Olive And The Ruby Bra

Finally getting to my playthrough of what I think is the latest update.

Is she supposed to be there, right at the beginning of the game? Can’t interact.

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Yeh, The singer just kinda chills up there since I haven’t figured out how exactly to draw the other hand members. or even how to draw an instrument. or them being played. or what song should play when they’re active.

So for now she does just sorta stand there. Although she should be interactable, I’ll maybe do a double check if there’s somehin up…

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It might be the stage if I SHOULD be able to talk to her. It’s also possible I wasn’t aligned right because of said stage.

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I mean it’s definetly weird when you talk to her at eye level despite her being a level higher than you. since stage. But I’ll probably do something with that after I figure out exactly what she does up there.

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Okay, I double checked. The stage is definitely in the way, if she’s supposed to do something.

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this is a moment of utmost bruh, I’ll look into it. Thanks a ton!

I would have thought the answer was obvious.



yo wtf how i havent even been here for a year its only been three months how am i top of the year


happy birthday Olive

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i mean shes been here only since august 31st, yet somehow this is still top of this year

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Happy 1st year man. You have already brought plenty of enjoyment to the community. Hoping to see even greater things from you in the future.


Hey brah, in the latest version of the game, when I try to enter the inn just after getting cursed, I get an error saying the game can’t find “tatman.png”. Looked into it and it turns out that the file’s called “Tatman.png”, uppercase T. Other places are asking for the original case, so for now I’m working around it with a duplicate of the file.


nice catch, i was fiddlin with filenames so thats definetly expected. It is a pretty easy fix on yalls ends and since im currently in the midst of workin on the next major update im not able to fix that now unless i were to back up the work i currently did, so hopefully for now ill have to trust yall to fiddle with that yerselves. Until then, thank you so much fer pointin that out!

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Is there anything to do after the dragon door? I went in, the guy told me there was nothing and I still investigated pretty much everything. Is there something I'm missing?


There’s a chest you might have missed in the area he tells you not to bother with, which you should ignore as a good tomb raider.

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I’m stuck in the beginning of the game, what do you do after you activate the two switches?

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Good game so far, however in the game we hear everyone says that Olive is always hungry or is eating a ton, but while playing i didn’t see her eat anything. So, i would like to suggest instead of potions for healing, make food, at least this way the player can see that she is always carrying food around and we can control how much she will be eating.
Also in the begining it seems that would be a sidequest in the bakery, where ai need it to find the baker assistant in the mystic forest… Didn’t find anyone and later the bakery was closed… so don’t know if i messed up something or that was planned.
other than taht, pretty cool game, nice sprites and 'im waiting for the new update.


There are several food healing items, most of which are much more effective than the potions.

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How do u defeat death or the demon lady I don’t remember her name

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When you activate the two switches, theres a gate at the top of the main room.

you just kinda do lol (All characters have the ability of adrenaline to heal, and Lance has a special ability that ignores a lot of Lady Death’s defences. I cant tell you exactly how to beat her, but it’ll help to read attack descriptions/know your own power. That and items ive been told help. I don’t really use them but yknow)

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