Olive And The Ruby Bra

Okie smokie, new patch including the bug fixes from above i believe. if it doesnt then i blame my mushy brain after working out


Is there any changes besides the bugfixes?

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not that i remember entirely

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I hadn’t checked in on this project for quite a while- lets say a month or two- and I just have to say:
Holy Shit
You got so much done in that time. I’m still not actually done playing through it all, but hot damn. To whatever degree you are most comfortable, keep up the good work.


Not quite sure what to do after I showed the key to the master? Is the game over?

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Not exactly sure what you mean. Maybe dm me and we can figure it out?

how do u defeat death

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By continuing to live.


Oh hey, a mention lol. Glad to help inspire someone. I’m just now finding this, and I was wondering, how do you save? I was only able to play for a bit before work here, and I didn’t see a save option in the menu?


The save spots are the chickens that like to sass you every now and again pal.


Ah, thank you much :3


So this game is holy fuck good. If you ever need help figuring anything out let us know cause I’d like to see this go on forever.


An update on the game, ive got things planned. Wasted a lot of paper on a lot of shit that not a lot of people would care to know. I wanna put in some sort of objective list so its easier to convey what the next. objective is. (Other than dialogue cues cuz cmon who doesnt love to skip all of the speakin bits i just wanna see tig ol bummies)

also, grimmick (grimmic? grim mick? grimmy.) if youre reading this, do me a solid and dont talk to the city cats. i dont want them to give you any ideas.

also, kibs, if youre reading this, the best of luck regainin your motivation, hell knows i understand what youre goin through hehe

i cant wait to see more from th both of ya! And that bein said, i cant wait until i can get more bug fixes from you other beautiful lot! Seeyall, and have good days!


Da Party

backgrounds are the worst lol

anyhoo yeah working time yee hooie


Thanks for making a throughly fantastic game! Hopefully you know how much we all appreciate you and your work


God. Olive is just so dang cute.


Are you ever going to make a discord server?

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Prolly not. Thats all i need to say but i need twenty characters to post a message so this is filler.


Hey, Im uncertain what to do after I talk to Platinum’s dad, I have gone around the entire map and haven’t found anything. Is that all there is so far or am I missing something?


I’ve played probably an hour, maybe a little more, of this game. And I gotta say, great work man. It’s really nicely made. Inspires me to keep working on Lanna’s Adventure’s(more then I have been recently).