Mochi Moshi! [Active Development]

Still working on the game but it might seem like I’m going radio silent publicly!
Right now I’m at the part of development that is basically 95% asset creation. This is the point where I buckle down and just make and make and make until it’s done. This doesn’t mean it will be done anytime soon, it just means that I’m going to be doing everything from making the sprites and all of the other associated imagery!

Thank you everyone for being patient and I hope to let you guys know more publicly in the future <33

That being said my Patreon will have monthly updates still on this project including asset previews and how the game is coming along in detail, I just won’t have much to show anyone publicly in this thread until I’m ready to release.


Even if I don’t write much, I am always very happy to know that this game is still in development and how it is progressing. I can’t afford patreon, so thank you very much for posting here every now and then and I hope this will be a good year ^^


Yeah I don’t expect everyone to give me 7 dollars every month, even a single check in is super appreciated, but to those who are at a point in their life who aren’t financially stable I don’t think you need to give me cash!!

Thank you for following my development though!! I’m hoping this will be a great year too!


Another month, another light check in. I haven’t written the paid report for this month yet, that’ll probably come in the next few days (usually the 27th, but it might be the 26th this month because of February being so short).

I want to say that Kazumi’s design has been going through iterations and holy cow does it take a lot of work to work on a sprite. Like even working on the tiny details of like, how to express her personality through posture, what looks good for a default, framing what multiple poses will be and even organizing everything correctly for when I assemble the sprite in the game. An insane amount of work to make sure nothing is fucked up and snowballs by the time I finish everything.

As it is another month I would like to thank everyone who keeps an eye on this forum, and folks who have found me and have given me support through this thread! You guys are the reason I’m making progress on this as steadily as I am for a now one person team. I did have a co-writer that helped me through the entire script, and she is still on the team, it’s just that when everything now comes to art asset creation I’m back to doing 100% of the work! But it’s okay, I honestly love to create and can’t wait to have something in your hands eventually.

I want to be very very clear about this: I do not plan on having a demo until the game is 100% done and released in the promised state. If you support my patreon or subscribe star at the 7 dollar project tier you gain access to 49 (soon to be 50 and growing) developmental logs that outline my entire progress of the game as well as sneak peeks into it’s more intimate development. I had a script test at some point that was playable (not anymore) that went over one out of 24 routes in the game and called for feedback, most of which was overwhelmingly positive.

Thank you for checking in and please, if you can support me on subscribe star or patreon <3
If not don’t worry! Just keep me in your hearts and minds and enjoy the rest of the month! As always I am free to answer any question you have!