OkuSim: A Cute Wife Simulator

We-he-hell!~ Time to download cuteness!

I just had the opportunity to sit down and play this-- it was really, really enjoyable! It scratches an itch that Iā€™ve had since finishing Preggopixelsā€™ Fertile Farm. The WG, vore and preg content are already super excellent and I canā€™t wait to see this project (and the adorable wives) grow further.

Thanks so much for sharing!

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Development Sneak Peek: Outside exists now.


Housewife leaves the house??? Oh em ghee

Actually, the house has chicken legs, allowing her to windowshop in a very unusual way.

Literally windowshopping from a figurative chicken ā€˜coopā€™

i love the new way to see the energy/fullness, but i saw in another game that it had two bars for its important things, you could try talking to preggopixels about BE dungeons stat sizes

Two bars arenā€™t exactly necessary. If they figured their way around HUD Maker to make the first bar, think you can give them more confidence to figure out how to make a second.

EDIT: I will say, it is some irresponsible screen real-estate. You can solve quite a bit of issues by pushing things up so thereā€™s a bit more road. Cut off the roof from view and hide some of the lawn/backyard. This will give the appearance of a bigger house without showing everything or having so much negative spaceā€¦

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To illustrate what I mean

Adding more road/sidewalk at the expense of the house gives the player more room to manuever and more room to add natural density without giving up the compact, directed feeling.


I may not do exactly that, but I like the cut of your jib, with this one. Consider yourself heard.

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These are all lies, the outside does not exist.
Things cease to be when they leave the house.

Just like all the garbage you toss out.


Is there a way to add more energy to the house wife ?

Currently thereā€™s no way to increase your max energy, but the tea pot that is in the Man Cave can recover up to 5 points if you drink the entire thing, every day.

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Thereā€™s also technically no cap to the energy. Hint hint for a minor exploit.

Awesome concepts, cannot wait for the next update. BTW are you two fine with people modding your game and sharing mods? I edited in face and hand imprints to the vore pictures in the game, to spice things up. Was thinking that mods might also help to give you assets to work with to help you out, if you decided to incorporate them into the game.

example of vore edit

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I donā€™t mind mods tbh. I do a few pic edits myself and a lot of people seem to like asking for permission to share my art for whatever reason. Personally I donā€™t care for drawing that kind of vore but I donā€™t mind people who are into it. Given Iā€™m a fickle, particular artist working with me might be difficult

Only thing is you might need to decomp the art and edit the files yourself lmao


Such a promising start!!! is there anywhere we can follow development or the artists?

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Nope! Development is slow and only happens when I get good ideas so itā€™s not really an interesting process. For a while Iā€™ve sorta been stagnate on what to do but I am trying to eventually bring my thoughts together and do more stuff

As for the art, I only have an Ekaā€™s Portal account and the art I post there is pretty different from the game itself


Are you going to make a new weights levels like, Obese, imobile or Super pregnant(10 babies or more)?

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Really cute art~. Donā€™t normally like internal shots with my vore art, but your style, even in unrefined states, really do shine. Quite like the chunky Sothis you got there, too (also play FE: Three Houses).