Olive And The Ruby Bra

So anyhoo, tested it all out, turns out it wasnt a freeze, but simply the music forgetting to keep playing and the fade in not to actually do that thing it was supposed to do, and im hopeful that ive fixed the baker (i tried renaming some sprites so my ocd doesnt go off but god if it isnt annoying to reset all of the sprites when i change a letter from lowercase to upper).

If the ‘piece of cake’ line shows up for anyone then i dont know whats going on at all, since if searched through the game to see if there was any other event there that started that thing and there aint except for the one i deleted. SO yeah if it does happen again, thats the soul of the coughing door or somethin cryptic i dunno

but yeah, no psychomancer. psychomancer is gone. theyll be existing in 0.6. yeeheeheehee

edit: 0.5.6. is up. Including less amounts of doppelgangers, less amounts of blindness, and the same amount of people that dont exist yet.

edit 2: also to those who have passed the golem in 0.5.4 or lower im pretty sure your battle music is screwed to be the boss golems’ track. dont worry it is for my current save too and honestly itll fix when i manage to put another boss in. so thats that bug.


Ok, so here’s a wild one. I haven’t tried to replicate it, but if you go into the sauna, order the $20 option, and leave without actually going in, then enter the part of the mountains where the golem fight happens before fighting it, the bad ending plays immediately and causes a game over. This can be fixed by going back into the sauna and actually entering the $20 room.

Also my favorites from Dreams are probably Just a Baby, Ain’t, and Spongerock, though I don’t think there’s a single song that I don’t love.

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I wasn’t expecting a reference to Fallout 2 in this game… I should kick your fuckin’ ass, who is this?
You made my day, sir.


wow some deep diving youre doing, but ive got a quickie fix. For next patch though since it isnt entirely game breakin and youll have to do some work to activate it

so… I have this problem where, when i go to the bottom of the map by the lake it plays the part where a character says “so this is where I’m meeting the thief, this should be a piece of cake.” on loop constantly and i have no idea what to do about it.

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oh my god i swear to christ its still happening 9im going to kill all anime and thirteen men along with it i swear to fuck christ hold on im sorry jus hold on a sec

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Also is this person the so called phsycomancer? because i have genuinely scoured the whole map looking for them.( minus the bottom of the map because of the looping script)

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im gonna point up. and youre gonna read what happened yesterday. and the day before that.

theres a new patch. there is no psychomancer. the coughing door doesnt exist.

i dont mean to have any of this sound mean im just a very tired girl. living in a LONELY WOOORLD

im very tired but please i implore you jjust get th enew patch its ll good were all good its all fine everythings fine im gonan go eat three pizzas

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ohhhh, ok thanks a ton:)

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Not to sound critical, since I really enjoy the game so far - but maybe an extra pair of eyes would help out?


We love and appreciate you don’t worry, enjoy the pizzas lol

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i think i might need more hands is the issue, i have roughly 1000~ sets of eyes here

maybe more keyboards

You could always make a discord for the game, to streamline talking about updates vs bugs, vs general feedback and discussion, as well as easier direct communication if you wanted people to have more hands on testing/working with the game.

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I got an idea. Get ~5 people you truly trust to work on the game, then, don’t release any new updates to the public until the game is done. Why? Because you’re spoiling the game with each incremental update you make. Plot points further down the line aren’t going pack as much of a punch in the final release of the game if your audience has already seen them a million times in a million different snapshot previews. As much as I’d hate to lose my monthly supply of Olive’s big fat thiccy thighs, I know the pay off of being patient and waiting for the whole game is going to be a far greater reward.

Obviously, one might say that I and others like me could just ignore the game until it comes out. While that’s true, hiding the game from the public eye also has another benefit: stress reduction. Being bombarded with a loads of different takes from loads of different people is stressful. And if stress builds, you’ll likely have trouble finding the motivation to do quality work on the project. Sure, you’ll probably be pushed to release more updates, but being pushed like that will likely force you to rush updates, thus dampening the quality of the game. For the game’s sake, I think it would be a better idea for you to seclude the project to a select few people in order to give yourself the space to do good work.


These ideas dont have anything wrong with them per say, but i dont really have 5 people i can trust with this nor any for that matter, and the game i worked on before this, because of its seclusion i lost hope in it because i didnt have any feedback and thought it was god awful (which it kinda was).

I enjoy postin wee patches n major updates along with it cuz that way everyone can see how the game evolved, everyone can go back and say ‘well i liked this whyd you get rid of it’ or ‘maybe this could help’ cuz i wouldnt have half the ideas for it just talkin to five people, but rather a community of creators and appreciators that have wee ideas of their own.

also sometimes miniature updates have tiny bits of lore sprinkled in that are removed later cough cough

As with the discord idea… Maybe? im not really sure on that either. If theres an underground community that needs a place for it then i might as well make one i suppose, but for now im happy with doin stuff here.


I’m pretty sure Olive is not supposed to be able to stand on this table…


it’s just a super sturdy table


i can understand the sex part you mention and it is up to you if you want it in the game or not either way it still a good game also this is just an idea/thought there could be some hints if someone gets stuck on where they are supposed to go

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Dunno if this has been brought up or fixed yet, but I found this in the Pawnmaster’s house. Just a slight graphical thing, looks like the bottom half of the wall keeps going when the top one stops. Gonna still blur the pic just in case:


Can’t wait for the next update! This has been one of my favorite WG RPGs yet!
Just wish I didn’t have to play it at the dead of night cuz of the others I live with x3x

EDIT: Oh, just found a slight typo in the ‘ATGSWMPIHGYGHON’, specifically in the chapter about the Ruby Bra. It seems that the description for the demi(?)-god of mischief is described twice. Dunno how intentional that is, but seemed worth bringing up. Gonna spoiler all of that too, cuz that’s a nice little sprinkle of spoilers.

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oh thank god theres still bugs h

She is not. There are also supposed to be patrons along with the goblins, so I am more than positive something is wrong with that save or your version. If it isn’t so, I tested it still on my side with a fix I whipped up quick and it’s all good. I will suggest you to probably have a new save though in the next recent version however…

Aye, I hate it when it does that. Fixed n good!

Ooh good catch, I’ll get that good right quick. Needed to hanger the entry a bit anyways.

Thank y’all again for the catches n compliments! I’ve sorta been busy with irl stuff at the moment so the next major update ain’t close to coming yet, that and I wanna focus on side stuff on the next minimajor anyways. I can’t thank yall enough get supporting n lookin out for me!