Olive And The Ruby Bra

hm, that doesn’t sound too good… Goin up the outer mountain was the start of the cutscene I was talking about. Can you DM me a screenshot or something so I can take a closer look?

I can give you a screenshot of where it freezes, but as there’s no error message I don’t think it would help at all

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This is actually perfect, don’t you worry! I’ll see what I can do!

Hey idk if you’re still around but, trying to play the new update, losing my mind because after all this time I still can’t figure out how to start the side quest. I am visiting the baker every chance i get, no quest start, im trying to enter the top part of the forest whenever possible, no quest, and then if i progress story a little too far, bam restaurant closed.

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nevermind, i think i finally figured it out.

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I won’t lie my friend The lady death fight might be too easy now. I didn’t grind at all really, just didn’t skip a single random encounter in the church, and I didn’t use any healing items except 1 mana potion. Apparently the armor you have (and of course i put on the bone shirt too) makes him take 0 damage from Death, and the light spell does like 400 damage per attack if you wear Lance’s ring.

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Also, some things don’t have text for if you interact with them as Lance. like the well in front of the woodcutter’s house, Olive randomly speaks. Also, the soldier’s in front of the bakery still act as though they’re talking to Olive

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Holy hot damn okie writing this stuff down in my big book of bugs. I also just came across something myself that’s quite game breaking so I’m gonna have to shut down the link entirely before I let y’all play… It’ll be a quick patch I promise h

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Will I be able to keep my save?

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I believe so? I bloody hope so. If not then I’m gonna put some stone somewhere that jumps you ahead of time or something cuz even I’m getting tired of starting from the beginning


Okay haha. I just after grinding out for the last hour I’d be PISSED if I had to do everything up to the Apricot Wine over again.

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I mean, so far the big book of bugs notes looks like this (literally what I wrote down physically):

-Dragon Puzzle Doors should be shut at all times when party is present
-Iron Hulk drops paper instead of mustard, making him tonight’s biggest loser.
-Exiting into outer mountains makes Olive freeze in fear of more walking. Fix: Slap her.
-Lady Death Dies
-Olive is present even within Lance’s Mind

None of these really shout ‘begin the game again dummas’ so I’m positive everything will be fine, as long as you’re okay with having two pieces of paper and an easy fight against someone who’s job it is to handle the dead. However if anyone’s like me then having that extra piece of paper is going to piss you off more than a rogue fruit fly in a dark room.

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On the plus side, interacting with random objects is making me fall in love with Platinum’s shit-eating personality lol “nooo go in there and eat everything and let me rub your tummy

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Update: discovered what you meant by “-Exiting into outer mountains makes Olive freeze in fear of more walking. Fix: Slap her.” the hard way.

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Yeh, it’s what Skiddash was talking about if ya scroll up a wee bit. I took down the link aswell so anyone with a current copy of 0.5.0. can be bug busters but I don’t know if I want a public version of the game that literally cuts out 2/3 of the update lol

If it helps at all, I tried to delete the event by going into the game files with RPG Maker in hopes of it just spitting me out on the mountain so I could progress, however it just froze me at the entrance. I don’t know the first thing about RPG Maker but maybe it’s something to do with the map/room?

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where I download it?


If you would read some of the recent history or where you would normally download it, you’d find out that I prefer not to let game breaking versions out for a long time, and 0.5.0. is unintentionally game breaking version. But don’t worry, I’ll get to work on fixing those bugs and 0.5.1. will be out in a jiffy!

I’ve got a plan to see what it is, don’t you worry. and huh I didn’t know y’all could access the game in your own rpg makers that’s a neat feature

Okay so I may have a clue why theres a freeze in the mountains, I had an event set up to fix another bug, which is when there was intentionally no music, they use a save egg, quit, rejoin, the music would start playing. but I did it in a bad way. so i just got rid of the event for now, i might play with it a little later. But ive outrighted removed it.

Olive wont be talking in Lance’s mind anymore, as far as I know. I mean, maybe Lance’ll be insane later but for now hes a ok

About buffing Lady Death, i found out that one of her moves did absolutely nothing which is incredibly funny to me that its the move that was supposed to cause the ‘enamored’ status effect. But its since been buffed, it debuffs m.attack and causes that one state. So it stalls use of light beam and further weakens it the more debuffs youve got, so it cant be the only move you use. Ive also buffed her attack so she (hopefully) would be able to actually do some damage. (As I’ve been told, she hits for 0 sometimes.) Ive also more than doubled her health, so the fight in all should take roughly 12/15 turns which I think is fair for a boss fight. Especially since a few of those turns is beating her while shes down.

Two of the bugs I had written down were already fixed. way to go, me.

Alright, so if thats everything, let me make a few more tiny changes and we’ll be set.

(oh also the mountain caves? youll be goin through those later on your lonesome. its gonna be super difficult. i wanted to make it easier but I couldnt figure out how to change troops in locations via how many people are in your library. heh. im still so incredibly new to this program im still surprised I got a boulder puzzle in h)