Olive And The Ruby Bra

Alright, I’ve tussled with Lady Death once and threw the match out of curiosity. I’m about to head back into the whole hullabaloo, but I have one question: Is there anything special for just ditching Arthur once you have the wine in the latest update? I’m just curious to see before heading back into the basement.
Sorry for the weird spoilers, it’s pretty late on my end, so I’m starting to go smooth in the brain lol.
Oh, a couple of other things:

  1. I was able to use a save file from the first version to continue progress! Strangely enough, it didn’t seem to bug anything out that I could see. It was only post-thief, so there’s that. I probably missed some other stuff, but I can always start anew.
  2. Why did you shrink the save files down to 4 or 5? I’m not entirely against it, just that it had me rethinking when and where to save.
  3. I found a small typo in the coffee shop. Dunno if it’s been caught yet, but I nabbed a snippet of it. If you’ve already got it, then don’t mind this:

Lovely work on this as always, though! Can’t wait for the next big update!

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Thank you for the amazing response lol. I appreciate you getting back to me, it definitely set me more at ease with the game so far. Also a note, it’s not just the ring. Olive’s tights can be equipped by Platinum, but the description is still of course about Olive.

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For now, there isnt anything preventing you from just ditching the priest. The whole church thing is technically a sidequest, and like i said previously, side missions will affect the future of some characters.

Im pretty sure save files from previous versions wont bug out unless i change around some events, which will happen in the next patch, so for that you would have to get a new save. But for small bug fix updates, you would more than likely be able to keep a previous save file.

I have no clue how to control how many save files the game creates, im pretty sure if you fill out all save files but one, a new file appears. That just how game works, im pretty sure. If not, then i have absolutely no clue how i wouldve been able to change the max amount of saves let alone do that accidentally.

I have not caught that typo, thank you so much! Im very assenine about my spelling when it comes to creating something for the public, so its good that yall are okay with pointin out tiny mistakes like that!

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Oh yeah more than likely. I also figured out yesterday how to lock certain armors, which im not gonna do to a stupid level, hell, i might not even do it. But its a thing I could probably do. I’ll just change the descriptions around to make it more ambiguous. and ill always find a way to respond, hehe

edit: actually, ill probably lock the body garments and change all other existing body garments to overbody. thatd prolly work fine.

Funny thing abouth death’s fight is that when she gave up hitting me and just asked to be “killed”, since I didn’t know at the time that it would just end the fight and she’d go away, I just assumed that if I had hit her she would die, so I just kept guarding hoping that it would trigger some kind of event where she would just be like “why don’t you kill me?” and go away on her own LOL

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oh my god if I knew how to work that then that could be a way to end the fight, but i also like the idea of Death being an actress… Decisions, decisions…

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Really quick question to everyone, which of you managed to get the lucky hat?

The what hat now? Sorry ma’am never heard about it, oh btw, mind if I message you on private?

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I dont mind at all, people do it all th time.

The lucky hat is a rare drop from mimics, which is technically the first hat you can get. Its by no means better than what you get from the first boss but its my favorite armor piece yet

Hi, i am curious about adding a bad end viewer to the game? With only 4 save slots restricted to save chickens, trying to get them all is a chore.


wow, there really are unintentional save restrictions, huh? I’ll have to see how to fix that later then

For the bad end viewer, I’ll definetly figure out a way how to put that on, of course. I’d probably wait until there’s actually a decent amount of bad ends before I implement it though, so I hope that’s alright. But ye, definetly on my list!

There should be at least 16 slots, since this is an MV game, try moving down from your bottom slot.

Edit: Nope, never mind. Totally new save system in here.


okay well thats really bloody strange, this is what I found within the manager js. Searched up generally how to change it and here is how, but it’s set to 20 naturally but even on my side im stuck with 4.

Real-Time Edit:


fixed lol

I am not sure how I did not notice this typo the first time I played this but there is a typo before the stuck scene


i cannot tell you may many times ive played the game over and not noticed that. holy shit.



good morning, i could not help myself.


I really enjoyed the demo so far. I’m looking forward to the next update. Keep up the good work man

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Little bit of a quick update for the future of this game. (it hasn’t been updated I’m still experiencing burnout, it’s more of a ‘how I feel’ update)

As of months ago I wrote myself into a corner and has no clue where I could go from there, so I stopped working on it to plan only to forget what I had to do in order to work on it more. Cycle repeats until now, finally managed to figure out something I could do in the meantime. Long story short, I’m gettin back on the saddle n working on oatrb again!

What is stopping me so far from updating what I have already is that what I’ve added is more or less a giant cinematic, the most you do is at the beginning but then it’s like a good five to ten minutes of sit around which is something I wanna avoid. That being said I don’t really know how I could do it differently, which only makes me sorta scared to update it. Fear is the only thing stopping me and it was me who created it in the first place, whoopity doo.

But that aside, I’m gonna go back to working on it again. There may still be the five minute cinematic moment or whatever but I also wanna put more side stuff in, I wanna finish Catharsia, and also the bed potion is done and it’s cool and I love it. it looks super great and I’m so proud of myself for it.

But yeah. Y’all have good days. I’m gonna get up outta bed now.


Good luck! This is easily one of the best 2020 RPG maker fatty games so far.


Can’t wait to see what you come up with!