Myantha's Big Fatties add-ons

I’ve applied these changes. When total exhaust is enabled, it will still stop you entirely from moving. Stamina also regenerates faster when you’re not moving.

Wasn’t it already so that you couldn’t move while totally exausted with that enabled? I was talking more about a movement reduction like with the BF mod at bigger sizes but nice non the less, good job!

I meant it like that when total exhaust is enabled, then you will stop moving, otherwise your jump will get a heavy nerf and you’ll move slower to imitate walking.

Aaahhhh precisely! Amazing how you just do all this so easily, thank you very much

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Updated the mod and made it client-side again. Stamina bar used to be something where everyone would need to have the mod, now that’s no longer required anymore because I did something I’d like to call: destroy assetmissing.png with image processing directives

Love the job you doing, keep on excelling my friend! :+1:

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Rather important update for the race support generator

  • Added the creation of files for the immobile stage (oops)
  • It now only generates files / folders that don’t exist, so that already existing files don’t get overwritten when generating again (for example when generating the immobile stage that I forgot to add)

EDIT: There has been another short update after this one, if you see this and already downloaded the mentioned update above, download it again.

I am not sure what the issue is but I’m still experiencing the total freeze up if I enable movement effects

Edit: To anyone else who has the same issue, I was able to fix it by adjusting the slider on my character’s weight to fatten them up, which seems to snap the system out of locking the character in place.

Well I’ve been playing around with options from Big Fatties and GUTF again to see what the freeze would cause but yeah, there’s nothing happening on my side, sorry, I think you’re on your own with that one.

EDIT: I’ve uploaded an update, you could try that out but I don’t have any high hopes about it

EDIT2: Another update. Certain actions would still cause to make the timer for increasing the dynamic level run, this didn’t affect anything other than your dynamic level increasing in the background although it was disabled, this has been fixed now.

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Just a note here:
I will upload an important update later when I’m back regarding the race support generator, I’ve forgot to add something important regarding huge, titanic, blob and immobile. When it’s uploaded, I will leave an edit here.

EDIT: It’s uploaded.

  • Added .frames files so that huge and higher properly displays in the game.
  • Added the male variant of pants to the generation process
  • The immobile folder now receives all necessary files instead of only item files (I was tired ok)
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Will there ever be support for the Mindflayer race from the Shoggoth mod?

only if some one else does all the sheeting, im not up for melting my frontal lobe trying to animate those tentacle legs

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gotcha no worries. I know this stuff is an immense amount of work and those legs would make it worse.


Update for GUTF.

  • Fixed stamina loss when jumping (it was multiplied by 10 on accident)
  • Made the stamina bar a bit smoother for when you have your energy stat (maximum energy) constantly changing
  • If stamina bar is disabled, running out of energy will also slow you down now just like as if you had the stamina bar enabled and you ran out of stamina.

EDIT: Don’t download it yet, there is a fix coming soon. I will leave a note here when it’s done.

EDIT2: Uploaded, besides that there has been something changed in the popping patch, download that as well if you use it.

hey. since you have been helping me a lot and all. could you help me with this conundrum.
I have created a custom color to overlay over my character using the color.lua, but for some reason the game keeps crashing as it has a problem loading my more specific colour. does the game have a restriction to what colors can be represented or am I doing something wrong? (272 Bytes)

(also in future, would you like me to direct message or is commenting fine. I don’t want to come off a annoying. It’s just that you seem to know your javascript.)

"defaultDuration" : ,
There’s a value missing, besides that as for the code that’s in color.lua I don’t know if this’ll work, since it’s not provided in the zip file. Going by how you explained what you’re doing, I guess it’s a script that comes with Starbound, so going after that, it might work.

I mean I am fine with you commenting here since people who might encounter similar issues might find out what they did wrong, however others might find those comments to be out of place, so I dunno, up to you.

Also there’s no javascript in Starbound, what’s being used is Lua and JSON (I mean to some extent javascript is correct, since it originates from there, but yeah, it’s not javascript imo.)
(Myantha - 27th of June, 2021: tfw you just found out what the acronym JSON stands for, ouch.)
JSON is a human-readable data format or in short just something that can be used as a configuration file that is human-readable.
Lua is a lightweight scripting language that’s been around for at least two decades and is very often used in a lot of applications. (it’s even being used in World of Warcraft; Lua: about)

yeah thanks. I’ll message you privately, but I’ll refrain from doing so to not annoy you. also the color.lua is in vanilla starbound. I’m accessing the script from starbound as it already has some basic default color changers.

I’m quite new to this coding language to I’ve been kind of calling it whatever, as It isn’t c#. But i’ll see to making the duration have a default time, to see if anything changes.

Thanks again.

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Update to main GUTF

  • Fixed various issues with loss / gain of comfort levels so that it has returned to the state of how it is intended to be

Hey uh, just wanted to report a bug, I’ve noticed that GUTF doesn’t vibe well with the vore addon to BF, as enemies and NPC’s just die outright when you try to eat them, i can confirm this because i removed and added mods to try and fix this and just removing GUTF fixed it.

Thanks for the report, however this doesn’t make any sense since it doesn’t affect anything related to Big Fatties or the vore addon, all it does is read your weight and nothing else. How fast you digest an NPC depends on your digestion rate from main BF, maybe that could be the reason why? I’ve tested this myself just now and they don’t die instantly here.

EDIT: If it for some reason still keeps going, just hit disable in the menu, that’ll make everything this mod does stop. If the issue still persists there would be only one of the following 2 things then; the first one being that this isn’t caused by GUTF and the second being that crushing the .pak into a .zip causes issues. (the second one also making sense to me since putting .pak files into a .zip seems to have always caused issues after retrieving the files from the .zip)