Olive And The Ruby Bra

I understand the feeling of writing yourself into a corner, but don’t beat yourself up. The game so far has been really great, so I’m sure you can keep it going!


I wouldn’t worry about disappointing anybody if there needs to be a sequence that’s less interactive for the story to move forward. Everyone clearly has very high opinions of the game so far and will be grateful for any new content. Your focus on story is a big part of what has made it great so far and I think what you’re describing sounds interesting! Please don’t be too critical of yourself, you’re already impressing everyone!


You could do like a .5 maybe someone can give you an idea on how to fix or improve to avoid long cutscene or maybe it’ll work well


thank you all for the kind words and suggestions, heaven knows I need it. The plan for the update was gonna have the long cinematic but to balance even more content, and I’ve got a few ideas for the added content, by the cinematic is what’s taking so long, hehe.

I could give a wee spoilers out thing for what I wanna add but the ideas aren’t entirely final and I want em to remain a surprise, hehe

anyhoo, thanks again yall, now I gotta get outta bed again


Personally, I wouldn’t mind sitting through a 10-15 minute cinematic, cuz the way I like to approach gaming is looking for clues in the game to try to understand the person who makes it (yes, even in this kind of game in this kind of forum :v) (Like it’s kinda hard to put it in words but people usually make at least one of the characters behave how they do or would like to do. And I kinda like seeing that because in a way that’s one true self it’s like meeting new people but through their work). BUT WHAT I’M TRYING TO SAY is that whatever you or any other game maker in this site releases I will probably enjoy playing because everyone leaves an impression of themselves on their work and I like sseing it.

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You like exploring how the creator of what you’re consuming would think certain events would go down, or how people would generally act, through how they control their creative means? because if yes, thats definitely one way of meeting new people, hehe

although i will say, im nothing like olive. I may put bits of myself in her but she definitely doesnt reflect me as a person. i personally dont find it cash money to raid cemeteries or point at buckets and laugh but i definitely am as hungry as she is


I think that as long as you are able to make updates and possibly add more content and all that everyone will be good with it I believe

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Yeah yeah, kinda like that, not exatacly that you mimic yourself in your characters but what a person thinks is cool o how they’re feeling rubs off on the game and I really like this sort of thing

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Cutscenes and long story segments are A-OK in my eyes. Your writing has been good and I actually read it. Just know that at least someone in your audience is for it.


‘your writing is good and I actually read it’ is an incredibly strange combination of nice and hilarious that I needed, thank you ,


In the midst of me working (im working now i promise) i decided to make a few extremely rough scribbles of a few moments in the game

such as the mystic flower fight

the party finding a hole

and hen in pants because of the nude beach dialogue with her

enjoy my insanity


I love Hen in Pants.

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Everything’s coming along great! Most parts of the cutscene went better than hoped (Im only testing them now, wow), I managed to fit in a boss fight so i feel less bad about the content in the next major update, and people like hen in pants.

Alright, THis is epic, gamers.


The section where you get to control Lance needs rebalancing. The 3v1 fights are unnecessarily difficult, and a few misses on your part can easily spell defeat.

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Oh most definitely, I powered up Lance’s spells a bit, added one that’s sort of like adrenaline but for mana. (I couldnt test it during my run, so even without that it’s more than possible.) I believe I balanced the church basement enemies, removed the groups of 3, since yeah those ones were pretty troubling. But yeh, everythin checks out! Thank you fer yer input bud!

holy fucking shit new update ooh ooh pog pog nnrrhgf


  • The Spa, where you can relive past accomplishments as if they were failures! Or just have a quick rest.
  • Holes, jump back and forth between them once youve found them! There are only 4.
  • A new boss encounter and rebalanced combat!
  • A new potion, and a fetch missing to get it!
  • A few secret paths!
  • A new ruin!
  • An encyclopedia including all the treasures you find!
  • Pictures!
  • And of course, even more buckets!
  • ANd More than ive potentially forgotten including the rock john

there. big enough update for you, god? thats what i though. pitoo. (thats a spit noise im spitting on god)

if there are. ANY. bugs. Please tell me of them. and i will work on them tomorrow after i sleep.

edit: also thank you for 1.1k downlaods of 0.4.2. thats a really big number and im happy yall enjoy this so much. also i should probably update the credits but ill do that later


i should mention; it is ABSOLUTELY CRUICAL to have a new save file. oh my GOD you will NOT HAVE HOLES. and your MUSTARD WILL BE PAPER. (im not kidding thatll actually happen.) DONT PLAY 0.5.0. WITH A 0.4.2. SAVE!!

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Tell me more about this mustard paper technology.


so floor mustard is an old item that gets you out of battle at the cost of literally all your health, and the new potion does that but doesn’t make Olive puke her brains out (she really doesn’t like mustard). So I figured ‘eh to hell with that item then’ so there it goes to the depths of hell where it stays. I replaced that slot with a piece of paper Olive gets with one of the new puzzles. (thinking back on it, if the mustard that the test save I had turned into the paper, then after you kill iron hulk dad then he’ll drop the paper. first bug, hot damn).

hope that clears that up and makes the joke you were trying to make as unfunny as possible. go to bed


My game freezes after the golem fight in the mountains. I defeat the golem, go through the door, go through the dialog, and then I can’t control the party anymore. Music keeps playing but no inputs work at all.

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