need help with sprite work for my RPG Maker MV project (unpaid)

Trying to put together a vore-centric RPG Maker MV game, but don’t have the time, skills, or technology to make the belly sprites myself.

Hoping to get 3 sizes of belly for 3 different characters - small, medium, and large. Can provide base character sprites to work off of. Not strictly a necessity, but portrait images for bellies would be nice to have as well.

Sadly, I don’t have the budget to provide monetary compensation for any of this (not that I’m planning to make money off the final project, anyways).

Hey, I’d be willing to lend a hand. But seeing as it’s unpaid, I can’t guarantee my full attention to it, more so as a ‘’ Do as much as I can within my free time"
Would you be interested?

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Any help that I could get would be greatly appreciated. To be honest, my own work on the project is “do as much as I can within my free time”, too, so I’m completely fine with your given availability.

What do you need from me to get started?

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Hello, I’d be interested in helping you with the project since I also have some experience with RPG Maker MV. I can try working on the sprites during my free time if you want

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Thanks, any help I can get is appreciated! What do you need from me to get started?

Great to hear! I guess the base sprites are a must, but also some guidance as to image size for the bellies. For instance, are the belly sprites for overworld sprites, dialogue sprites, battle sprites, inventory sprites, you get the idea.
Also could you better explain what the portrait images for the bellies would be?
Besides that i don’t think much else? Pretty sure the base sprite should direct well towards what artstyle you’re looking for.

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Bellies are only needed for overworld sprites. Size-wise, I’d say the medium belly would be about the same size as the head of the character sprite, the large belly would maybe be half the character’s height added on, and the small belly would be somewhere in the range between the character sprite’s fist and head?

For the “portrait image”, I was thinking a front shot of the full belly with a slight angle (belly button and side are both in view), optionally with a face imprint on the top part. It’d be used as the image (dialogue sprite, I guess) for when a swallowed person is speaking.

Also, I probably should’ve mentioned this in the initial post, but I’m also looking to get a fourth size for one of the characters, which would be a roughly bed-sized belly that she’s laying on that’d be attached to her “hurt” sprites.

Here’s the sprite sheets for the characters that need bellies. Thanks for being willing to help me with this!

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Of course! Think I might be able to put some work in 2nite, thx for the notes!

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Btw, any rough size for the portrait image? 64x64, 128x128, so on?

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I would go for 144x144, just to match the default for RPG Maker MV’s portrait sprites.

(Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, I don’t check this site all that often.)

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Got it, I’ll make sure to follow that size then! (No worries abt response time, got no rush either)
Anyways, here’s the first small belly size I’ve made for ya, feel free to make any suggestions to things you’d like to change if needed. I’ve made it into a spritesheet with the sprites in their OG size (64x64).

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Looks great so far, definitely a good “small” belly size. Though, in my opinion, the front-facing sprite looks like it has a larger belly than the side-facing sprites, so maybe make the belly on the side-facing sprites a bit bigger.

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Yeah, I was kinda feeling that slight difference as well. Here’s a bigger side belly version, if all’s good I’ll send over the small belly for the other characters as well.

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Looks excellent! Definitely an improvement on the side views.

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Great to hear! Here are the other character sprites then

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Okay, slight problem: when I import the PNGs to RPG Maker MV in the “characters” folder, it treats them like 4x8 sheets of 12-frame characters, rather than a single 12-frame sheet.

Like this.

yikes, I’ve never used RPG Maker so can’t exactly pin how to fix this. If it’s related to the dimensions just specify what sizes you need the sheets to be in and I can re-export them.

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I think if you multiply the horizontal dimensions by 4 and the vertical dimensions by 2, but leave the actual sprites as they are, it should work just fine. In essence, it’ll make RPG Maker think that it’s a big 4x8 sprite sheet with 7 blank 12-sprite sections and one filled 12-sprite section.

I hope.

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Okie Dokie, here are the resized sheets alongside some belly portraits I made. Again, suggestions are welcome.
I made portraits with and without a background as well as with and without a hand on the belly.

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