Olive And The Ruby Bra

Something is wrong with the title screen


It seems like you can repeat the “Lance I found this cool book” scene infinite times. Also, tiny spelling error in the “this is the end of the update” speech. It says “than kyou” instead of thank you.

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So I’m a bit lost I think, where do I go after the Platinum’s father scene? please spoiler me so I can continue with this fantastic game :frowning:


Go to where the beginning of the game was, then go to the mountains to that one tunnel that had a weird dragon door in it. Also you should spoiler blur your comment

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Also I don’t know how to do the whole like baker side mission

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Oh yeah, I did that, but nothing happened, I found the weird guy that appears when Olive is stuck, and he disappeared after that :frowning:

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Yeah you’ve gotta go do the puzzles in that room, then go in the dragon room

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Yup, thank you, I did it :smiley:

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Anyone got a save file where the new update starts for the lazy and impatient?

I highly suggest you play from the start, because any other save file would be without a few states that would be pretty important later, including Holes (which funnily enough helps the lazy and impatient) and also accidental item duplication would happen and i dunno if people want that, so. I highly recommend just bearing the beginning again. This is coming from the gal that has to play the game over and over again who is also lazy and impatient.

I got a notification that i had picked up “overcloak”, but the only new item is the “leafy plate" Also, for the sign leading to the mountain, all 4 sides it says South: Kaybe mountain, but then olive says there aren’t letters on this side so she can’t read it.

SO it turns out the chest originally having the overcloak, i changed it to include a shield instead cuz theres only like three shields. But i neglected to change the text so thats a bad on my part. Same with the sign, That also happens with the nude beach sign.

Something is wrong with the title screen

I believe that is something i cannot fix. because I have NO clue what happened there. I did a wee bit of digging and testing on my end, i have to sadly conclude that its somethin goin on with your end. I literally have no clue how to fix it or even what to fix, im sorry.

It seems like you can repeat the “Lance I found this cool book” scene infinite times. Also, tiny spelling error in the “this is the end of the update” speech. It says “than kyou” instead of thank you.

Cool book will be fixed right now. Theres a lot of spelling errors in the end update speech because its me talking, as if i were talking on here. ANd yknow, theres a lot of spelling mistakes when i type on here because when Im respondin to stuff i do it messy and fast, when im typing dialogue ‘I do it Intricately with Glamour,’ so it aint much as it is a mistake with the game, but a mistake with me

I don’t know how to do the whole like baker side mission

alright so You talk to mr baker man when you first get to dalrhythe. Or whenever, just be sure to go before you talk to lance after getting rid of Olive’s butt mark. Theyll tell you that they sent their assistant to go forage for mystic honey, which is found deep within the mystic forest, in a place you cant really access yet. DO the main quest a bit, up to finding where the barbecue bitch is held up. Youll notice theres a path that leads upwards, but you cant go there yet. Olive takes care of (hypothetically) Clarissa, and before you go to lance about the second part of the mark removal, go back to the one spot you couldnt access, just above the campsite in the mystic forest. Take care of whatevers there, go back to bakery, dont fucking talk to lance, boom bam pow fuck dude youre big now. go to the only place you can go and Hen’ll set you straight. thats it for the first part.

thats so far it. i cant believe this got as big as it did, thankyou all so much again, and have good days!

EDIT: Just a quick patch to fix the above issues cuz i felt liek it. pow.


So uh, am I just real dumb? I started the game on a boat, and there’s nothing to do. Interacting does nothing with any of the tiles. I’m just out on the ocean in a boat.

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Like, is this normal? There’s no dialogue, it just sticks me right here.

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Bruh, I’ve never seen that boat and I beat the demo

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I just downloaded it, and that’s where it spawned me in, didn’t move saves, didn’t touch anything. However, the ZIP I downloaded did list itself as 5.4 in the folder, instead of 5.3 like it’s supposed to be, so that might be it.

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welcome to the boat the boat is the game

(it isn’t, I fucked up again just sit tight and in like eight hours or something I’ll fix it but for now I’m gonna shut down the link. I’m such a disaster ggbg)

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A super big sorry for all that downloaded 0.5.3. Turns out I compiled a version that I still had the spawn on a new area of without even knowing. This isn’t even the first time this has happened. But it will be the most memorable.

Since I am currently in bed and my computer’s internet is off (it does that at 11:45 to have myself not be on it through the night because I have no self control) the REAL 0.5.3. will have to be made in my morning, which is in about 8-12 possible hours. So please be patient while my destroyed, tired, and mentally hurt mind rests so I can bring actually good content in the future. Thank you all for understanding, and I hope you all have good nights.

(the boat kinda looks dope tho right?)


I did get to do some sick hops up and down the stairs, so that was aight. Boat looks pretty sturdy too, ngl.


okay. so i double checked to see if this was good. it is. i swear to christ almight heavens above and the blood of god on my left nut if something doesnt work then im going to blow a muzzle

Aye, i’m not on a boat anymore, venturin time.

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Someone’s probably said it, but the fact that this world has a Florida is plenty spooky for this time of the year.


it’s also got a Texas! (i forgot where i said that but i vaguely remember it so it must be canon)