Olive And The Ruby Bra

Nearly Immobile goblin’s in. Here’s where you can find her: Bad end to the mystic flower.

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I imagine it being some sort of item you can buy/area you gain access to that allows you to alter her weight at will.

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I was thinking of it originally to be a skill that Platinum could use, but now I’m getting a few ideas how I can implement multiple items like that…

It would also potentially serve as a gold sink, should players have too much.


Yeah for Snarkyness! :smiley:

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Wee teaser for the next major update, and probably the funniest thing I’ve drawn Olive in.

There’ll be a few more secret areas and a wee easter egg a new potion, but more importantly theres more story progression! No new bosses however, this new update isn’t really combat based. However, I’ve designed it so that every enemy can drop something special to them, since mimics and mystic nectar buds and bosses were the only ones who really did that. Decided to expand that a wee bit. Dunno how much it’ll break combat but whatever its fun hehe

I’m also planning on. actually testing the Death fight. because I havent done that yet for some reason? I really dont know what difficulty Death is. I can only guess she’s pretty easy since I haven’t heard any complaints about it. Or maybe shes balanced, i dont know, ill figure that out myself.

That’s enough of a teaser I think. sorry i just really like talking about this project but i have no one to talk about it except for the people who play it but then i cant spoil anything, and its just. mmgh. h im EXCITED. anyhoo thank you all for tunin in and have many good days!


Well, as thrilling as it is to hear about an upcoming update and the stuff within, it’s great to see that you got out of your brief slump with the game. At least, that’s what I assume, given how excited you seem to be about all this.

In any case, I’m always looking forward to more! Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

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I’ll be honest, the death fight is pretty hard depending on how you played previously. Since you couldn’t grind previously as he just joined the party, you are reliant on:

  1. Grinding now
  2. Having stockpiled enough gold to buy equipment before changing characters
  3. Unequipping all items from your other two party members to better equip him.
    Honestly It’s a pretty tough fight without at the very least grinding up a level and bringing healing potions. The fact that your magic doesn’t do much more than your base attacks, and that there’s not really a good way to restore your mana once you’re in the city make it harder than it should be. Also as far as equipment, it’s kind of hard to tell what items can be equipped on who the first time you play so I genuinely unequipped everything so that I could try to put everything on him, only to find out he can’t equip shields, but he can equip the scarf for some reason? And the lipomancer can wear the tights? Maybe there’s a better way to indicate which items a character can equip, considering there’s a lot of gameplay before the current ending where you can have all 3 in your party.

Oh yeeaah that reminds me i was gonna make armor specifically for each character so its a bit more clear to players what could be worn. Also i wanna figure out a way to have separate inventories from separate characters cuz it doesnt make sense that lance would have the stick that Olive found.

To counteract this difficulty wise (cuz those changes are probably gonna make things tougher) im gonna buff Lance’s spells and probably make him start a higher level. Maybe even debuff Death, i dunno.

Its good to know that people didnt just skip death though hehe

Um, I kind of did, lol. Death kicked my ass a couple times, so I finally said “screw this,” and left the Church to its fate.

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heh heh heh. awesome.

I did to. I left them to die

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You never know. They might have figured out how to solve their own problems.


Wanted to play through the 0.4.2 version before a new update comes through, so here are some of the unusual things I noticed:

Missing collision in some spots, namely here.

On the Fighters College building.

In this building in the west district, on both tapestries and flower pots.

Also, Olive apparently has the superpower of knowing exactly when someone else is examining a bucket, so she can say her signature line.

Also, this line seems a bit weird, since I completed the bakery sidequest, yet Olive apparently completely scrubbed the incident from her memory.

Anyhow, sorry for the picture dump, but if it wasn’t obvious, I like this game, so I’m hoping that it always gets the polish it deserves. :slight_smile:


aw hell yes, I found the book not having collision and I prolly know why the tapestry’s got none either, i can definetly fix those up. As for the dialogue, it would be REALLY funny if i just kept that one bucket as is but both seem to be quick fixes. Thanks for spottin em all out bud!

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I just had a stray idea. I believe you mentioned that you were considering giving Olive a special high-weight move set. What if Olive get’s a new outfit to reflect that? The current outfit is great but it’s always fun when a character’s appearance changes when their class evolves. Although that would probably take a lot of sprite work so I can understand if that isn’t possible :+1:

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Maybe, i sort of forgotten about the trainer stuff, whoops. Thats way later along the line anyways, so i dont have to think too much about it now. I dont know how much ill do dabbling with other outfits, i know that i do want to put big olive in a dress. so there might be costume changes, but absolutely no promises. As you said, lotta sprite work, and costuming is the hardest part of that usually. But who knows, i’ve already challenged myself a lot already with this project so far, maybe ill go even further beyond.

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Haha well that would definitely make the fight harder, honestly wearing better armors got me through some of it. I think right now the number of people that won the fight are the minority :upside_down_face:

Also, a slight concern with making inventories specific. Would this affect shared use of healing items, like potions you bought as olive being used by Lance? Also, Lance’s ring gives increased magic stats, and is therefore more useful on anyone except Olive so it would suck to limit it to her.

!!! Big note here!!!
Regarding the difficulty of Death, I forgot to touch on two things before:

  1. Half the problem is just that the enemies in the area are way harder than previous enemies. If you haven’t grinded/equipped other armor, they tear through you. I grinded to survive, my brother resorted to “turtling” as Street Fighter players call it. He spammed guard until he had enough stamina to cast Adrenaline for most of the fights.
  2. Lady Death is interesting because there’s a story being told through the fight. The problem is this messes with the difficulty. It’s hard to tell her behavior, it seems kinda strange at times. She often opens the fight by not attacking because she’s seducing Lance, but this does nothing. Yet sometimes she will barely do this at all and go straight for offense. Though she’s not actually that strong at first, dealing meh damage. What’s scary is when she suddenly switches to attacking twice at seemingly random turns, going from “I can adrenaline 2 turns from now and survive” to “If I dont heal now I lose”. Also, when she gives up she literally gives up, so if you muscle through you can win the fight on super low health if you just attack a ton since she eventually stops attacking you, though you do need to attack some

Also I can’t remember if I said before, but the item shop is a bit of a frustrating endeavor. You cant go to the smith, but then again it’s incredibly expensive anyways, the healing vendor is very expensive as well, to the point that fighting most enemies I encountered, I still never bought that dragon whatever it’s called expensive item. The healing potions and especially the defense boosting thing are very VERY useful, even necessary for some fights. I still hope you consider selling some kind of mana potion, I am not the only person to burn through mana with Lance only to realize I physically can’t get it back once I’m in the city/church.

Overall, I’m incredibly excited for the game

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Also I figured since I’m talking your ear off and giving my thoughts already,

  1. The BBQ thief quest is a bit unintuitive. Since many of the flower things are empty, I checked two or three and upon nothing happening had no idea how to progress for a while.
  2. It is painfully easy to miss the baker sidequest, and without knowing how little actually happens, it can leave the player feeling like they missed out on a lot.
  3. Kind of weird to switch characters for the 3 seconds it takes to walk up to Lance lol

Wow a whole lotta stuff to reply too! absolutely awesome

I have given up on the separate inventory because my dumb idiot brain cannot code for absolute shit (which is kinda why i got rpgmaker in the first place because monkey smooth brain) so yall dont have to worry about that stuff

While the ring is sort of useless on Olive (except for the incredibly minor luck boost) it is important to note that it is Lance’s. Id like to think that makes sense, but what doesnt is that you could give the ring back technically and the description would be the same. So i might have to change that.

I’ve upped Lance’s spells by a bit, and if the dragon potion is too expensive already, Ill have to maybe sprinkle a few more treasure chests here and there and down the price of the next item. (Fun Fact: Olive has a special ability that doubles whatever gold she gets, Lance prevents surprise, and Platinum reduces encounters. There is nowhere where this is stated but I’ll hint to it later.)

Lady Death is not supposed to not attack during the beginning. I’ll have to look into that. What happens during that fight is that she starts off poking at Lance instead of all-out battling him, because while she does want him dead, at the same time she wants to spend eternity with him. But as the fight goes on, she gets angrier and angrier until she flat out gives up, cuz she knows she probably wont ever win against him. So theres that. Also probably ill get rid of Unnerving screech because i cant imagine being stun locked again. euugh.

Item shops are sort of intentionally frustrating, which is a terrible thing to do in this case but nyrhg I’ve never been one for item shops. I grew up on Diablo 2 so im totally used to getting what ive got out in the field, but the thing is with that I’d have to actually have it so that you could get things from the field. That arent shit. Which is what I aim to solve, with the new enemy based items. Also I made the ghosty kinda enemies drop mana potions just for you bb also i cant believe i never noticed that the potion seller never sold those potions what the hell

The thief quest is absolutely unintuitive youre absolutely correct and its a shame I agree with you because i was proud of it when i first did it but now that ive gone this far I look back on it and go ‘mmnrgh’ because its just so unneedingly dumb. I personally thought the honey pods were sort of obvious, touch the one that doesnt have a hole in it, its such a short trip there and to the ale and I wish i knew how to make it more interactive and fun instead of ‘this is a thing I have to do’. id love to do a funky wee stealth section, or a little mixing minigame or whatever but the last time I tried to make a minigame within rpgmaker I bailed and deleted everything. So until I knwo what im doing with that, its probably gonna be the same lousy section as it is.

It’s gonna be easy to miss side stuff because of the way Im planning on implementing them. Certain bigger side missions will change others, for instance, whatever happened to the bakery assistant? Where did the baker man steve himself go? (hes not named steve) What would happen if you didnt do that quest in the first place? Of course, with the game being what it is now, none of thats gonna show. Which is why i imagine yes, its painful because theres no reward to missing it and then you have to play through the whole start again and then it becomes a slug race. But trust me when i say i know what im gonna be doin with the side stuff being gone and there.

It is really weird to switch between all three characters so quickly, especially switching to platinum and then lance and then back to olive lance and platinum there, its sort of confusing, which i definitely get. I will admit, im not 100% doing this from preplanning, i think about 40% of the game is improvised. I have a problem when it comes to connecting the big plot points, but believe me ive got the big plot points. I might change it so that you dont switch to platinum in that one time and that you go straight from the darker forest to the middle of the town, only having that little bit of a trip through the darker forest as platinum. Since she actually knows about the yellow ones.

Other than that, i really hope I didnt miss mentioning something, because if i did then i look liek a complete idiot if i didnt already. Thank you so much for the feedback!

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