OkuSim: A Cute Wife Simulator

Currently: Nothing

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A decent way to spice up gameplay would be events, both random and set. Like sometimes, the washing machine breaks and the husband calls a repairman to fix it, disabling it for that day, but letting you eat them if possible. To give them more use, make them comment on the wifeā€™s state if interacted with.
You could also named delivery men/women arrive along with nameless ones. Some could appear only once, others would come back (if not eaten?). Theyā€™d say a few lines or start a conversation when you open the door/take your stuff, which could change depending on the wifeā€™s state. For example, theyā€™d express concern/adoration over seeing her gradually grow bigger as they deliver her food, but if the first time they see her is when sheā€™s carrying triplets and sheā€™s fat, theyā€™d be shocked instead.
This is just the simple stuff I can think of with next to no art assets required.


A buffet event would be a fun thing. Like at some point the wife gets to the point where she can get kicked out by the staff(and possibly eat them)


That would require going outside, which Iā€™m not sure is gonna happen.

Mild spoilers, ā€œoutsideā€ is going to be the next update. lol



this the biggest you can currently get? or can you get bigger? sorry if its spoilers

hopefully final edit: sheesh, was hoping hide details would do a better job, now to see if the spoiler tags will sufficeā€¦


Yeah that is pretty big spoilers for people that havenā€™t played yet. You should mark the images as spoilers. You can use the little gear icon and click on Blur Spoiler. Or using [spoiler][/spoiler] and inserting text or a image in between the brackets. [spoiler]Like so[/spoiler] (will look like this when actually done the preformatted text is just for easy readability)



is there a discord server?

Not for this game, specifically, but I hang out in Grimimicā€™s general game-development server sometimes.

That makes me wonder- will there be general expansion (Breast, Butt, etc) in this game eventually?

Probably weight gain only, just because this is already a ton of assets to manage, and Iā€™m already not managing them ā€œcorrectly.ā€

Iā€™d have to draw them out and come up with logical ways to include them. Fun as that sounds it might likely lock out all the other features

My dumbass needs to jot down notes for what to work on first. Currently been planning out the first major NPC before adding the rest of the town


You could probably handle breast expansion easily by splitting the top and bottom halves of all the girls.
Since the chibis are already very top-heavy, it should be easy to work around them and add at least some breast expansion, once you feel comfortable with it. Even if you donā€™t want to draw them, some minor resizing can help sell it.

But yeah, do what you want. I know it would be a lot to add in, but the logic wouldnā€™t actually lock out any belly-related features if you play your cards right.

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Yeah, thatā€™s how Long Maid Vacation (https://mobile.twitter.com/3GPG93kDyAAWbKS/status/1284874122476961792) does Breast and Butt expansion- by splitting the images of the girls into pieces and overlapping them in RPG Maker.

Thereā€™s a WeightGaming thread on it that has a translated version, so breaking it apart would probably help in implementation for any expansion system.

Yeah a smarter developer would separate the art pieces. Everything I did was a single picture so it just blows up the image count lmao. Though itā€™s also how all of them have different arm positions too so if I were to change things up itā€™d sacrifice those little bits of differentiating tbh

I should learn how to do more frames like that for future projects


Yeah, thatā€™s why I suggested breaking open Long Maid Vacation. In theory, one should be able to keep the arm positions (multiple layers for the arm rather than just 1)- itā€™s just harder to get everything working properly.

I can maybe help separate the pieces for you (itā€™s just Photoshop.)
RPG Maker isnā€™t something Iā€™m that familiar with though. Maybe Icarue (https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=22552169) could help you if you guys have trouble with this; heā€™s been doing this for a lot longer.

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I know I can send him to you if need be, Harle. I do hang out in his Discord server (TG is a fetish of mines). To quote him, its pretty simple to establish a paperdoll and layering system, its just kind of tedious.

And keep in mind, the reason I brought up splitting the top and bottom is because it would be simple to split each part and only handle 2 to 3 images, since these arenā€™t full-body portraits. You just follow the standard youā€™ve done to show the images in the first place, just do it for each part.

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Yeah thereā€™s already a paper doll system as is rn. Itā€™s just in my Sai2 file and not in RPG Maker. To change that up would, again, require a lot of editing the current art. Weā€™d probably have to redo the entire state changing

That being said itā€™s not impossible but it would take up a lot of time to redo my current layers and that would set possible dev back a lot. A lot of the shit we added is months old. So Iā€™d say itā€™s only something weā€™ll mess around with if we agree itā€™ll help the process along later


I mean, I guess then it would be possible to have an image for every potential combinationā€¦ but thatā€™d bloat the file size a lot.
I donā€™t really care about file size, but I can see why thatā€™s not something you would want.

Itā€™s up to you, I suppose.

minor mistake with the art here