Olive And The Ruby Bra

my guess is you have to start it later

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first time?, ive had to replay the game at least 3 times, cant remember if it was 4 or not due to staying up until 4 am


I’m having trouble defeating the iron guy. How do I defeat him?

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No, and im not really planning on it.

Its difficult to actually do, but I had help thinking of a way to make it way more obvious when to do it thatll make it easier that I’ll introduce later. Yes it did take this long.


I’ve gotten the most recent version from the link in the top message, but I think it’s a corrupted previous save. I’ve tried re-downloading it too but that hasn’t worked either. I do know that RPGmaker games like to squirrel away old save files in some random folder with the rest of the engine but I just can’t locate it.

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Are you talking about the boss in the temple(the tutorial boss)?

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After getting the boat are there anymore side quests I could do and if I can can you tell where they are because I am playing the game for the sixth time and I can’t find anything.

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the pirate ships is the current ending for now there a post about it being the current ending a few scrolls up so i do people the maker is working on the the next part

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you can give a girl a chocolate horse (minor spolier) at the north of the centre region, its not in the centre region, its above it in the rowboat


is there a way to make ovlive bigger in game currently

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But how to find this item?(found it, nvm)

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Currently, simply bad endings and the bakery side quest.


Thank you for this great project. I really enjoy the story, characters and, especially, Olive’s faces :rofl:
It’s a little sad that there are no weight gain mechanics, but still I like this game a lot. Also, guys, can someone tell me please which Olive character level I need to get to be able to fight with Naga’s and Golem? Currently she have level 11, but it is not enought to survive in that dungeon only on using “adrenaline” ability to restore HP. Especially it start to be impossible to beat two nagas at the same time.


been I while since I last played I can’t remember, I usually just ran away XD from what I recall

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Yeh, when olives alone in the mountain path its pretty dang hard to fend fer herself. usually i just like stunnin em, guarding when they can attack, but My OIives’ around lvl 10.

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A wee bit of an update on progress:

Motivation has been dead for me for a while. It doesn’t have anything to do with losing faith in the project, heck no, I’m here until the very end. I’ve got a story to tell, dammit. So far the only thing stopping me from progressing with the new major update is character design, or lack thereof. I’m no pixel artist, and digital art as a whole sometimes gets tedious for me, so while designin clothin and new people on paper is pretty fun, actually getting down to making the sprites always seems to kill my spirits. I’ll get over that hurdle sooner or later, but for now I guess the most I can do is get Placehilda to help me with just plannin out the map and path of progress.

Personal life part of the update, i dont know if people care about this part so im gonna spoiler it. ive started taking classes to help getting a job, so my time is sorta on that now instead of mulling in ideas. That and new braces, so my mind is split focusing on classes, registering pain and getting back on track with this stuff (and maybe starting on the road to bein a voice actor). havent bein around DND for a while and thats where my creativity really shines, its what gets me really thinking. Ive been tryin to get back to my old group but they never friggin check their discords, hehe. But im doin good. Im in a good place.

Anyhoo, thats it for th progress update. Literally nothing, just brain juice turnin sour. And yet again, thank yall for stickin here for so long supportin th project. Wouldnt be here without yall! Thank you guys so much n have good days!


So it’s been a month. Here’s a quickie progress update but nothing spectacular, I warn.

I bought a notebook that I’ve been keeping lore, continuity and ideas in which has helped get me back in the funk a lot. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this in the last update, but the only thing stopping me for now is clothing for NPCs. Fuck that I’ve got a few ideas yeehoo we fucgkin back baybee

obligatory personal life update: I work at subway now! and i get a free sandwich every three hours I work which can I just say is fucking incredible. to top that I get free root beer on demand which I’ve been using scarcely but it’s there. everything’s lookin up and I’m feeling friggin peachy

Brain juice has been renewed, revitalized and rejuvenated which are all synonyms of eachother I think but whatever the point is I’m fuggin back at it! Have good days and I’ll see y’all in another month or something, I dunno. (there’s a lot I wanna do, k?)


So now it’s kinda like there’s a book of magical artifacts in real life too lmao. Also congrats on the Subway job, Poggers!

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The only way that Subway deal would be even better would be if you also got free Cookies.
God, Subway cookies are so good.


forgot to mention that part, hehe

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