappa style, and my Alex.
- Changed Steve’s and Alex’s asses to be more different. Steve’s shirt is now a bit worn in the back, and Alex now has UniAss™ instead of back pockets like Steve.
- Changed some stuff in the back end (no I’m not still talking about Steve and Alex’s asses) that people don’t see.
- Completely removed simulated Jiggle Physics for right now as I wasn’t happy with it. Normally when I’d do this on my end I would just completely remove the vanilla limbs so that the animations could be more fluid, but when I’m not doing that it just kind of looks bad. So now the only changes that remain are to just remove clipping.
- I wish this was 1.0.0, but I guess I only saw some of the flaws of Steve until I uploaded the files. But it’s good now. Once 2.0.0 is out I’ll update all the pictures to be more in line with the textures.
Old Version Archive
Version 1.0.0/1.0.1
Steve (Gigantic): Download Link
Alex (Gigantic): Download Link
Steve and Alex are based upon these skins ripped from Minecraft Dungeons. I personally think they better follow the Jappa style than even the in-game Alex and Steve. It’s kind of like the Creeper or The Enderman where it was just too iconic to change, but that doesn’t mean I can’t!
How You Can Help/Usage Permissions
How You Can Help
- I know there are some folks here who really would want anthro models. If you ever make a model with digitigrade legs, then you’ll be credited in the credits section. It’s just not a big priority for me given I’m not personally a furry myself.
- Post screenshots from ingame, or of your private modifications to the models. I’d love to see them!
- Just in general tell me what you think. I thrive on engagement, and the more you say I may have something here, the more I’ll make!
Usage Permissions
- I don’t care what you do with these models privately (obviously). Go hog wild! This includes:
- Equipping them on a server, in single player, or anywhere really.
- Editing them, and even distributing them amongst your friends.
- Stuff like that.
- If you are posting anything publicly as a resource or otherwise using these models as a base then either post it here in this thread, or message me privately to get permission. I won’t be that mad but I’ll be a little perturbed.
- If I want to incorporate your work into this post, I will ask you first. Your work is ultimately your own.
- These base files are only going to be accessible here, in this thread, on https://forum.weightgaming.com. If you see them uploaded, or the direct link put anywhere else, it is illegitimate unless stated here.