Minecraft: The Fat Suite V1.0.5

Oh, come now. You’ve read enough of my stuff to know I’m the biggest yapper on Earth. I deserve it every once and while for the paragraphs upon paragraphs I’ve written that could be simplified to only a sentence or two, haha.

I’m glad. That’s what they’ve been here for! I did like your work. I just haven’t bothered with armor much because I dislike mixels extermely, and now with B&B’s new format, I’m likely going to try and integrate armors in a more clever way. Efe’s earrings being changed depending on armor, for example.

Yes. That is unfortunate as well. I’ve always just focused on vanilla, and stuff that’s in it’s perimeter. For my personal models, I usually like customizing an outfit 100%, so, I usually don’t render any kind of armor whatsoever.

Thank you. Genuinely.

Also, let me aswage your, and anyone else reading this’s fear of a Mojang takedown. There has been way worse they haven’t went after. From what I understand, they really only go after people who:

  • Blatantly just redistribute their code, and violate their copyright in an egregious way.
  • Something really bad goes viral.

And the latter has gotten rarer ever since the Microsoft acquisition.

I mean, hell, an honest to goodness modern day cult leader financed, and voice acted in a Minecraft mod for $500,000 dollars, and you can still find it on Curseforge as of sending this message (Just verified it’s still there. Not linking it. You can hunt it down if you’re curious.), in it’s weird… overpriced glory. (Seriously. Can’t even update to 1.20.1 after like a year, lol.)

So, if Jeff Divine, a public figure that claims to be Jesus, rakes in millions, has a Netflix documentary that documents his not very kind exploits, and is also coincidentally a chubby chaser (…didn’t have Jesus being into fat chicks on my bingo card… maybe that’s why they don’t talk about Mary Magdalene?..), can finance a mod with money in the high 6 digits that subtly promotes his whacko Twin Flame™ Divine Dish™ ideology, and Mojang hasn’t done anything, I would not worry one tiny bit, Zipp, haha.


installed it and i’m honestly loving it lol though i have two questions, one is do you plan on also making models without puffy cheeks? they’re not rlly my thing, and second is would you consider also modeling fat mobs in the future? fat witch or creeper could be cool me thinks, great work and good luck!

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Thank you! It’s positive and constructive feedback that keeps me going, so, double thank you for that!

For some of the thinner characters, there is going to be less of it, (or even none for the models I consider to just be “chubby”) but, I want to kind of forward a consistent art style, and, with me liking fat faces, the amount of fat on the face will be consistent with the fat on the body, unfortunately.

Though, whenever I release 2.0, it will be much easier to edit the models yourself, and remove the fat faces if they are not your fancy.

The barrier to entry is slightly higher, with someone needing to download Blockbench, but the actual process is way easier with the program as opposed to CPM’s in-game tools, and I will be providing a tutorial on how to do such (at least, getting Blockbench up and running) whenever I release 2.0. I will also be trying to make the bones and cubes be named much more descriptively so that you can find what you’re looking to remove or edit.

I have actually considered this. Though, I’m warning everyone, I will not be making like… anime versions of the mobs like some have done, lol.

Like, I wouldn’t be beautifying the witch for example, lol. It would be the Minecraft witch, warts and all (literally). The only thing I might commit to is perhaps variants of villagers/witches with hair, both on their head, and facial hair.

I also will want to make not every individual large and in charge, as the contrast to their smaller peers is something I think elevates individuals of unusual size (IOUSes).

I also will not be doing anything for the non-humanoid mobs for obvious reasons.

Though, that being said, fat allays, vexes, villagers, illagers, witches, piglins, endermen, and other humanoid mobs are in the cards for this project’s future. Though, I will likely host them in a different project page.

Though, larger sizes for mobs will have their own issues, like, for example, villager professions and their different biome outfits. I’d want those for example to be compatible with any mod you’ve got, and I wouldn’t want to do a bunch of compatibility patches for excellent mods like Chef’s Delight for example.

At that time I will also consider making an addon for some of the human villager resource packs that add human villagers of varying sizes as an option instead of my more vanilla friendly options.

A problem though is that I would want the mobs’ hitboxes and some gameplay elements to change in an ideal world, but, that is simply impossible with Java Edition resource packs.

Also, to anyone reading this, keep in mind that this is a thing I’ll focus on in the far future. I think the player themselves are the most ripe for this sort of thing (once again, Jeb, why can we drink honey like it is a beverage, and why does it make that sound?!?!). There also are just way more resources to affect gameplay in a realistic and non-intrusive way, such as speed, hitbox, etc.

For a more wide (bah-dum-tiss) range of physically attractive, larger than life NPCs inside Minecraft, with maybe some RPG elements sprinkled in, then… stay tuned. I have something I might announce in the foreseeable future, haha. :smiling_imp:

Thank you very much for a kind and constructive reply!

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THANK YOU, i’m pretty tired of everybody making anime versions of the mobs in sexy mods, not that i have a problem with it! i’ts just that tbh i just wanna see the mobs be lewd with their original designs
You’re honestly doing god’s work here and i can’t properly express how excited i am for the full release lol

If that’s so, do you think it’d also be possible to make some variants with less clothes? Idk how you we’re planning to code those you mentioned, but i imagine they’re all model variants that randomly spawn amongst the regular mobs so i think it could be cool to have some of the mobs have variants with them being closer to the nude
Like a fat witch in a sling bikini going for a swim at the swamp or a piglin brute in a thong throwing it back at a bastion lol, stuff like that could be cool extras once you got the main stuff done, imo

Once again, you’re doing god’s work right here, seeing these bodytypes in the game is fantastic, not only as the player but also the mobs in a future hopefully, i’ll love to have some fatties in my mob zoo lol
And i overall can’t wait for the next update, i’m sure it will be great so keep up the great work! Pretty excited and hopeful for this project!

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I don’t know the first thing about technicals with either CPM or Figura, but i was wondering if there’d be an easier way of importing/implementing custom player skins over the custom bodies? something similar to a skin texture layout you can follow/overwrite? or some kind of tool that can automatically fit a skin to a body? desire to get my faves fat in minecraft is strong


If you’re talking about replacing the texture, the method I put in my post is the only way you’re gonna achieve that effect.

I cannot really give a… tutorial on how to do pixel art lol. Or, well, I guess I theoretically could, but it’s far beyond the scope of this project, and, actually, way beyond the scope of Minecraft in general lol.

Eventually, with the Figura version, I’m going to supply a much more bare bones version of the models for the purposes of making it easier for someone to edit them and not have as many moving parts like Alex’s hair for example, but this is gonna be when I have coded in a very complicated feature people have asked for for a long time.

For the foreseeable future, it’s going to be Steve, Alex, and the Gang™

But, even with that version, there’s not really a way to get someone who’s not done any kind of pixel art before to be able to paint upon that canvas in a way that’s gonna look good.

This sort of thing would be borderline impossible, and even if it were to become possible it would still require an immense amount of tweaking in order to actually look right.

The thing is, Minecraft is a pixel art game at it’s core, and while for most 3D games it’s about manipulating things like morphs, for Minecraft you have to make a completely custom model and texture in order for it to look right, unfortunately. This post wouldn’t exist if it was as easy as using a tool.

I promise that while it is very difficult in the beginning, but the more you try, the easier it gets. I believe in you! Most people you see here on WG started from 0, myself included.

I would recommend looking up tutorials for making Minecraft skins, and maybe pixel art in general, and trying to apply what you learned to paint over the Alex or Steve skin. I have tried to lay out the sheet itself to be very simple to understand, and to have support for asymmetrical designs.

Thanks for the reply! Hoping my pixel journey endures towards the release of the project :saluting_face: That ‘bare-bones’ mock up definitely sounds like something a person in my league of things could find useful, looking forwards to posting my own deprived screenshots of characters stumbling around!!!


I was tired of waiting for the new sizes to come so I made my own version of the Alex model that comes with 4 sizes: Skinny, Small, Medium and Large(Gigantic). (all separate toggleable layers)
Although the textures aren’t the best quality, I think this works for now until the new sizes finally get released.

Now includes steve!
You can download all of that weight here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/849e34cahntmesi/TFS-AlexAdjustableLayers.zip/file (Alex)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ctg0lk44rz2zvme/TFS-SteveAdjustable-Layers.zip/file (Steve)
Feel free to ask me for some fixes and adjustments (SMALL ONES ONLY!)


hey there, so I tried to visit the site to download the models and it wouldn’t work, it says there’s a security error, is there another way to download the models for this mod?

The reason the links are being blocked is due to the utility that op is using to redirect and zip the download from his repository which is hosted by an user whose github has some malware related repositories. His entire github pages is blocked https://minhaskamal.github.io/

I recommend downloading directly from ops github repo GitHub - ShroudedStranger/minecraft-the-fat-suite


Ah alr, thanks mate!

Yeah, so, thank you two for bringing this to my attention.

I personally was not having the issue, and a couple other fellas in this thread weren’t having it, but if you scroll up, another guy did, and, what I said then was that I’d take a look at it if anyone else reported that issue, and, no one ever did until now.

I get the popup when I go to the main link, but I never did with the redirect I set up.

I originally switched over from Dropbox to GitDown because I wanted to archive all the old models because I’m the kinda guy that when I’m coming in, especially after a long time without doing something, that I change a lot and I knew that people might want the older models, but, because of that, I knew that I eventually might have a lot of iterations, and it might take up a lot of space on my Dropbox, and, Github doesn’t really have a huge space-limit problem, but I also didn’t want people to have to download what could eventually be a big zip file with a lot of files in it and not know which model they should use, so, I used a utility to make downloading it just one click and you get one thing. Unfortunately, though, like Yuno mentioned, I guess people used it for Malware or something and now anyone who uses it gets this big ass warning.

I now have a very complex relationship with this project, but I want what I have already put out there to be as available as possible for everybody. I don’t wanna be like one of those kids who when someone does something he doesn’t like take all my toys off the playground and punish people who are just lurkers, or genuinely nice folks or fellow creatives just trying to contribute to the community like I did/still want to.

All of this is to say, in modern times I have a Google One subscription, so, I have migrated the downloads over to Google Drive lol.

Use the main links on the post now for the Google Drive links. I’ve also cleaned up the post the slightest bit, but, the real editing will come when/if my update comes out. Dunno what I even call it now since someone took my name lol

Sorry that it took so long.

Happy modding.

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waiting with baited breath for [insert whatever bigger & better will be called next] … :eyes:

teaser looks super good and i’m rlly looking forward to retexturing my own skins onto these blubbery bases >:)

already started texturing :smiley: