OkuSim: A Cute Wife Simulator

Overall, cute game, a bit of a tedious loop, and not really my fantasy - I’m turned off by the never-appearing/ always working and domineering husband.

I really wish there was more weight gain content, but as-is I know the focus is pregnancy and stuffing.

Keep in mind it’s barely an alpha. Who know what this game would have if it reached a “finished” state?

I don’t think it’ll reach a finished state any time soon. I recall the developer saying something not too long ago, but I can’t remembeer neither what he said and what would have happened with this project itself. I think it is still in development, but I’ve just given my hopes up for this one, although it did have a good foundation sadly.

We’re still working on it and we actually have quite a bit more done.
We just also want to have the finished thing before releasing it, which mostly means I’m cooking maps and HG is doing doodles.


Awesome I’m looking forward to y’alls work

However long it takes, it’ll be worth it once it’s done! I await with patient hype!


Question: does the link in the first post have the latest version of the game ?

The latest public build. The final build is still wip and the post will be updated to feature the fully released version when it’s finished. I want to have enough content for the full game to not need constant updates once it’s released. So there’s no real release date to speak of right now


Say, how can I eat NPC’s, and which NPC’s can I eat?


First, you have to level up your Wife by having her eat as much as possible. She levels up every time she crosses a threshold of experience/fullness. At around level 8 or so, once you order and pick up food from the deliveryperson, you’ll be given the option to eat them whole.


Nailed it. Future updates of people-eating will be capacity-based instead of strictly level-related, but level 8 is currently the first natural capacity that allows it.

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There also aren’t technically any visible NPCs to eat. Not yet, at least. It’s just roleplay at the moment.

Is there a discord for this game?


For a game whose gameplay involves pressing interact on a bunch of different rpgmaker tiles, it’s quite grindy


This may seem like a large infodump or something (it is) and may be incredibly bad, but I made a review of this game as I played through it!

please note, there is a lot of stuff and it may also be wrong…

oku sim character sprites

normal, norm smalbelly, norm belly, norm bigbelly, norm preg, norm bigpreg, norm overpreg, norm vore
plump, plump smalbelly, plump belly, plump bigbely, plump preg, plump bigpreg, plump overpreg, plump vore
extra thicc,

17 sprites
X 5 char’s =
85 total sprites :o

HappyBlonde - Playthrough name Kaori. Personality, happy and caring
Blonde hair, blue eyes, blue/white clothing.
Thinks their body looks pretty good even whilst plump and thicc.
Enjoys being full and thinks that Hubby enjoys her gut too.
Is very caring towards her children and loves pregnancy.
Gets worried and dislikes vore, berating herself whilst plump and full with prey.

Overview notes, very kind and motherly, an ideal housewife, but not ideal as a predator.
total playtime 49 minutes 54 seconds

QuietBlack - Playthrough name Salsa. Personality, quiet and laid back
Black hair, black (or brown) eyes, red/white clothing.
Thinks they are a ‘Proper Lady’, they think they are respectable at all sizes.
Likes having a big gut and is proud of herself at larger sizes seeing a full meal as satisfying.
Thoroughly enjoys pregnancy especially when they are at a plump size.
Is eager to eat others and acts quite aggressive with her prey.

Overview notes, she may act posh and proper, but she clearly has some kinks in her mind :3.
total playtime 1 hour 21 minutes 39 seconds

PoliteBrown - Playthrough name Zyanya. Personality, energetic and confident
Brown/tan hair, green eyes, blue/white clothing.
Confident in herself when she’s thin but gets annoyed with herself when plump and thicc.
Gets grumpy with a belly seeing her gluttony as a sign of losing their control over themselves and feels defeated whilst plump with a bigbelly.
Enjoys pregnancy and thinks motherhood suits her, she feels like she’s attractive at overpreg size.
Enjoys vore, likely guilty pleasure, she feigns her actions as a mistake.

Overview notes, she attempts to keep herself at a proper weight, but she most definitely likes an active belly even if she wouldn’t admit it, also the only wife to address themselves by name whilst looking in a mirror (that I remember)
total playtime 1 hour 5 minutes 42 seconds

FlusterRed - Playthrough name Mili. Personality, flirty and mischievous
Red/pink hair, red eyes, red/white clothing.
Prefers being plump and thicc calling herself sexy whilst she’s big and soft.
Enjoys food and being full, getting rather frisky at larger sizes.
Is uncomfortable during pregnancy feeling like she could pop at any moment, “Maybe cute isn’t worth the back strain”.
Enjoys the taste of live prey calling herself a ‘naughty fatty’ after eating someone.

Overview notes, likes being fat, knows how to please a man, she is likely a demon in bed and also at the table.
total playtime 56 minutes 39 seconds

JoylessBlue - Playthrough name Joy. Personality, uncaring and sadistic
Blue/green hair, navy blue eyes, black/white clothing.
Doesn’t seem to care much about their appearance but admits that its hard to carry their weight at thicc size.
Whilst at bigger sizes she sees her belly as unwieldy and uncomfy, seemingly unable to process large amounts off food easily.
Seems nonchalant at first but quickly begins to hate being pregnant due to getting a bad back.
Takes sadistic pleasure in eating others teasing them as they digest.

Overview notes, seems unimpressed with most things and even hateful to what brings most of the other wives joy, but she most definitely likes being a dominant predator, don’t get on her bad side.
total playtime 1 hour 37 minutes 51 seconds

Total playtime: 5 hours 51 minutes 45 seconds (take with a grain of salt)

Best wife goes too~ :
QuietBlack!! / Salsa!!

Despite the clear enjoyment of being full, being pregnant and indulging in vore, she seems like a nice person to hang out with.
A long term relationship would be pleasant, and I won’t have to worry about her being too attached to me and wanting to be around me ALL the time like Mili would be, and she would also keep her own wants in mind, she’s quite dominant at some parts in game so she would definitely make any problems she had with me known.
A good relationship means communication between both lovers, I am a flawed man and having someone tell me my flaws instead of being too kind or submissive to tell me my flaws should help make me a better person with time.
She also isn’t cruel like Joy is, I imagine I wouldn’t even survive a day in a house with her.

Thus concludes my review and playthroughs of Okusim, it was fun and I hope the developer is still working on this game, but I am happy with what we have…
I’ve spent too long on this


Nice to see somebody got what I was going for with the proof of concept. Yeah, we’re still working on it. I’ve been trying to do a little bit of work daily with sprite edits and new portraits. Got a lot of plans, but I would rather not have individual updates per new addition and want to make a whole game you can play front-to-back without needing to wait for an update. Lost a lot of time last year on it, but I’ve gotten a massive spark of motivation recently and it’s shaping up really nicely imo. Don’t expect it soon, but expect a completely different game that’ll make the original look like Big Rigs


I suppose I can wait. It’s been a few years after all. I’m wondering what’s planned.

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Good things comes to those who waits


I really like this game, as basic as it is, and like the various personalities of the girls as the reviewer mentions. I hope to see more of it, but I will wait! This cute little game is one of my favorite WG/Preg/Vore games.


Someone made a mod repository for the game, haven’t tried them yet. maybe this game will get a modding community?