Olive And The Ruby Bra

I FUCKIN KNOW RIGHT, I COULD LITERALLY EAT THEM FOREVER[quote=“BuiltToBlast, post:606, topic:11324, full:true”]

The only way that Subway deal would be even better would be if you also got free Cookies.
God, Subway cookies are so good.



Good job! Just be careful, restaurant jobs can get pretty tough.


So can you do anything with the dorm ladies or do their lines just shift a bit after a certain amount and thats it?

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also I saw that someone mentioned something about an electric egg. wut

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So far they only have two stages of ‘friendship’ (thats what im gonna call it for now but its more or less them getting bigger.) After a bit of gifting, they go up a stage. Their sprite changes and theyve got more to say. Theres only two stages so far as an introductory to the whole thing, the starting stage and the next. So yeh.

im removing that lol dont worry about it

the potion idea for that ingredient was cool n all but like it does not fit whatsoever nor do I find it useful. Also i found the old plan for the potion sellers’ quests (which is what that egg was a part of) which works way better. Dont worry too much bout the egg.

During the ship scene. The fish artifact. Is there any dialogue in the book. Also it wasn’t in my inventory.

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Oh gosh you’re right, there isn’t any item for the fish statue. Also I’ll check to see if there’s any problems with the log in the book about it, I swear I had one in there but the patching might be tucked. Good catch! (hehe fish joke)


Oh yeah, I should mention that I won’t be able to fix any bugs while working on the next major update, due to unfinished sections from both future and past events n whatnot. So for now, the fish doesn’t exist. But it will, I promise.

A quick update on progress, I’m in the midst of balancing combat a bit more and I’ve been trying my hand at mimicking the artstyle of the game to draw my own portraits of characters’ faces and enemy sprites, which haven’t been the best but it’s certainly getting there. I’m very proud with what I have, and on several occasions caught myself thinking about totally repainting he game. Which I don’t think I’ll do, but maybe I’ll get to redoing the portraits of the characters, so I can make em more expressive. And maybe more pose sheets, since Lance literally is a log.

I’m sorta stuck making a side quest at the moment cuz the idea was too good to not let down, then after that I’m gonna get to mapping and main questing, up to hopefully a town, a few dungeons and a beach’s worth I hope. Also expansion of central Dethesal’s hidden grottos, and some potion seller fattening. That’s all that’s so far planned, and I’m afraid if I add anything else for me to do in this single update I might break again so I’m keeping it simple for myself so I don’t have to pause buffer every month.

After this I wanna get into stuff you can do with your dormmates, maybe teach myself some randomly generated stuff for an idea I previously had. Also a funny rhythm minigame but that stuffs for later when I understand what I’m doing.

Can’t wait to share what I’ve got for y’all! Love ya, n have good days!


I love this game so far! I just came across it here a few days ago and just finished up with what’s available! I love Olive (and not just for her titanic ass) and am really, really damn intrigued for where things go both for progression and side content. It’s a wonderfully interesting world so far and the different characters and their voices are a delight.

also, placehilda good, should get upgrades in future content.


There’s been a wee hurdle, I’ve upgraded my PC and for some reason I kept my spare files for templates and WIPs in my downloads folder, and I had to delete those and some other mystery drives in order to upgrade. So hopefully nothing too bad has happened.

other than that, still working on the same quest, but hey. good thing.

Also I might break and make a separate discord account and make a server or join the rpgmaker server. I don’t like posting all these updates here and filling out the space of what could be new people discussing stuff, or other potential topics. But that’s nother thing for another day.


So when I go to download the game off of Mega, it does download it, however, I can’t open the folder. It says it’s 0B, and when I try to delete it, it claims to have relocated somewhere else on my PC, when it hasn’t. Is there a way to fix this?


Sounds like it didn’t download correctly. Try downloading it again is about all I can say. If it still fails to download, try a different web browser - Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge… there’s plenty to choose from.

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Just tried it in another browser and the same thing happened. I have no goddamn idea what is going on anymore.

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I quickly checked on mega if anything was corrupted, but it seems everything’s still there. I recopied the link but I think it may be somethign on yoru side, im sorry.

I checked my download as well, no problems here either. About all I can suggest at this point is perhaps your antivirus is interfering with the download. I know I used to have some issues where my Av program wouldn’t scan a downloaded file fast enough, and the downloaded file would get “stuck” in your systems temp or cache folder (usually with a random name of letter&nujmbers) and only the 0-byte file placeholder file would be in my download directory.

It didn’t happen often, and it just eventually went away on its own. I had forgotten that it even happened until just now.

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Aight, I think im through with the game, at least with the current version.
Im through with the current progress in the story, until quest eleven.
Ive done (possibly all sidequests) the one with the missing assitant and all of the three fighters college ones.
Really good overall, its my first time with an RPG maker game and I enjoyed it allot, strong part story wise definetly are the protagonists (really good thing) and I give it a bucket out of sink

Aight, theres a few things that have been bugging me a bit, ive been crawling around in the files.MAD SPOILER WARNING there are images of characters and faces I have not met yet, in particular of the fat versions of a few existing characters (a whole lot chubby platinum, olive in a few different poses (either clothed or nude, on bed, with another immobile form) that I havnt triggered yet or are just there for a later stage of the game, and a character called “starving girl” with an obese form which I think might be tied to a quest) and faces (“starving girl again”, fat versions of the potion seller and the other students (but with no fat character models), with multiple stages of fat).

Im kinda worried that I missed a bit of content but it really feels like I reached the end of the build, which really might explain why some of the stuff might be intended for another version, not yet fully implemented

But thanks allot dude, I had great great fun playing this

ps: how do I make allot of moneh, I wanna buy gifts for the dormmates
ppss: whats the deal with the fish statue?


Read previous comments. It’ll explain everything.

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So I’ve been working on getting old templates back, I had to rework some maps and adjust some abilities yadda yadda so there isn’t much else to update.

HOWEVER I’ve finally decided to make a discord server. It’s still in its development stages and I dunno how long it may take to make it considering I have work for eight hours tomorrow, but I can promise that it’ll be a thing and soon. It’ll have shit like art channels, suggestion and bug channels, a corner where everyone can bug me about silly things like ‘whens the next update’ since that’s illegal to do here, and little to no professionalism! the perfect kind of server.

I really hope y’all are still interested enough in this stupid project to come check the server out when it’s finished! But in the meantime, have good days.


I’m with you all the way (besides the monetary one) sir!

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Definitely, go for it! :smiley:

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